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Thread: The bestest review ever of the CNN debate...EVAAR!

  1. #1

    The bestest review ever of the CNN debate...EVAAR!

    Also, from my heart....





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  3. #2
    Almost reminds me of 2008. Over the last few months I have noticed that probably 70-90% of all polls that have ron paul as a choice for candidate have paul winning. Even the CPAC poll. YET.....CNN, Fox, etc.....all proclaim paul has NO SHOT AT WINNING THE NOMINATION!!!!! The entire system is corrupt from the top down. The corporate interests that own virtually ALL the media are scared to death of paul. Paul is the only shot the republicans have at defeating obama. He is the only person running that has a shot to bring on board some liberal democrat votes. Paul would absolutely HAMMER obama with the independents. O'reilly did the same thing that CNN did. They want to talk about his stance on some of the most non-important issues they can think of yet will let people like romney slide when it comes to romney care which is virtually identical to obamacare. What do they think will happen if romney receives the nomination? If he beats Obama? Nothing will change....the only difference between the two parties is the rhetoric. The actions are virtually identical. Obama is bush on steroids. Thanks for letting me rant!

  4. #3
    The guy definitely GETS it.
    He's right on top of it.

    Could have cut that clip at least in half, though - as he was redundant.

    GO Ron Paul!

  5. #4

  6. #5

  7. #6
    I know what he means!
    "One of the great victories of the state, is that the word "Anarchy" terrifies people but, the word "State" does not" - Tom Woods

  8. #7
    The CNN poll switch doesn't surprise me. It was obvious in 07 and it is obvious now...They will do whatever it takes to hurt Ron...Ron has got to take it to the People himself...

  9. #8
    This dude's like the black Tom Woods!

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  11. #9
    From my heard too..

    $#@!, You, CNN!

  12. #10
    The media is really the only voter that matters. They tell the people what to think, it's rather obvious. Cain the first debate, fox said he won with their stupid Luntz Group and Cain is suddenly a front runner.

    I guarantee you if after one debate the media went nuts over Paul, and said he won. Paul would get a HUGE boost. We are our own media and we have to find away to reach even more people. We need a level playing field.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by zacharyrow View Post
    The media is really the only voter that matters. They tell the people what to think, it's rather obvious. Cain the first debate, fox said he won with their stupid Luntz Group and Cain is suddenly a front runner.

    I guarantee you if after one debate the media went nuts over Paul, and said he won. Paul would get a HUGE boost. We are our own media and we have to find away to reach even more people. We need a level playing field.
    And Ron can help by improving his posture and manner along with a clear and concise delivery of his points. The time is NOW! You owe it to your supporters, Ron.
    Truth Drives Me

  14. #12

  15. #13
    flip-floppin mutha ****as, get the **** out of here. Get the **** off the stage Cain. **** you CNN. I love this guy
    A savage barbaric tribal society where thugs parade the streets and illegally assault and murder innocent civilians, yeah that is the alternative to having police. Oh wait, that is the police

    We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.
    - Edward R. Murrow

    ...I think we have moral obligations to disobey unjust laws, because non-cooperation with evil is as much as a moral obligation as cooperation with good. - MLK Jr.

    How to trigger a liberal: "I didn't get vaccinated."

  16. #14
    LMAO... Flip floppin mother $#@!ers.

    For the last hundred years the fragile fabric of American liberty has been under siege.

    Astounding findings by our very own elected officials have time and time again been suppressed to fall on deaf ears.

    Read all about it in "Theft of Sovereignty" my new paperback 268 pgs.

  17. #15
    Very encouraging and funny video. Thumbs up.

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