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Thread: Merry Christmas! (Official Christmas Thread!)

  1. #61

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    The music and audio is restored.

    Bittersweet to see all the folks that are gone, died or drifted off.

    But happy to see the traction gained.

    Merry Christmas everybody.

    ["Tea Party 07", nihiloexnihil, Nov. 8, 2007, , .
    Just to let everyone know the actual historiography on these matters: the actual modern-day Tea Party movement began with the 9/11 Truth movement. They were doing the Boston Tea Party protests before Dr. Ron Paul's RLoveUtion movement began doing that.

    I love Dr. Paul, so this is no knock upon anyone, I'm just letting people know the actual history of how the modern Tea Party movement began. (Further, I'm an old-timey libertarian myself. One might not think that based upon my post-history here, but I go way back. I learned economics before the internet booksellers came online, via mail order from Laissez Faire Books.)

    And now we see that the initially-seeming two different movements aren't actually that different, after all. As I think many in the libertarian realm have gotten the picture of how the common masses have been horrifically screwed-over via many governmental false-flag attacks.

    * * * * *

    Speaking of mushroom tea:

    * Debra Carpenter-Beck, adapted by Stephen Devaux, illustrations by Adam Redjinski, Wishes & Rainbows (Boston, Mass.: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1981), adapted from a story of the same title by Carpenter-Beck published in the September 1980 issue of The Ledger, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's economic education newsletter, , , .

    I'm always up for a good tea party, after all.

    * * * * *

    Roota, she is called, because she gets at the root of the problems.
    James Redford

    Author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network, Dec. 4, 2011, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761,

    And "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", id., Sept. 10, 2012, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708,

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  3. #62


    Oh, and since rainbows have now been invoked: we can all look to the horizon to see a brighter day.

    Mirrors: , , .

    Wishes and rainbows, indeed.
    James Redford

    Author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network, Dec. 4, 2011, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761,

    And "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", id., Sept. 10, 2012, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708,

  4. #63
    James Redford

    Author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network, Dec. 4, 2011, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761,

    And "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", id., Sept. 10, 2012, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708,

  5. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by LexEtLibertas View Post
    Just to let everyone know the actual historiography on these matters: the actual modern-day Tea Party movement began with the 9/11 Truth movement. They were doing the Boston Tea Party protests before Dr. Ron Paul's RLoveUtion movement began doing that.
    Yup, well aware of that.

    I was on the ground floor of the Boston Ron Paul Tea Party event in 2007 and if it were not for the good will of the local We Are Change group that had already rented Faneuil Hall for the date, ceding the date to us, that event never would have taken place.

    That was also the time and place of Rand's first major political speech IIRC.
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

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