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Thread: Ron Paul: U.S. Shouldn't Support Israel's Gaza Blockade; Israel Created Hamas

  1. #1

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    Exclamation Ron Paul: U.S. Shouldn't Support Israel's Gaza Blockade; Israel Created Hamas

    Words of wisdom:

    Ron Paul: U.S. Shouldn't Support Israel's Gaza Blockade

    Ron Paul - Israel Created Hamas

    Ron Paul: How Foreign Aid Creates Instability and Isolates America

    Ron Paul on Gaza 1-3-09
    Last edited by doodle; 05-20-2011 at 02:49 PM.

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  3. #2

    Israeli Zionists and economists agree with Rand Paul and Ron Paul that US Foreign Aid is bad for Israel.

    Israeli Economists Agree with Rand Paul: End Foreign Aid

    Daniel Sayani | The New American
    07 February 2011

    Related Articles:

    Senator Rand Paul: End All Foreign Aid
    Tea Party favorite and freshman Kentucky Senator Rand Paul may have crossed a third rail of politics by suggesting the federal government zero out all foreign aid, even to Israel, America's largest foreign aid recipient over the past 30 years.

    Senator Rand Paul Defends Israel
    Senator Rand Paul's stance against foreign aid for countries including Israel has raised controversy. However, this must be evaluated in the context of his broader pro-Israel policy.

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  4. #3
    I can agree with all that about not giving aid to Israel, not getting involved with the affairs in the Middle East, but to make such a claim as that Israel created Hamas? Well I guess when you don't surrender all your land, that could create an organization that would want your land. While I agree that U.S. policies certainly have infuriated Arab citizens, I can't agree that Israel is doing anything wrong. If anything, Israel is enabling lands like Gaza to continue to protest and thrive off donations. I personally feel like while what the US is doing is bad, it's certainly not Israel's fault that the US made the Arab people prop up very dangerous and hostile as a response to US intervention. The Middle East is certainly not filled with rational people, or at least it isn't known for that. However, I can't really say the US is filled with rational people also. There are certainly some irrational people here, but at least they don't use terrorism to get a point across, no matter how justified it is for the Arabs to do.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Rosenzweig View Post
    I can agree with all that about not giving aid to Israel, not getting involved with the affairs in the Middle East, but to make such a claim as that Israel created Hamas?
    Mossad created Hamas to fight the PLO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosenzweig View Post
    Well I guess when you don't surrender all your land, that could create an organisation that would want your land.
    Who's land?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosenzweig View Post
    While I agree that U.S. policies certainly have infuriated Arab citizens, I can't agree that Israel is doing anything wrong. If anything, Israel is enabling lands like Gaza to continue to protest and thrive off donations. I personally feel like while what the US is doing is bad, it's certainly not Israel's fault that the US made the Arab people prop up very dangerous and hostile as a response to US intervention.
    No, Israel has stolen Palestinians land, and when they fought for their land Israel militarily occupied Palestine and has built a cage for them like they are animals. They have no freedom, thus they cannot prosper. Israel is absolutely at fault.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosenzweig View Post
    The Middle East is certainly not filled with rational people, or at least it isn't known for that. However, I can't really say the US is filled with rational people also. There are certainly some irrational people here, but at least they don't use terrorism to get a point across, no matter how justified it is for the Arabs to do.
    Arabs aren't any less rational than anybody else. Most of them are good people. The extreme religious aspect is a direct result of outside occupation, which has caused them to mobilise under a common cause.
    Last edited by dannno; 05-20-2011 at 03:12 PM.
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  6. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosenzweig View Post
    I can agree with all that about not giving aid to Israel, not getting involved with the affairs in the Middle East, but to make such a claim as that Israel created Hamas? Well I guess when you don't surrender all your land, that could create an organization that would want your land.
    They nurtured, encouraged and created it to weaken secular PLO:

    How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas -
    Jan 24, 2009
    Moshav Tekuma, Israel

    Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor's bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile's trajectory back to an "enormous, stupid mistake" made 30 years ago.
    "Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994

  7. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankRep View Post

    Israeli Zionists and economists agree with Rand Paul and Ron Paul that US Foreign Aid is bad for Israel.
    Good to know..but it's really none of their business though how American tax payers spend their money.

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