Let's take a look at some of the advantages we have now that we didn't have in '08.....

1. Infrastructure

In 2008 we didn't have much of anything set up (at least not by Iowa). We had a ton of Meetup groups form but we now have powerhouse organizations YAL and C4L set up which will be a huge asset when it comes to lit drops, door knocking, and boots-on-the-ground type grassroots jobs.

2. Money

Last cycle the campaign staff really had no clue how much money to expect nor how to use it efficiently. With Jesse Benton managing Rand's campaign and doing a good job of it I have more confidence in the staff in two particular areas,

A. Ability to run an effective campaign (see Rand's campaign)

B. Ability to manage money wisely. Ron's campaign staff should have high expectations and a better understanding of when/where to spend the money

3. Issues Of The Day

With the economy in shambles and voter outrage and RINOS it looks as though America is looking for new (ironically, old) answers to our problems. I don't believe Americans are ready to truly embrace a libertarian-conservative platform quite yet but the paradigm is shifting.

In '07-08 no one expected we'd be in the economic mess we're in and the main issues were different. The collapse of the housing market has certainly shifted the debate and dialogue.

4. Credibility

Very few people had any reason to believe Ron Paul or take him seriously, and now with the market collapse he has been all over the MSM and people are certainly paying attention to his ideas. He is widely credited with predicting the market collapse.

5. Polling

Seeing the state and national polls right now indicate that Ron Paul is around 6-7 % and that is roughyl 600-700% ahead of last cycles pace. We are starting with a much larger base than we did last year.

6. Name Recognition

While I don't have any stats that show what our name recognition is, I can 100% say more people know who Ron Paul is now than they did in '07-08

7. Rand Paul

Ron's son is now the face of the Tea Party, and hopefully Ron (with Rands help) will pick up the Tea Party vote (surprisingly, a voting bloc he doesn't do that well with)

8. More Allies

Last election cycle we had virtually no allies, be it in the debates or on T.V, heck we didn't have but one or two friends in congress. This year it looks like we will have at least mild gain all around.....

Rand, Amash, and maybe Lawson in congress.

Stossel, and Da Judge on T.V.

Gary Johnson helping shift the pendulum in our favor during the debates.

I think it's fair to say that we will certainly have a lot more going for us this cycle as opposed to the last. Who knows what could happen............