23 Total Delegates: 23 AL Cand. Notification: 2/1/04
Primary Ballot Finalization: XX/XX/XXXX
Delegates bounds for 1 ballot Delegate Filing: 1/30/04
Winner-take-all Primary: 2/29/04

Step 1 – Delegate Filing & Authorization

Purpose: To qualify and authorize delegate and alternate candidates to appear on the primary ballot.

Timing: 1/30/04: Delegate and alternate filing deadline.
2/1/04: Notification to presidential candidates of filed delegates:
Within 2 days of receiving notice from Election Commission: Campaign submission of authorized slate.

Process: Every individual or group of delegate and alternate candidates that wish to appear on the ballot as a group must file its candidacy with the president of the
PRGOP and the Chairman of the Election Commission, stating their names, addresses, electoral precinct and senate district, and the name of their preferred presidential candidate or under whose name the group wishes to appear. Uncommitted designations are also allowed. 16 P.R. Laws Ann. § 1332.

Within 2 days following the delegate filing deadline, the Chairman of the Election Commission shall notify each presidential candidate by certified mail of the names and
addresses of the filed delegate groups and individuals who wish to be committed to that presidential candidate. Within 2 days of receipt of this notice, the presidential candidate must notify the Chairman of the Election Commission by certified mail of the approved delegates and alternates from the proposed list. The presidential candidates shall approve a list of no more than the number of delegates and alternates that should be selected in each respective senatorial district. If the presidential candidate does not submit an authorized list, it shall be understood that the candidate approves the entire list
as proposed. Id.

Step 2 – Presidential Preference Primary

Purpose: To elect and bind the national delegates and alternates to the national convention.

Timing: 2/29/04

Qualifications: Closed but with same-day registration allowed.

Process: Electors vote in the primary elections to elect
delegates and to express their preference for president. 16
P.R. Law Ann. § 1333. Presidential preference is not binding.
Id. Delegates are bound to endorse in the first balloting at
the national convention the presidential candidate whom they
selected and are certified as supporting. 16 P.R. Law Ann. §

Step 3 – Certification of Delegates

Purpose: Filing of the credentials of the state delegation to the Secretary of the RNC.

Timing: 07/31/2004

Process: No later than thirty (30) days before the time set for the meeting of the national convention, the credentials of each delegate and alternate delegate shall be filed with the secretary of the Republican National Committee for use by the secretary in making up the temporary roll of the national convention (RNC Rule 18(c)).

Step 4 – Organizing Convention Delegation

Purpose: To select national convention delegation chairman and choose committee persons.

Timing: TBD

Process: In the event that the Chairman of the Puerto Rico Republican Party is a delegate to the national convention, he shall be the Chairman of the delegation. If that is not the case, the Chairman of the delegation shall be the highest-ranking officer of the Republican Party in the delegation. State Party Rule 4.3. National Party Rules require the election of a delegation chairman, as well as one (1) man and one (1) woman for each of the four (4) Convention Committees, including: Committee on Resolutions (Platform), Committee on Credentials, Committee on Rules and Order of Business, and Committee on Permanent Organization. States are required to file notice with the RNC Secretary the selection of these committee members and their state delegation chairman. Alternate delegates may not serve as delegation chairman or as members of the convention
committees (RNC Rules, Rule 40(a)).

Elector Selection

No presidential electors.

Table of Authorities

16 Puerto Rico Laws Annotated § 1331, et. seq.

The Rules of the Republican Party of Puerto Rico.