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Thread: Does the new GOP/Paul Ryan plan include debt interest payments?

  1. #1

    Does the new GOP/Paul Ryan plan include debt interest payments?

    I'm going back and fourth with people right now about the Ryan plan. I know that Obama's budget doesn't include interest payments. Which is nothing but a crock of $#@!. But if Ryan is doing the same thing. That would eliminate half or more of his cuts. At the same time bringing us back to 2008 spending levels while ignoring war and military spending is a dead giveaway that this is more BS. Does anyone have specifics on this?

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  3. #2
    Just show em this link:

    He votes for debt! Always has! F this guy and the clucks parading him around.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Romulus View Post
    Just show em this link:

    He votes for debt! Always has! F this guy and the clucks parading him around.
    Thanks for that.
    "Integrity means having to say things that people don't want to hear & especially to say things that the regime doesn't want to hear.” -Ron Paul

    "Bathtub falls and police officers kill more Americans than terrorism, yet we've been asked to sacrifice our most sacred rights for fear of falling victim to it." -Edward Snowden

  5. #4
    Chester Copperpot

    Im pretty sure the GDP doesnt include interest payments on debt.. so any budget figuring fudging its numbers around GDP probably doesnt either.

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Romulus View Post
    Just show em this link:

    He votes for debt! Always has! F this guy and the clucks parading him around.

    Thx for the link.

  7. #6
    He does do a good act of fooling people. If has truly changed, he should say so and issue an apology for his past votes.
    A three way race would elect Obama, but it would be interesting to see a three way debate between Obama, Ryan, and a Paul.

    Now what we really need is a second LEFT party to enter the race; like a new Green or a Socialist party.

  8. #7
    Ryan is sincere in that he wants to cut the deficit. I just think he has an issue with not having a backbone and not being 100% economically sound. You could not possibly be economically sound and vote for the Bush bailout. A lot of Republicans want to make big cuts, but they lack the political fortitude to pursue it. Anyone proposing cuts up there gets attacks and crucified...I mean anyone who would really do it. That is the problem.

  9. #8
    Sincere my azz.. he's full of it. I don't buy his schtick for a second.

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  11. #9
    Interest on the debt is part of the budget- it is just something which you cannot cut so that is probably why it does not get mentioned in talks about how to reduce the budget. The only way you can lower it is either lower interest rates (can't get much lower than they are) or reducing the debt (not just the deficit).

  12. #10
    We need to get rid of the debt.

    His budget increases the debt almost as much as Obama's does

  13. #11
    I have not had time to study his plan yet, but here are some links (someone gave me) that will help you research:

  14. #12
    At his website: Ryan has a PDF file outlining his plan, which is for 2012. Because the Senate is controlled by the Dems, it is unlikely this plan would stand a chance until after the 2012 election. It might help Ryan, who has a bad voting record get reelect though (or even help him in a presidential run)

    The two plans (Rand Paul and Bachmann) that are for the budget they are now working on (2011 budget) have a better chance because Republicans hold the hammer by shutting down the government if need be.

  15. #13
    Ryan's plan is very different than Obama's in that the latter puts the power in the hands of the Federal government forcing a one size fits all for every State, and every individual. However Ryan's plan gives at least some of the control to the States...Thus each state could design their on medicare plans (different in each State) as long as their are no mandates attached to the block grants.

    the advantage of this is that Citizens could vote with their feet as Reagan once said. However in a block grant (defined here:, the money is collected from us in the form of Federal taxes, funneled through the IRS and other government agencies (who take out their expenses) and what is left over is given back to the States to give back even less to us. (sometimes with strings attached which still leaves the federal gov. much control). Also it is a very inefficient and wasteful way to do business. So, this might be a step in the right direction if we can trust that the government won't in some point and time attach mandates to the block grants...they usually eventually do .

    However, Constitutionally speaking. the better plan would to be to cut Federal taxes, and leave the Federal government out of it all together. Some States are considering taking their power back by keeping gas taxes rather than giving them to the Federal gov.

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