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I hope I'm not the only one who read that as "licks" instead of "kicks" at first.
theres a good one of this entire exchange where everytime Ron makes a hit.. the video goes "bam" right into lauras face.. can never find it now,. hehe
listened to it again (after a year?). loved it again. RP totally pwned her.
Last edited by low preference guy; 02-28-2010 at 08:59 PM.
LOL: @ 2:41, she's so obviously losing the argument about war in Iraq, she pulls "Should we go back to the gold standard?" out of her ass.
It's as if she had show-notes pre-printed with "When Ron starts to make sense to you, ask this carefully crafted question" listed. It's a question asked to paint a picture, and it was prepared.
She's bought and paid for, no doubt about it.
"You cannot solve these problems with war." - Ron Paul
Nah . . only at first really . . . it's funny.
Laura realizes she has her hands full taking RP on and it morphs into
questions that she asks and Ron Paul gets to explain with his ideology and position very well.
It comes away almost like he's kinda won her over almost,
at least Laura thinking to her self "Damn this is a smart guy".
Laura then gets in the . . . thank your supporters for not pelting me with snowballs like the other Fox people.
Gotta love this . . . always welcomed and well worth the listen in again . . .
Did Laura Ingraham seriously just ask Ron Paul why he hasn't been to Iraq. Why the F would he go to Iraq. Hes a congressman from Texas What business would he have in Iraq? If she would have done her homework she would know that Ron Paul received more donations from the military than any other candidate democrat or republican.
If there is one thing I cannot stand it's these politicians who go to Iraq or Afghanistan to "visit the troops" THEY DON'T VISIT THE TROOPS. They don't experience the reality of the situation on the ground. Southern Avenger said it best when he mentioned that they (Lindsey Graham, McCain) go to the dog and pony shows to eat lunch and get their pictures taken with the general staff in their camouflage fatigues in a pathetic attempt to look tough. They then come back claiming that they did their part in supporting the troops-then proceed to come back and speak for the troops in the elections. "CONGRESSMAN, The word is LET US WIN!!!...yeah right. Then the masses proceed to chant USA USA. These politicians don't support the troops and slapping a yellow ribbon on your car so you can feel good about yourself "supporting the troops" does not make one a patriot.
This is the Ron Paul we need to come to the debates. He came at her and came at her hard with good points.
Keep in mind that the host of a national radio or talk show is most often NOT the main party in charge of the content. Not even the producer is really in charge, it's the people ABOVE "the show," which is viewed as a package provided by the on-air performer and producer. Much of the time they get fed talking points and lines of questioning into their ear, which end up being the stilted question or biased set-up we experience when catching these shows.
Guest selection is also subject to approval by the parties above the actual show---if Medina or anybody real get on at all, it's mainly because management cleared it, and it serves their purposes towards building credibility for pushing their agenda ("see, we're fair and balanced, after all, we had Medina on, didn't we?").
-----Peace & Freedom, John Clifton-----
He had some fire in him when he said 'that is the reason they come here!'
tu ne cede malis
She's not that quick on the uptake.
Once I heard her say something about "John McCain shooting his wad all over." She got infuriated when her staff laughed at her and she couldn't figure out why. (She meant that John was running his mouth but had no idea of the connotations of "shooting ones wad."
Another time she read an email she disagreed with from an address that said "Ben Dover." Then she said the guy signed a fake name "John Long." Again she got mad when her staff started laughing at her. Both times the staff tried explaining the meaning of the terms in a way appropriate for the FCC. It was comedy in itself.
Mentally she's slow, but good at reading talking points for TPTB
__________________________________________________ ________________
"A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst
I can't stand her show, I'd rather have an ice pick stabbed into my ear drums.
__________________________________________________ ________________
"A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst
This was the first time I actually watched that video: Do we have a "where are they now" with the other people in it? Who was the militant pin-filled beret wearing white elitist chick?
It's really a study in Humanism: you don't have to be right, you just have to play bully, be loud, and ostracize dissenters to carry a crowd.
"You cannot solve these problems with war." - Ron Paul
Not going to bother listening to it, I'm sure I know what in it. I'm no fan of hers, but I do recall like one rare time I heard here she and some conservative anti-interventionists on, and did give them some respect. I think she at least sees where we're coming from. So on the terrible scale I'd put her just better than Hannity. Not that I'm trying to really defend her, just I was surprised when I heard that from her.
Camden Pike
MNGOP Senate District 41 Chairman
She was fair to him though, gotta give her that.
haha, downright owned her
"When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon."
-Thomas Paine
"Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny"
-Bob Marley
"In matters of style swim with the current; In matters of principle, stand like a rock."
-Thomas Jefferson
Peace, love, and happiness.
I'm familiar with battered wife syndrome, but this is the first time i've seen it happen verbally. Ron completely overpowered her.
"The inmates have left the asylum"
YouTube - Laura Ingraham Disrespecting Ron Paul at the Iowa Straw Poll
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain
"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." - Mark Twain
"I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts
I love how he tied Sean Hannity getting pelted with snowballs to blowback.
It's interesting how Laura Ingram is all "pro Ron Paul" now that he's not running for president. We'll see what happens in 2011 - 2012.
9/11 Thermate experiments
Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I
"I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"
"We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul
"It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
Haha . . . what a quick wit RP shows . . .
Laura: You know that WMD were there . . . RP: Yeah, we sold them to Iraq.
After the "Should we go back to the gold standard ?" (at 2:35 mark) it gets fair enough . . .
like I posted - Laura seems to get enlightened . . . she realizes she is no match for RP.
Laura asks questions she knows the answer to - for the conservative audience of course
"Do you think CAFTA and NAFTA are good for America ?"
(RP was against from start . . . I recall CAFTA went down like by 2 votes (217-215) with 2 Congressman not present - Bush quickly signed it.)
It really makes "good radio".
Funny thing is back in 1988 when this video came out I woulda probably disagreed with Ron Paul.. I would have agreed with the fat kid who comes on later on and suggests we go into columbia, burn the fields, etc.. seize the drugs at the source, etc...
Of course.. what a difference 20 years and educating oneself will do.
Not many people realize Morton Downey Jr. had a political history too. He was a Special Assistant to the Deputy Attorney General of the US, a state-level Democratic Party officer, advised RFK, had a law degree and a PhD in Political Science, was Special Assistant to the Speaker of the US House, ran for President in the Democratic Primaries in 1979--dropping out in early 1980 to pursue the nomination of the American Independent Party (which chose Rep. John Rarick over him).
both of them ramble so it was like totally all over the place!
^important to consider.
Dr. Gottfried’s recent post “GOP ‘Hate Facts’” reminded me of the dark time at the beginning of my sophomore year in college when I was an unpaid intern for the Laura Ingraham Show. I had not yet discovered Nisbet or Kirk or Mencken or Burke. To me, right-wing Gospel came from the mouths of Levin, Hannity, and embarrassingly enough, Coulter. But this isn’t about me. It’s about Laura.
So every morning I would wake up at 5:30am, ride the Metro to Union Station, and walk to the headquarters of the Heritage Foundation, where Laura’s studio is located. Her show went live at 9am and interns were expected to arrive around 7. Laura was never there. She would arrive around 8 and head to the gym in the basement of Heritage. In the meantime, interns would be reading every major newspaper in the country in search of news that she could talk about. All the content was developed by the producers and transcribed by the interns for her: a funny anecdote from Wichita; some out of context quote from a war opponent; any piece of audio from Capitol Hill or from broadcast news.
Right around 8:58 Laura would come storming in, still wet from her after gym shower. The producers would quickly brief her on what she was going to say and by 9:05 she would be talking about what she “read in the Post this morning.”
I don’t write this in order to trash the show. I could excuse her berating an intern for getting her latte wrong or attacking another intern on the air for misspelling a word if she had genuine talent. The producers there are smart and funny and genuinely kind to all of the interns and guests. But even they made it very clear to the interns that anyone could do what Laura does. “Our job,” one producer once said to us, “is to make what she does look difficult. It’s not.” If she was just an entertainer then all of this would be superfluous, but she is a best-selling author and what passes today as a public intellectual. Yet she doesn’t even read the paper herself.
It shows. Rush shows up to his studio hours before his show begins and does most of his own research. He is prepared when his show goes live and as a result he is an engaging host and an informed commentator, despite his poor understanding of many issues. Laura, other than being a woman, offers little that is different than the drivel heard from the typical talk-radio personality. And now she gets to sub for Bill O’Reilly in the highest rated timeslot in cable news.
Power to the (ignorant) people!
Last edited by lester1/2jr; 03-01-2010 at 10:38 AM.
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