My youtube channel:
Top Channels
1) LibertyWriters (put up freedomwatch and stossel to watch)
2) JacobSpinney (awesome videos on all sorts of topics, high quality stuff)
3) FringeElements (Really smart Anarcho-Capitalist keep the less educated on youtube in check)
4) gothatfunk (bald guy in england, not a libertarian, but occasionally saids interesting things)
5) ReasonTV
6) MisesMedia
7) ThePunkPatriot (fairly honest green party guy, he's progressive as they come be we often find common ground and discuss)
8)SxEPhil (Philip Defranco, probably one of the most popular youtubers, he talks about random stuff but he's pretty funny)
9)Nielsio (another anarcho-capitalist lie Jacob Spinney and FringeElements)
10)Stefbot (Stefan Molyneux is always great for some deep deep stuff)
11) AdamvsthemanRT (Adam vs the Man on youtube... I really enjoyed it at first but Luke being the shows resident Alex Jones, and Jason Dilberto being passive agressive towards liberal guest has an endearing charm and is entertaining but it's hard to take as serious as I wanted to)
12)FreeKeene (news from the most Libertarian town in the country)
13)BarelyPolitical (hilarious music video parodies)
there's a bunch more I subscribe too but the rest of financial stuff and or crazy people I rather not promote that I listen to just to know what crazy people are saying
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