View Poll Results: How would you vote?

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  • Mother.

    1 4.35%
  • Father.

    2 8.70%
  • I would not vote.

    20 86.96%
Results 1 to 18 of 18

Thread: A Thought Experiment.

  1. #1

    Exclamation A Thought Experiment.

    Here's a thought experiment for everyone:

    If the government had both of your parents, and declared there would be a national democratic vote on which one would be executed, how would you vote?

    And do you understand the point behind this thought experiment?
    "If men are good, then they need no rulers. If men are bad, then governments of men, composed of men, will also be bad - and probably worse, due to the State's amplification of coercive power." - Ozarkia

    "Big Brother is watching. So are we." - WikiLeaks

    Laissez-nous faire, laissez-nous passer. Le monde va de lui meme.

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  3. #2
    If the government were holding both of my parents, I would be a little too busy to vote.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  4. #3
    btw, my vote in this poll was in jest. In seriousness, I would pick the 3rd option.
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

  5. #4
    Murder isn't a means that could justify any end when it comes to murdering innocent people. I would certainly not vote, and I would do everything in my power to save both of them.
    "Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon." - Rorschach

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by heavenlyboy34 View Post
    btw, my vote in this poll was in jest. In seriousness, I would pick the 3rd option.
    Which is why I made it a public vote - for jokers such as you

    I wonder how long it'll take though before people understand the point behind this thought experiment?

    This has been a valuable thought experiment that I've used successfully multiple times when I've heard a certain argument about why people vote the way they do in elections.
    Last edited by Sentient Void; 04-06-2011 at 03:46 PM.
    "If men are good, then they need no rulers. If men are bad, then governments of men, composed of men, will also be bad - and probably worse, due to the State's amplification of coercive power." - Ozarkia

    "Big Brother is watching. So are we." - WikiLeaks

    Laissez-nous faire, laissez-nous passer. Le monde va de lui meme.

  7. #6
    So, what are you prattling on about, SV? The dreaded lesser of two evils?
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  8. #7
    I would propose a Second Amendment solution to this little quandry...

  9. #8
    I'll answer by saying I'd be on the DHS's list.

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  11. #9
    democracy the god that failed
    hans herman hoppe

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Sentient Void View Post
    Which is why I made it a public vote - for jokers such as you

    I wonder how long it'll take though before people understand the point behind this thought experiment?

    This has been a valuable thought experiment that I've used successfully multiple times when I've heard a certain argument about why people vote the way they do in elections.
    I think it's a great thought experiment to show the fatal flaw of elective government. A nice variation on Alan Simpson's quip that the choice between the parties is choosing between "the stupid party and the evil party".
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

  13. #11
    My Father is Dead.
    My Mother is quite elderly, and is a well respected and loved member of the community.

    The government loses.

    No vote necessary.
    Last edited by pcosmar; 04-06-2011 at 06:14 PM.
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
    Ron Paul 2004

    Registered Ron Paul supporter # 2202
    It's all about Freedom

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    So, what are you prattling on about, SV? The dreaded lesser of two evils?
    Exactly. I've run into the argument from both republicans and democrats... that they supported Obama, even though they didn't like him at all - just because they liked the other guy less - because he's 'less evil'. Or that they voted for McCain, even though they didn't like him at all, simply because they'd rather have McCain than the other guy who's worse - Obama. The hope is to get the less evil person elected, or at least make it harder for the other person to get elected.

    Point being, that confronted with two choices which are both clearly evil, even if one is less evil than the other - you should not vote for either of them, period. Don't vote at all, or protest vote - on the basis of principle - especially if it clearly won't matter how you voted, when an evil decision is being made either way.

    They say - "Well, my vote doesn't really count in the grand scheme of things anyways - so why should I vote third party if it won't make them win? Either way, a republican or democrat will win - so I might as well vote for a lesser of two evils."

    If it doesn't matter, then that's more of a reason *not* to vote for evil. It should make it even easier, if anything, *to support principle*.

    Me - I protest vote (if the protest vote is someone I do certainly agree with) to send a clear message, and the more people that protest vote, the clearer the protest against the two evil choices are.

    That being said, while not voting at all is clear legitimate on the basis of principle, I feel by not voting, it does give a sense of legitimacy to those who get selected by majority. Instead of a growing percentage taking away the vote from either Rs or Ds, their percentage is greater. A greater third party vote would send a much clearer message than no vote at all.

    Hell, in the example above, if I were to vote, I'd probably write in the President's name, or 'the government', or whatever.
    "If men are good, then they need no rulers. If men are bad, then governments of men, composed of men, will also be bad - and probably worse, due to the State's amplification of coercive power." - Ozarkia

    "Big Brother is watching. So are we." - WikiLeaks

    Laissez-nous faire, laissez-nous passer. Le monde va de lui meme.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    If the government were holding both of my parents, I would be a little too busy to vote.
    ^^^ This! ^^^
    1776 > 1984

    The FAILURE of the United States Government to operate and maintain an
    Honest Money System , which frees the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, is the single largest contributing factor to the World's current Economic Crisis.

    The Elimination of Privacy is the Architecture of Genocide

    Belief, Money, and Violence are the three ways all people are controlled

    Quote Originally Posted by Zippyjuan View Post
    Our central bank is not privately owned.

  16. #14
    Let me posit my quandary, and this is for real. I posted this already in another thread, I'd like to see some more feedback.

    Here's my dilemma: as it stands right now, it looks like Mitt is a shoo-in for the GOP primary (leaving aside howls of protest and the like, just bear with me).

    The problem, on a personal level, is that one of Mutt's primary residences is uncomfortably close to my hometown.

    Now, granting that a choice between Romney or Obama is no choice at all, the empire will roll on just as it is now, with no appreciable change, do I throw my support behind Obama for the purely selfish reason of keeping the crowds, the DC security apparatus and the swarms of everfucking cops of all shapes and sizes that come with it, from hut hutting about, in what amounts to my back yard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sentient Void View Post
    Exactly. I've run into the argument from both republicans and democrats... that they supported Obama, even though they didn't like him at all - just because they liked the other guy less - because he's 'less evil'. Or that they voted for McCain, even though they didn't like him at all, simply because they'd rather have McCain than the other guy who's worse - Obama. The hope is to get the less evil person elected, or at least make it harder for the other person to get elected.

    Point being, that confronted with two choices which are both clearly evil, even if one is less evil than the other - you should not vote for either of them, period. Don't vote at all, or protest vote - on the basis of principle - especially if it clearly won't matter how you voted, when an evil decision is being made either way.

    They say - "Well, my vote doesn't really count in the grand scheme of things anyways - so why should I vote third party if it won't make them win? Either way, a republican or democrat will win - so I might as well vote for a lesser of two evils."

    If it doesn't matter, then that's more of a reason *not* to vote for evil. It should make it even easier, if anything, *to support principle*.

    Me - I protest vote (if the protest vote is someone I do certainly agree with) to send a clear message, and the more people that protest vote, the clearer the protest against the two evil choices are.

    That being said, while not voting at all is clear legitimate on the basis of principle, I feel by not voting, it does give a sense of legitimacy to those who get selected by majority. Instead of a growing percentage taking away the vote from either Rs or Ds, their percentage is greater. A greater third party vote would send a much clearer message than no vote at all.

    Hell, in the example above, if I were to vote, I'd probably write in the President's name, or 'the government', or whatever.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    The problem, on a personal level, is that one of Mutt's primary residences is uncomfortably close to my hometown.

    Now, granting that a choice between Romney or Obama is no choice at all, the empire will roll on just as it is now, with no appreciable change, do I throw my support behind Obama for the purely selfish reason of keeping the crowds, the DC security apparatus and the swarms of everfucking cops of all shapes and sizes that come with it, from hut hutting about, in what amounts to my back yard?
    Form a homeowners' association.

    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Form a homeowners' association.

    1 - I'm not that close to Mutt's digs.

    2 - I'm pretty rural, there are not that many "homeowners".

    3 - That's a cure that's worse than the disease.

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  20. #17

  21. #18
    Well, maybe someone could come up with the bright idea of forming a third party. But we all know that 3rd parties = fail. Forever and ever amen.
    Might as well get used to that boot on your throat.
    First step to ending the income tax: end payroll tax withholding.
    Require each American to write a check to their state and federal governments every month.

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