HJM16: Reaffirming the Tenth Amendment in Oregon - To Do List

Tenth Amendment Center
February 5th, 2011

HJM16 10th Amendment Resolution - To Do List:


the 10th Amendment Resolution goes to the house judiciary first. Here are the email addresses/phone numbers for all of the members of that committee, they need to hear from us.

Rep. Matt Wand | rep.mattwand@state.or.us | 503-986-1449

Rep. Andy Olson | rep.andyolson@state.or.us | 541-967-6576/503-986-1415

Rep. Carolyn Tomei | rep.carolyntomei@state.or.us | 503-653-5180/503-986-1441

Rep. Chris Garrett | rep.chrisgarrett@state.or.us | 503-210-2474/503-986-1438

Rep. Gene Whisnant | rep.genewhisnant@state.or.us | 503-986-1453

Rep. Jeff Barker | rep.jeffbarker@state.or.us | 503-986-1428

Rep. Mary Nolan | rep.marynolan@state.or.us | 503-221-4999/503-986-1436

Rep. Mike Schaufler | rep.mikeschaufler@state.or.us | 503-760-4446/503-986-1448

Rep. Wally Hicks | rep.wallyhicks@state.or.us | 503-986-1403

Rep. Wayne Krieger | rep.waynekrieger@state.or.us | 541-247-7990/503-986-1401

Aside from calling/writing/emailing these people frequently letting them know you support this important legislation and you want them to move it to the floor for a vote, you can also contact your Representative ( http://www.leg.state.or.us/findlegsltr/ ), and insist they co-sponsor this bill with Rep. Richardson. If you are really ambitious, and want to make a large impact, you could buy a copy of Nullification, and hand deliver it to your legislator.

Remember politicians need us to provide them with the necessary fortitude to stand up to the Feds.

Remember this bill only lets the Feds know we are paying attention. It signals the state of Oregon's acknowledgment of the role which is clearly created in the U.S Constitution for the states (that of enforcer). If there is no body willing to stand up to the Feds, then their authority is by definition arbitrary and therefore tyrannical. This bill truly does nothing more than signal intent, but what it signifies is something truly momentous in scale, and scope I hope everyone who reads this can see that as well as I do.

The arguments in favor of this are many, and of the three nullification’s which are currently introduced within the Oregon Legislature, this is the one which would take the least amount of courage to pass. Your arguments could range from hardcore Constitutional arguments on how the Commerce clause has been used to limit how much wheat we citizens can grow on our own farms (among other things), and the state needs to reestablish the relationship (between the Feds and Oregon) that is laid out in the Constitution, To State nationalism arguments in favor of Oregonians rights, and asking for interposition against rights violations at the Federal level.

Personally my argument is the classic Federalist argument that Tom Woods so often points out, liberty is most likely to flourish with a group of small sovereign states with many powers, arranged inside one large state with limited powers rather than the current arrangement of one overpowering authority who claims the right to do anything they want, who claims that your abstention from activity is in and of itself an activity they may punish. The latter would also be the argument Thomas Jefferson or James Madison would put forward.


Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century
- Thomas E. Woods Jr

State vs. Federal: The Nullification Movement
Because the Supreme Court has for many years interpreted the Constitution in a manner to further empower the federal government, states are moving to take power back from the feds through a growing and vibrant nullification movement. By Patrick Krey

Nullification in a Nutshell
The modern-day nullification movement has as its genesis the principle of federalism and the writings of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, in particularly the famous Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798, supporting the right of states to nullify unconstitutional federal usurpations. By Patrick Krey