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Thread: I think John Dennis can actually beat Pelosi

  1. #1

    I think John Dennis can actually beat Pelosi

    First of all San Francisco is part of the Silicon Valley tech corridor and IT professionals are well known for their libertarian views. Second of all Nancy Pelosia and the Democratic Party especially are way out of touch with SF on foreign policy.

    SF has an interesting set of demographics. It has a significant Asian population. Do you think Nancy Pelosi represents their interests as a group? I don't think so.

    With enough money John Dennis can do this.

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  3. #2
    I do too!

    He's going to have to tailor his message in certain ways, but there's no doubt in my mind that, by exposing Pelosi's tepid and uninspiring stances on foreign policy, civil liberties, and personal freedoms, Mr. Dennis can pick up scores of disaffected Democrats, of which there are many.

    YouTube - Ron Paul Republican John Dennis is going up against Nancy Pelosi for Congress
    Last edited by BuddyRey; 06-09-2010 at 07:01 AM.

  4. #3
    a lot the asians in sf are happy to be in the united states and support whoever seems to support them or back them. they are fickle and would vote for john if we gave them good reason too. they need to feel like they are getting something out of the vote. paid off through the issues in a way.

    the hard part will be communication because they have their own areas where many ONLY speak cantonese. This will be a tough barrier to cross.
    Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito

  5. #4
    If ANYONE on this site lives in SF and speaks Cantonese you would probably be very helpful to the asian outreach part of the campaign.
    Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito

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