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Thread: Life imitates art? ("Keep Your Distance" movie)

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    Life imitates art? ("Keep Your Distance" movie)

    WARNING: This thread may contain movie spoilers.

    Last night on the local CW channel I watched the film "Keep Your Distance," a movie made five years ago here in Louisville.

    A major sub-plot of the movie is that a Kentucky U.S. Senate candidate, a friend of the main character, a radio announcer, was falsely accused of doing despicable acts.

    Since the media acted as if these anonymous unproven charges were true, without doing any further research as to whether there was any validity or what the agenda of the original reporter (probably working for GQ ) was, it shows to me that the candidate must have been a Republican. The main character had to announce to his listeners that in this country a person is innocent until proven guilty. (Have you ever heard anyone in media say the same thing about the charges against Rand?)

    The main plot of the movie is that the main character had enough problems of his own, and thus could not help his friend out, with drastic results.

    I would not be surprised if the media or their Democratic co-horts will eventually accuse Rand of the same thing the movie's Kentucky senatorial candidate was accused of. It seems to be spiralling down to that. Let us hope and pray that Rand does not go to the same steps as the senate candidate in the movie goes to. (I won't say what it is -- you'll have to watch the movie.)

    Anyone else see this film? What do you think?

    Note: The film is correct in that a simple thunderstorm can cause you to lose power in Louisville -- we were one of 5000 households to lose power yesterday morning. The film is also the only film I know of that mentions my home town of Fern Creek, Kentucky.
    Last edited by ljwestmcsd; 08-22-2010 at 08:06 AM.
    Definition of politics: poly = many or multiple; tics = blood sucking vermin
    Jack Conway is a politician, Rand Paul isn't.
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