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Thread: Holy Cow! New Daniel Hannan book - "The New Road to Serfdom"

  1. #1

    Holy Cow! New Daniel Hannan book - "The New Road to Serfdom"

    Being British, I'm particularly excited, but I think this book will be a good warning to Americans:

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  3. #2
    I'll definitely put that on my reading list!

  4. #3
    In the 2008 election, Hannan (who is supposed to be a conservative) supported Obama.

    If he still supports Obama, I think he is being a hypocrite by writing this book.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by qh4dotcom View Post
    In the 2008 election, Hannan (who is supposed to be a conservative) supported Obama.

    If he still supports Obama, I think he is being a hypocrite by writing this book.
    He said he supported Ron Paul in the primaries, but hoped Obama won the general because he thought it would be good for the United States' image to have someone who opposed the Iraq war. He has since regretted that because of how bad Obama has been.

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by qh4dotcom View Post
    In the 2008 election, Hannan (who is supposed to be a conservative) supported Obama.

    If he still supports Obama, I think he is being a hypocrite by writing this book.
    After the GOP under Bush really who could have blamed him. There was a feeling that things could not get much worse. The only opposition party(supposedly) to big government had become the biggest cultivator of big government and only seemed concerned with starting wreckless wars.

    I was agnostic, and did not give a krap, back then I was who cares if Obama wins, he can't be much worse. However I was dead wrong this guy is a lunatic. Say under Bill Clinton it wasn't so bad, he tried so crazy stuff it got stopped and then he just kind of mellowed out. It wasn't great mind you but it wasn't any worse than a Bush fact there was no war.

    Obama however is dyed in the wool Socialist, who absolutely harbors no respect for the Constitution...the supreme law of the land. It has changed my view on the Democratic party as whole, I never liked them because of their constant loose fiscal policies and the promoting of racist views and politics combined with creating a depdent class for political support. Now the Democrats are lawless in the most extreme form and dangerous to every liberty and freedom I hold dear.

    If you ask me for disobeying the Constituion(especially so blatantly) politicians ought to be imprisoned.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MRoCkEd View Post
    He said he supported Ron Paul in the primaries, but hoped Obama won the general because he thought it would be good for the United States' image to have someone who opposed the Iraq war. He has since regretted that because of how bad Obama has been.
    Yep, Ron Paul in the primaries. Then, when it was McCain vs. Obama, well, who had the better, more positive message? Obama campaigned on no more war, no more torture, sorting out the craziness of the Bush administration - whilst McCain was singing "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran".

    But Dan Hannan has since learnt that Obama is the European Union.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MRoCkEd View Post
    He said he supported Ron Paul in the primaries, but hoped Obama won the general because he thought it would be good for the United States' image to have someone who opposed the Iraq war. He has since regretted that because of how bad Obama has been.
    Yeah Obama was like a freight train no one saw coming. God awful. Had people understood who he was prior he would have never been elected.

  9. #8
    I really like Hannan. And I think of the two choices of who we were goingt o get, America is probably better off in the long run having Obama win.

    Just because with McCain we would have continued boiling the frog slowly, and Obama has turned up the heat so far it has a a good chunk of people hopping mad. And some of them are even taking the time to educate themselves.

    So while I think the Tea Party movement is 90% co-opted/misguided, I still contend it has done some good and gotten a good number of people studying some basic principles.

    C.S. Lewis said that pain is God's megaphone to a sleeping world - Obama thus serving as an unwitting tool in God's hands imho.
    "The journalist is one who separates the wheat from the chaff, and then prints the chaff." - Adlai Stevenson

    “I tell you that virtue does not come from money: but from virtue comes money and all other good things to man, both to the individual and to the state.” - Socrates

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Stary Hickory View Post
    Yeah Obama was like a freight train no one saw coming. God awful. Had people understood who he was prior he would have never been elected.
    And they didn't know who he was because your number one enemy, the media, refused to tell you.

    Unless we take down the state owned media, we have no hope to regain our freedoms.

    The media players work much like the two party system. Rush, Savage, Beck, Hannity all of them made damn sure Paul would not have a chance and they knew in advance their owners plans to destroy the nation and your lives.

    Again, I go back to the movie V for Vendetta, the role of the media is critical in destroying a nation.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by fedup100 View Post
    And they didn't know who he was because your number one enemy, the media, refused to tell you.
    B.S There were plenty of warning signs outside of the media about who he was prior to the election.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnEngland View Post
    Yep, Ron Paul in the primaries. Then, when it was McCain vs. Obama, well, who had the better, more positive message? Obama campaigned on no more war, no more torture, sorting out the craziness of the Bush administration - whilst McCain was singing "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran".
    B.S...Give me a break, Obama made it very clear prior to the election that he was going to escalate the war in Afghanistan.

    As a conservative, Hannan should not have supported anyone.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MRoCkEd View Post
    He said he supported Ron Paul in the primaries, but hoped Obama won the general because he thought it would be good for the United States' image to have someone who opposed the Iraq war. He has since regretted that because of how bad Obama has been.
    As of March 22, 2009 he was still supporting him...he refused to "disown him" after all the damage Obama did during the his first 3 months in office

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