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Thread: Happy Independence Day! Declaration of Independence 4, July 1776

  1. #1

    Happy Independence Day! Declaration of Independence 4, July 1776

    How many here take time today to read a very short document that started this experiment we call The United States of America. An experiment in liberty, self governance and self determination.

    I often think about the men who had the courage to stand up to a tyrant king and put it all on the line with little certainty of the outcome to form a nation founded upon the principles of liberty. I truly believe it was a miracle this country was started, and in this manner with the Declaration of Independence is even more miraculous.

    Please take a few minutes today to read the Declaration and reflect on these words that Thomas Jefferson so eloquently transcribed and was approved 235 years ago today on our nations birth. The Declaration and the Constitution are, in my opinion, the most important documents in the world.

    Have a great Independence Day everyone!

    Here is the text:

    Here is some background:
    Last edited by Koz; 07-04-2011 at 10:51 AM.

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  3. #2

    An aloud reading only takes about 8 minutes.

  4. #3
    Bump ! and ty Coz !
    "A long terme, c'est nous qui l'emporterons... La botte cessera un jour de marteler le visage de l'homme, et l'esprit de liberté brûle avec tant de force dans sa poitrine qu'aucun lavage de cerveau, aucun totalitarisme ne peuvent l'étouffer. » -Murray Rothbard.

    "Truth is treason in the empire of lies." - Ron Paul (The Revolution: A Manifesto)

    "Be the change you wish to see in the world" -Gandhi

  5. #4
    I read a copy of mine from a college text which also has the Articles of Confederation and U.S. Constitution. I hope that everyone gets a chance to read the Declaration of Independence today....

    You may find this cool as well:

    Last edited by AFPVet; 07-04-2011 at 10:43 AM.
    Indianensis Universitatis Alumnus

  6. #5
    I hope when everyone is reading it today, that they are doing so in front of an audience!!!

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