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Thread: Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll in Nevada

  1. #1

    Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll in Nevada


    Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll in Nevada

    RENO, NV, 10/26/07--For the second time in as many weeks, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has won a straw poll in the key primary state of Nevada. In this straw poll held by the local Washoe County Republicans at a caucus training event, Ron Paul beat all other candidates with an overwhelming 41.2% of the vote.

    Rudy Giuliani had 18.5% of the vote, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney had 13.5%, and Duncan Hunter came in fourth place with 10.9% of the vote. John McCain was in fifth place with 4.2%. Michele Beard, secretary for the Washoe County Republicans, estimated three hundred people attended the caucus training event.

    "It might just be . . . that freedom is popular!" Ron Paul has said in response to questions about his unprecedented grassroots support from around the country. Over fifty thousand people in the United States have joined volunteer Ron Paul organizations to support his bid for the presidency. The ten term congressman from Texas caught the attention of the media earlier this month when his campaign announced that 5 million dollars had been raised in the last quarter.

    Ron Paul has also been winning numerous straw polls across the country recently. He has been among the top three candidates in thirty recent major presidential straw polls, and has won fourteen of them.

    We did it again...

    Ron Paul Sweeps the Field with 41.2%

    Congratulations everyone!

    Washoe Republican Chairwoman, Heidi Smith, said her webmaster was out of town. However, she announced the results tonight at the Century Club meeting, and graciously allowed us to copy the results for posting on our website.

    The results were as follows:

    Ron Paul................41.2%
    Rudy Giuliani...........18.5%
    Mitt Romney.............13.5%
    Duncan Hunter...........10.9%
    Mike Huckabee............5.0%
    John McCain..............4.2%
    Fred Thompson............2.5%
    Sam Brownback.............<1%
    Tom Tancredo..............<1%
    Gen. Petraeus.............<1%
    None of the Above.........<1%

    Thanks to Heidi for the info!

    Good job Reno Ron Paul-ers!

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  3. #2
    Yes, the Wild West is where Huckabee gets annihilated, huh ?

  4. #3

  5. #4
    Remember a month ago when ol' Fred would give RP a run for the money on these straw polls? It's laughable how quickly he crashed and burned. I'm also impressed by Romney's poor showing, considering there's a lot of Mormons around Reno.

    This is all great news.
    Don't taze me bro. Don't touch my junk. Don't tread on me.

    Maybe you need a friend not into politics...

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by james1906 View Post
    Remember a month ago when ol' Fred would give RP a run for the money on these straw polls? It's laughable how quickly he crashed and burned. I'm also impressed by Romney's poor showing, considering there's a lot of Mormons around Reno.

    This is all great news.
    And McCain used to have this election locked.

  7. #6
    Last edited by terlinguatx; 01-25-2022 at 06:18 PM.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by nikcers View Post
    My friend was in Reno when the Mccain people locked the Ron Paul people out and stole the delegates in 2007.
    He was? Did he explain how this happened anyway?
    Last edited by acptulsa; 12-04-2019 at 09:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    He was? Did he explain how this happened anyway?
    Something along the lines of they literally locked the Ron Paul people out of the building and didnt let them inside.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by nikcers View Post
    Something along the lines of they literally locked the Ron Paul people out of the building and didnt let them inside.
    Wow. The McCain people locked all the Ron Paul people out, then 41.2% of them voted for Ron Paul, and only 4.2% of them voted for McCain.

    It's a miracle.
    Last edited by acptulsa; 12-04-2019 at 09:46 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

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