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Thread: Water Vapor is 97% of Greenhouse Gases on Earth; Man's CO2 is 1% !!!

  1. #991

    . . .

    The Anthropogenic Global Warming Phobia

    Now about a century after the ultraviolet catastrophe, a similarly catastrophic theoretical situation has brewed in the scientific community. I refer to the popular anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory that predicts that the human emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning will cause global temperatures to run wild and eventually melt the polar ice caps, flooding coastal populations, acidifying the oceans, killing marine life and turning the fertile Earth into a desert. One could ask how such a radical theory could prevail in view of the fact that it so obviously fails to conform to reality, as can be seen in a simple graph of the year-to-year change in mean surface temperature of the Earth. An example is the following chart prepared by climatologist John Christy of the University of Alabama. Christy himself presented these results to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources on May 15, 2015. Despite his revelation that the theory upon which congress was relying for its Draconian carbon control legislation had crashed and burned, no reaction was reported. Could this be evidence of denial?
    The following graph shows the remarkable disagreement between the generally-accepted global warming predictions of the government’s academic climate modelers using powerful computers, and the real-world evidence obtained by observational scientists using only thermometers on balloons and radiometers on satellites. The computer-calculated projections (red line) are from the government’s Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5).

    Compounding the predictive error is the fact that the magnitudes of the temperatures under study vary year-to-year by an amount less than the error band of the temperature measurements (± 0.2˚C). This means that the temperature changes measured or computed are unreliable, uncertain and possibly insignificant. Furthermore, the government’s climate modelers have been caught red-handed “correcting” historical temperature measurements downward to exaggerate the heating trend. Even so, the computed temperatures for the past 20 years overstate the actual ones by only 0.4˚C, so what’s the beef? Although there may have been a slight warming of the Earth over the past several decades, this may have been nothing more than the Earth’s continuing recovery from the Little Ice Age, which can hardly be blamed on human industry.
    Perhaps most discrediting to the AGW theory, however, is the history of atmospheric CO2 concentration, presented for the past sixty years in the following chart. This chart shows that during the same 40-year period covered by Christy, the atmospheric CO2 increased by a whopping 40%. Meanwhile, the mean surface temperature of the Earth changed by less than 0.4˚C. Where’s the correlation?
    Regardless, 400 ppm CO2 is only 0.04 % of the atmosphere. This compares with a water vapor concentration (humidity) of over 2.0 %. Moreover, water vapor is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, and its presences there cannot be blamed on human industry. This finding not only falsifies the theory that anthropogenic CO2 causes the Earth to warm irreversibly, it also denies that there is even a correlation between the theory and the observations.

    In spite of the outrageous disagreement between the government’s expert’s computer simulations of the Earth’s climate and predictions of its surface temperature distribution and the peer-reviewed measurements collected by Prof. Christy, the government in collaboration with the mainstream media continue to broadcast pseudo-scientific Earth-warming propaganda. As this propaganda is regularly reduced to absurdity by such skeptical scientists as John Christy, the catastrophic failure of the AGW theory will gain wider recognition. One can only hope that this catastrophe will be recognized in time for the public to prevent the government from blundering into an actual economic catastrophe brought on by economically destructive regulation and taxation of the private use of fossil fuels mistaken as the cause of adverse climate change.

    The Best of Alvin Lowi, Jr.

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  3. #992
    Quote Originally Posted by Foundation_Of_Liberty View Post
    It tells us that the so called "science" behind these predictions is false. That is an important conclusion that helps to end the fraud of the politicians that are using such "science" as excuse to oppress and tax.
    So the opposite is true? What's stopping politicians from oppressing and taxing anyway? What if they taxed based on global cooling, would you be saying global warming is true again?

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  5. #993
    You missed the point. Neither cooling nor warming is the issue here, but the fact that man's CO2 is not controlling either.
    Therefore legislation based on this imaginary CO2 aggression is a fraud. That's the point.

  6. #994
    Quote Originally Posted by Foundation_Of_Liberty View Post
    You missed the point. Neither cooling nor warming is the issue here, but the fact that man's CO2 is not controlling either.
    Therefore legislation based on this imaginary CO2 aggression is a fraud. That's the point.
    I already agreed with you, legislation against CO2 is wrong. I don't need to deny whether CO2 causes anything to say that I'm against regulations and taxes.

    Saying that CO2 regulations based on bad science is fraud implies that if it was good science, you'd be OK with it, I'm not, I'm against government regulations regardless of how much CO2 causes warming or cooling. Therefore I won't challenge what science says, I challenge what legislators say, EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    If you honestly believe neither cooling nor warming will justify regulations, I suggest you stop posting about how warmists are wrong as if you care.

  7. #995

  8. #996

  9. #997
    It looks like Foundation of Liberty has a stalker.

  10. #998
    Quote Originally Posted by RJB View Post
    It looks like Foundation of Liberty has a stalker.
    the last time that I looked...
    we are not in an ice age. therefore. I pontificate thus,
    the climate has changed. and it is warmer now.
    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

    "for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. - Thomas Jefferson.

  11. #999
    Quote Originally Posted by HVACTech View Post
    the last time that I looked...
    we are not in an ice age. therefore. I pontificate thus,
    the climate has changed. and it is warmer now.
    Climate change is not the point. Global warming said to be caused by human made CO2 (greenhouse gas) is. As I pointed out water vapor constitutes 97% of greenhouse gases, and human CO2 less than 1%. That is the point.

  12. #1000

    Bottom line: man made pollution must be reduced, but not via a global carbon tax which makes no sense, and attempts to justify such tax by blaming human produced CO2 as the cause of global warming is nonsensical, illogical, and if enforced, unjust and immoral.
    Last edited by Foundation_Of_Liberty; 07-04-2017 at 05:07 AM.

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  14. #1001
    Quote Originally Posted by Foundation_Of_Liberty View Post
    Climate change is not the point. Global warming said to be caused by human made CO2 (greenhouse gas) is. As I pointed out water vapor constitutes 97% of greenhouse gases, and human CO2 less than 1%. That is the point.
    The real question that must be asked is, what is man doing that is causing water vapor to be 97% of greenhouse gasses?

  15. #1002
    Quote Originally Posted by Schifference View Post
    The real question that must be asked is, what is man doing that is causing water vapor to be 97% of greenhouse gasses?
    CO2 is caused by burning fuels, which almost always causes water emissions. That's for starters, there's naturally occurring water vapor also.

    The fact water is 97% (by volume or weight, I never got a good answer) doesn't change these facts
    -CO2 concentration continues to grow
    -Greenhouse effect is well supported
    -global warming (or climate change, a phrased used for decades) hasn't stopped.

    Whether methane or water vapor are more abundant or more intense in causing global warming, doesn't change human contribution.

    All that said, just because humans cause global warming, doesn't justify taxes, if you believe it does, you're no better than a liberal.

  16. #1003

    War with carbon, is war with LIFE on planet Earth!

    Full article:

    Environmentalists who are at war with carbon are at war with LIFE

    Just about every molecule you value — and nearly every molecule you’re made of — is made out of carbon. If you are at war with carbon, you are at war with LIFE on planet Earth. If you want to eliminate carbon dioxide, you are working to exterminate life. Yet probably 90% of college students today believe that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant” and they would politically support any effort to eliminate it, even if doing so resulted in global ecological collapse and the extinction of humanity.

    Astonishingly, environmentalists have been so deeply brainwashed and deliberately mis-educated that they actually think carbon is bad. They must also hate themselves, since 96% of the human body is made of just four elements: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. Roughly 18% of your body is carbon, by molecular weight. If you hate carbon, you hate yourself.

    Maybe that’s why environmentalists are so full of hatred and ignorance: They are made of the very element they’ve declared war against. If you’ve ever wondered why Leftists are so angry all the time, it’s because they’re made of the very element they hate: Carbon.

    Hydrocarbons release fresh carbon into the atmosphere where plants can use it to create valuable molecules that support life

    Burning fossil fuels, by the way, means combusting hydrocarbons to release energy. One of the byproducts of burning fossil fuels is the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, providing fresh CO2 that plants are starving to harvest from the air. CO2 levels in the atmosphere right now are at near-emergency low levels of barely above 400 ppm. Forests, food crops and indigenous plants across the globe would flourish at double or triple the current level of CO2. If we had, for example, 1200 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere, the Earth would be greener and more lush.

    Yet for some reason, environmentalists hate the thought of plants having more nutrients. They want the Earth to be “green,” they say, by eliminating CO2 from the atmosphere, taking away the single most important nutrient for photosynthesis and plant metabolism.

    Read more:


    Simply put, there is no future for the human race if the current breed of lunatic environmentalists are allowed to run their “death cult” programs that would shut down photosynthesis and exterminate all recognizable life on our planet. Thank God carbon dioxide is produced by every living mammal on the planet — including you — meaning that you can help save the planet by taking a jog and simply exhaling.

    In the spirit of that simple, inescapable truth, I propose a new bumper sticker: Piss off a liberal. Just BREATHE.

    The war on sunlight and the new scheme of “global dimming”

    Waging war on carbon isn’t the end of the lunacy of whacko environmentalists. They also think there’s something wrong with sunlight, another key input for photosynthesis. They’ve launched a program of “global dimming” that seeks to literally pollute the atmosphere by dispersing millions of tons of smog (sulfur dioxide) into the atmosphere, running 4,000 flights a year over the next 15 years, all in the name of “geoengineering” the atmosphere. (These are the same lunatics who said “chemtrails” were a conspiracy theory; now they’ve re-named it “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection” and claim it will save the world.)

    In essence, they are terraforming the Earth and making it uninhabitable by humans. Are they completely insane, or are they prepping the planet for colonization by something that isn’t human? (Coming soon:

    See full coverage of that crucial issue at this story on Natural News called “Terraforming has begun: Global dimming is a plot to exterminate humanity.

    Read full article
    Last edited by Foundation_Of_Liberty; 12-08-2018 at 08:15 PM.

  17. #1004
    Quote Originally Posted by Foundation_Of_Liberty View Post
    Water Vapor is 97% of Greenhouse Gases on Earth! Man Made CO2 is less than 1% !!!
    I'll post an excerpt, below, from Steve Koonin's new book, "Unsettled" ... which explains the contributions to atmospheric warming made by water vapor vs CO2.

    The most common of the gases making up the earth’s atmosphere are nitrogen (78 percent) and oxygen (21 percent). Combined, then these two account for 99 percent of the dry atmosphere, and because of the peculiarities of molecular structure, heat passes through them easily. The largest part of the remaining 1 percent is the inert gas argon. But while even less abundant, some of the other gases—most significantly water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone—intercept, on average, about 83 percent of the heat emitted by the earth’s surface.“ So the earth does indeed emit energy equivalent to what it absorbs from the sun, but instead of directly flowing off into space, cooling our planet to a chilly average of 0°F, much of that energy is intercepted by the atmosphere blanketing us.

    Water vapor is the most important of the greenhouse gases. Of course, the amount in the atmosphere at any given place and time varies greatly (the humidity changes a lot with the weather). But on average, water vapor amounts to only about 0.4 percent of the molecules in the atmosphere. Even so, it accounts for more than 90 percent of the atmosphere’s ability to intercept heat. John Tyndall, the Irish physicist who was the first to study the infrared properties of gases, eloquently expressed its importance in an 1863 public lecture:

    Aqueous [water] vapor is a blanket, more necessary to the vegetable life of England than clothing is to man. Remove for a single summer night the aqueous vapor from the air which overspreads this country, and you would assuredly destroy every plant capable of being destroyed by a freezing temperature. The warmth of our fields and gardens would pour itself unrequited into space, and the sun would rise upon an island held fast in the iron grip of frost.
    The next most significant greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO), is different from water vapor in that its concentration in the atmosphere is much the same all over the globe. CO2 currently accounts for about 7 percent of the atmosphere’s ability to intercept heat. It’s also different in that human activities have affected its concentration (that is, the fraction of air molecules that are CO2). Since 1750, the concentration has increased from 0.000280 (280 parts per million or ppm) to 0.000410 (410 ppm) in 2019, and it continues to go up 2.3 ppm every year. Although most of today’s CO2 is natural, there is no doubt that this rise is, and has been, due to human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels.

    The CO2 that humans have added to the atmosphere over the past 250 years increases the atmosphere’s ability to impede heat (it’s like making the insulation thicker), and is exerting a growing warming influence on the climate. The exact increase in insulation at any place and time depends upon temperature, humidity, cloudiness, and so on. Taking average clear sky (no clouds) conditions as an example, the CO2 added from 1750 until today increases the fraction of heat intercepted from 82.1 percent to 82.7 percent. And as the amount of CO2 continues to increase, the atmosphere’s heat-intercepting ability (and hence its warming influence) will also increase; doubling the CO2 concentration from the 1750 value of 180 ppm to 560 ppm would increase it to 83.2 percent under clear sky conditions. Such an increase in concentration would amount to an increase of just 2.8 molecules per 10,000—in other words, an increase of fewer than three molecules of CO2 out of every 10,000 molecules of air would increase the amount of heat intercepted from 82.1 percent to 83.2 percent, or by about 1 percent.

    If you’ve followed this far, you might be puzzled by two things. First, how could changing fewer than three molecules out of 10,000, a 0.03 percent change, increase the atmosphere’s heat intercepting ability by about thirty times that amount (1 percent)? And second, how could a mere 1 percent increase in heat-intercepting ability be such a big deal?

    The answer to the first question depends upon the details of the infra-red (heat) radiation the planet emits to keep cool. While we’ve talked about how the overall amount of that radiation has to balance the warming sunlight, the radiation is actually spread over a spectrum of different wavelengths. Think of those like “colors,” although not visible to our eyes. Water vapor, the most significant greenhouse gas, intercepts only some colors, but because it blocks almost 100 percent of those it does, adding more water vapor to the atmosphere won’t make the insulation much thicker—it would be like putting another layer of black paint on an already black window. But that’s not true for carbon dioxide. That molecule intercepts some colors that water vapor misses, meaning a few molecules of CO2 can have a much bigger effect (like the first layer of black paint on a clear window). So the greater potency of a CO2 molecule depends upon relatively obscure aspects of how it, and water vapor, intercept heat radiation – another example of why the details are important when attempting to understand human influences on the climate.
    Last edited by Voluntarist; 09-12-2021 at 01:29 PM.
    My choice of third person pronouns for myself is generally irrelevant. I'm not typically involved in the conversations that use them. It's other people referring to me in the third person, usually from a distance. I'm not a conversational partner in those exchanges. Those people could be referring to me as "That A$$hole" or "That Motherfukker" for all I know.

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