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Thread: Free and open challenge to anti-statists, open borders supporters

  1. #1
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    Free and open challenge to anti-statists, open borders supporters

    Are there any takers that want to defend the position that there should be no state, or that borders should be open - regardless of other peoples desires? Or a similar position?

    If so- please post up to engage in a dialog. Feel free to start off with posting definitions to any important terms such as "state" or what open borders means to you. You can also lead with adding in your position and I would appreciate it if you indicate if that position relates to the study of some philosopher.

    Note: I will not moderate this thread, and encourage mods to allow for a good deal of latitude but there is no reason this shouldn't be civil.

    So, who is up for it?
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  3. #2
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    Bump-- still looking for takers to the challenge.
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  4. #3
    Maybe the other voluntaryists/anarchists haven't taken up your challenge because you're a known provacateur; or maybe it's just been a slow day. Either way:

    The state: an artificial and wholly unnatural construct whereby some arbitrarily defined assemblage of erstwhile individuals, willingly or otherwise, coalesce to form manufactured corporeal boundaries on the earth within which some elite group of the former claim absolute rule.

    I don't think I need to go any further than that, really. That's the state, and that's it's borders. Utterly imaginary and nonsensical.


  5. #4
    I have a more "nuanced" view of the issue. The border areas should be privately owned, and land owners down there would have incentive to protect themselves from invasion and so forth. Another benefit of this is that if border land owners don't prevent foreigners from sneaking in, they could be held liable for damage that results from their lax enforcement. Here in AZ, several land owners built a relatively simple border fence, which works to an extent. I imagine an industry could arise that would make it practical to build barriers down there and enhance security if the land was private.
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
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  6. #5
    i think open borders are fine without a welfare state.
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  7. #6
    I'm all for borders. Private ones, that is. My land has borders. So does my neighbors.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by trey4sports View Post
    i think open borders are fine without a welfare state.
    Assuming we're talking about a Minarchist state and not an AnCap one, how would open borders work? What happens when the estimated billion people move here and vote for big-government politicians and government handouts?

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDrakeMan View Post
    Assuming we're talking about a Minarchist state and not an AnCap one, how would open borders work? What happens when the estimated billion people move here and vote for big-government politicians and government handouts?
    This is my issue - among others.
    Diversity finds unity in the message of freedom.

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    Quote Originally Posted by phill4paul View Post
    Above all I think everyone needs to understand that neither the Bundys nor Finicum were militia or had prior military training. They were, first and foremost, Ranchers who had about all the shit they could take.
    Quote Originally Posted by HOLLYWOOD View Post
    If anything, this situation has proved the government is nothing but a dictatorship backed by deadly force... no different than the dictatorships in the banana republics, just more polished and cleverly propagandized.
    "I'll believe in good cops when they start turning bad cops in."

    Quote Originally Posted by tod evans View Post
    In a free society there will be bigotry, and racism, and sexism and religious disputes and, and, and.......
    I don't want to live in a cookie cutter, federally mandated society.
    Give me messy freedom every time!

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by A Son of Liberty View Post
    Maybe the other voluntaryists/anarchists haven't taken up your challenge because you're a known provacateur;

    He created a Liberty oriented forum to be a provocateur. Some odd "logic" there.
    I am an advocate for limited government. (very limited) but am not an anarchist.
    Quote Originally Posted by trey4sports View Post
    i think open borders are fine without a welfare state.
    I tend to agree with this. Welfare is the problem. Without it there would be no issue of free trade and travel across borders.
    Last edited by pcosmar; 06-26-2011 at 12:01 PM.
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
    Ron Paul 2004

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  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDrakeMan View Post
    Assuming we're talking about a Minarchist state and not an AnCap one, how would open borders work? What happens when the estimated billion people move here and vote for big-government politicians and government handouts?
    I am assuming a Constitutional Republic. And having laws that prohibit the government handouts would be an easy answer.
    I would be in favor of adding some clearly worded restrictions to the Constitution.(though presently, it is not authorized)
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
    Ron Paul 2004

    Registered Ron Paul supporter # 2202
    It's all about Freedom

  13. #11
    Welfare is not the primary issue. Mexicans live under a very corrupt gov't. They can't get decent work in their own country. Most of them come over here to work, not to sponge. I've lived in the southwestern US my entire life. I've met way more whites sponging off the system than I have illegals. I'm not saying they aren't part of the welfare problem, I'm just saying that as long as they can't get work in Mexico and they can get it here, they're gonna sneak over - welfare or no welfare.
    Diversity finds unity in the message of freedom.

    Dilige et quod vis fac. ~ Saint Augustine

    Quote Originally Posted by phill4paul View Post
    Above all I think everyone needs to understand that neither the Bundys nor Finicum were militia or had prior military training. They were, first and foremost, Ranchers who had about all the shit they could take.
    Quote Originally Posted by HOLLYWOOD View Post
    If anything, this situation has proved the government is nothing but a dictatorship backed by deadly force... no different than the dictatorships in the banana republics, just more polished and cleverly propagandized.
    "I'll believe in good cops when they start turning bad cops in."

    Quote Originally Posted by tod evans View Post
    In a free society there will be bigotry, and racism, and sexism and religious disputes and, and, and.......
    I don't want to live in a cookie cutter, federally mandated society.
    Give me messy freedom every time!

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    Are there any takers that want to defend the position that there should be no state, or that borders should be open - regardless of other peoples desires? Or a similar position?

    If so- please post up to engage in a dialog. Feel free to start off with posting definitions to any important terms such as "state" or what open borders means to you. You can also lead with adding in your position and I would appreciate it if you indicate if that position relates to the study of some philosopher.

    Note: I will not moderate this thread, and encourage mods to allow for a good deal of latitude but there is no reason this shouldn't be civil.

    So, who is up for up?
    I don't know if I qualify as an anti-statist or not. I try to avoid pinning myself down with labels like that, which people tend to take in varying ways.

    But, depending on what you mean by the state, I might be willing to take you up on it.

    What do you mean by the state?

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    Are there any takers that want to defend the position that there should be no state, or that borders should be open - regardless of other peoples desires?
    Should you be able to do what you want with your property, regardless of other people's desires?

    That is really what the question asks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Murray Rothbard
    And finally, as Clara Dixon Davidson pointed out so cogently many years ago, Spencer’s Law of Equal Freedom is redundant. For if every man has freedom to do all that he wills, it follows from this very premise that no man’s freedom has been infringed or invaded. The whole second clause of the law after “wills” is redundant and unnecessary.

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Deborah K View Post
    Welfare is not the primary issue. Mexicans live under a very corrupt gov't. They can't get decent work in their own country. Most of them come over here to work, not to sponge. I've lived in the southwestern US my entire life. I've met way more whites sponging off the system than I have illegals. I'm not saying they aren't part of the welfare problem, I'm just saying that as long as they can't get work in Mexico and they can get it here, they're gonna sneak over - welfare or no welfare.
    I agree with you. But I also think the welfare argument still has merit, not because of what does happen, but because of what could happen. If we just essentially hung a sign out to the whole world saying, "Come here, and other people will pay for your necessities and educations, no strings attached." that would be a problem.

  17. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Son of Liberty View Post
    Maybe the other voluntaryists/anarchists haven't taken up your challenge because you're a known provacateur;
    Can you support this claim?

    The state: an artificial and wholly unnatural construct whereby some arbitrarily defined assemblage of erstwhile individuals, willingly or otherwise, coalesce to form manufactured corporeal boundaries on the earth within which some elite group of the former claim absolute rule.
    The state is of course a man-made construct, but if people want to do it, which they have, then how it is artificial or unnatural? I'd suppose we'd have to define "artificial " and "unnatural" - but these are just negative labels you're applying that don't provide substance, IMO.

    Question: In what way do you see that individuals are not willing? (I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, just asking to expand the discussion)

    If an individual wants to stake a claim to keeping people out of the house he builds, is that a manufactured boundary? What about his yard?

    Re: "which some elite group of the former claim absolute rule." - do you think that is a requirement for a state, or just an attribute that many / most have?

    Thanks for the response.
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  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Wesker1982 View Post
    Should you be able to do what you want with your property, regardless of other people's desires?

    That is really what the question asks.
    No. When you bought the property, you agreed to be bound by the terms that same along with it - that it is subject to the rules of the state. Don't like the rules? Don't buy the property, or get elected to an office an effect change.

    BUt if you're gonna buy it then spend the next 30 years living next to me whining about some Utopian philosophy....I'm putting up my own damned fence PDQ.

    WE live in a nation of laws. Nobody of any real importance cares if you think we shouldn't subject you to our laws.

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by erowe1 View Post
    I agree with you. But I also think the welfare argument still has merit, not because of what does happen, but because of what could happen. If we just essentially hung a sign out to the whole world saying, "Come here, and other people will pay for your necessities and educations, no strings attached." that would be a problem.
    Sure it does. But we've made promises to millions and millions of people regarding certain entitlements, and for that reason alone they're not going to disappear in our lifetime. "Cutting off all the welfare," isn't a politically viable option.

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by trey4sports View Post
    i think open borders are fine without a welfare state.
    Even without a welfare state it's not a good idea. For example 10 million Muslims decide to come to Michigan and start demanding Sharia law.

    We need to have an immigration policy that's good for the country. Not special interest groups. We should end chain immigration and only accept skilled self sufficient immigrants. We've been importing poverty. People that use lots of government services.

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by angelatc View Post
    Sure it does. But we've made promises to millions and millions of people regarding certain entitlements, and for that reason alone they're not going to disappear in our lifetime. "Cutting off all the welfare," isn't a politically viable option.
    I think there's a good chance they will disappear in my lifetime.

    If something can't last forever, it won't.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by angelatc View Post
    No. When you bought the property, you agreed to be bound by the terms that same along with it - that it is subject to the rules of the state. Don't like the rules? Don't buy the property, or get elected to an office an effect change.
    Are you saying the state should have the power to make arbitrary laws that affect others' property willy-nilly? You would be okay with it if I lobby the state legislature to have your neighborhood redistricted so I can start up a nuclear power plant a few yards from you?

    Quote Originally Posted by angelatc View Post
    BUt if you're gonna buy it then spend the next 30 years living next to me whining about some Utopian philosophy....I'm putting up my own damned fence PDQ.
    How is his philosophy any more utopian than yours?

    Quote Originally Posted by angelatc View Post
    WE live in a nation of laws. Nobody of any real importance cares if you think we shouldn't subject you to our laws.
    To an extent. Laws apply to the ruling class and their cronies differently than the rest of us. Were I to organize a group to extort money from you with the threat of imprisonment for non-compliance, I would be a criminal. To the regime, it's SOP. (and that's only one example)
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDrakeMan View Post
    Assuming we're talking about a Minarchist state and not an AnCap one, how would open borders work? What happens when the estimated billion people move here and vote for big-government politicians and government handouts?
    Even in a minarchist system, this is not a problem if you eliminate 'democracy' (representative or direct). A minarchist system does not necessarily have to be democratic - and if anything they are incompatible - as our example of the US has shown. For example, you could theoretically have an extremely limited constitutional monarchy as a minarchist government, and then have of course open borders amongst political borders of the nation. Read Hoppe. An example of this to illustrate is the rise of Hong Kong as the freest and most prosperous economy in the world under British monarchy rule (who basically sipped wine all day an left people to their own devices).
    "If men are good, then they need no rulers. If men are bad, then governments of men, composed of men, will also be bad - and probably worse, due to the State's amplification of coercive power." - Ozarkia

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  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by William R View Post
    Even without a welfare state it's not a good idea. For example 10 million Muslims decide to come to Michigan and start demanding Sharia law.
    If 10 million Muslims want to go to Michigan and live under sharia law there on their own property, why should I stop them?

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by angelatc View Post
    No. When you bought the property, you agreed to be bound by the terms that same along with it - that it is subject to the rules of the state. Don't like the rules? Don't buy the property, or get elected to an office an effect change.
    The rules of the State are illegitimate and arbitrary. The terms that come along with buying the property are dictated by a criminal gang. The terms are on stolen property in the first place. Why should any terms be respected when placed on stolen property? Unless you can prove otherwise (that the property is not stolen), all you have done is proven that the rules are not consensual, and backed by violence.

    BUt if you're gonna buy it then spend the next 30 years living next to me whining about some Utopian philosophy....I'm putting up my own damned fence PDQ.
    Emotional argument with no relevance to the discussion. But it is worth pointing out the irrationality of being so afraid of someone who advocates non-violence that you put up a fence asap lol. I would never advocate the use of violence to stop you from putting up your fence, btw. It is too bad you don't grant the same respect (respect for property rights) to me.

    WE live in a nation of laws.
    This is a total non-argument. Slavery was legal, was it to be accepted because it was legal? Because it was the law?

    "When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law." - Bastiat

    Nobody of any real importance cares if you think we shouldn't subject you to our laws.
    When you get emotional and resort to personal attacks and fallacies (appeal to authority), it makes it blatantly clear that you are insecure about your position.

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by erowe1 View Post
    If 10 million Muslims want to go to Michigan and live under sharia law there on their own property, why should I stop them?
    Exactly. Sharia Law is just not a threat to anyone who doesn't practice/believe in sharia law. Its just not the way things work under our legal system and its eholly ignorant of the facts to be afraid of *booga booga* 'sharia law' *booga booga*. Our common law system and the constitution are the law of the land by default.

    Of course, US court cases have been documented where judges followed sharia law (and got experts to help with this) in solving disputes for those who the plaintiff and defense request to be tried under sharia law. As it should.
    "If men are good, then they need no rulers. If men are bad, then governments of men, composed of men, will also be bad - and probably worse, due to the State's amplification of coercive power." - Ozarkia

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    Laissez-nous faire, laissez-nous passer. Le monde va de lui meme.

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  29. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by erowe1 View Post
    I don't know if I qualify as an anti-statist or not. I try to avoid pinning myself down with labels like that, which people tend to take in varying ways.

    But, depending on what you mean by the state, I might be willing to take you up on it.

    What do you mean by the state?
    I think a common meaning, in not-so-common language, would be "a group of individuals within a defined geographical area self-organizing as they see fit." At least that's what would fit for a definition of a free state, in which a great deal of people support.

    Below is a legal definition. In any case, I do think coming to terms on the definition is important for a discussion, but I also think that it's important to spread a message that uses language that the average person understands which includes definitions that are generally agreed with.

    As a noun, a people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by common habits and custom into one body politic exercising, through the medium of an organized government, independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries, capable of making war and peace and of entering into international relations with other states. The section of territory occupied by one of the United States. The people of a state, in their collective capacity, considered as the party wronged by a criminal deed; the public; as in the title of a case, "The State v. A. B." The circumstances or condition of a being or thing at a given time.

    As a verb, to express the particulars of a thing in writing or in words; to set down or set forth in detail; to aver, allege, or declare. To set down in gross; to mention in general terms, or by way of reference; to refer.
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  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    I think a common meaning, in not-so-common language, would be "a group of individuals within a defined geographical area self-organizing as they see fit." At least that's what would fit for a definition of a free state, in which a great deal of people support.

    Below is a legal definition. In any case, I do think coming to terms on the definition is important for a discussion, but I also think that it's important to spread a message that uses language that the average person understands which includes definitions that are generally agreed with.

    Thanks. That definition makes a difference.

    I would say that most states that fit the legal definition you posted don't fit the layman's one you gave. Would you agree?

  31. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by heavenlyboy34 View Post
    Another benefit of this is that if border land owners don't prevent foreigners from sneaking in, they could be held liable for damage that results from their lax enforcement.
    I'm not following you here. Why should someone be held liable for doing nothing? Where is the crime? Please explain. Thanks.
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  32. #28
    What is a State?

    Quote Originally Posted by Murray Rothbard
    I define the state as that institution which possesses one or both (almost always both) of the following properties: (1) it acquires its income by the physical coercion known as "taxation"; and (2) it asserts and usually obtains a coerced monopoly of the provision of defense service (police and courts) over a given territorial area. An institution not possessing either of these properties is not and cannot be, in accordance with my definition, a state.
    "If men are good, then they need no rulers. If men are bad, then governments of men, composed of men, will also be bad - and probably worse, due to the State's amplification of coercive power." - Ozarkia

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  33. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by erowe1 View Post
    Thanks. That definition makes a difference.

    I would say that most states that fit the legal definition you posted don't fit the layman's one you gave. Would you agree?
    From an individualist perspective, I would agree, they don't fit. From a collectivist perspective that many people use, everything fits, more or less.
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  34. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    From an individualist perspective, I would agree, they don't fit. From a collectivist perspective that many people use, everything fits, more or less.
    Isn't the individualist perspective required by your use of the word "individual" in your definition?

    For example, I have trouble seeing how North Korea could be considered a group of individuals self-organizing as they see fit.

    And for similar, though less obvious reasons, I also have trouble seeing how the USA could be considered a group of individuals self-organizing as they see fit.

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