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Thread: Mitch McConnell: Not an Outsider

  1. #1

    Mitch McConnell: Not an Outsider

    He was born in Alabama and although unclear may have only only spent a few years in high school in Kentucky before going on to college probably with a state funded scholarship.

    In 2008 59% of his campaign dollars were from out of state and 8% from PACs. His Democratic opponent only had a minority of donation amounts, 39%, from out-of-state 4% from PACs. And due to the difference in amounts McConnell got literally 13 times or 1300% amount of his opponent.

    What do you call an Alabama born candidate with 59% of his money coming from out of Kentucky? Answer: "The Senior Senator from Kentucky".

    Rand will be just called "the Junior Senator from Kentucky"
    "We took it in the shorts with Bush-Cheney, the Iraq War, and by sacrificing fiscal responsibility to hold power.”
    ~John Boehner, GOP Minority Leader

    "Take out all this movement stuff. There is no movement.... Look, I know this probably sounds arrogant to say but I redefined the Republican Party." ~President George W. Bush to speechwriter

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  3. #2
    Good find that may come in handy in the future.
    "It's absolutely astounding...the Tea Party is one of the biggest movements in history, and every one we've been to has been FERTILE ground for our ideas." -TheTyke

  4. #3
    I posted this little snippet on my blog. Hope you don't mind.



    PS Please donate to our SD Liberty PAC and send as many Ron Paul delegates to Tampa from SD as possible.
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  5. #4
    excellent point

    but Rand is running against Grayson, not McConnell

  6. #5
    Great ammo, thanks for digging that up!
    tu ne cede malis

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by amisspelledword View Post
    excellent point

    but Rand is running against Grayson, not McConnell
    Regardless, it's a great talking point for Kentuckians. If someone leaning toward Grayson speaks about Paul's 'outsider' status, we can retaliate with this.
    tu ne cede malis

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by skyorbit View Post
    I posted this little snippet on my blog. Hope you don't mind.

    Yeah but lets not go after McConnell for Treyson's b.s. smear. McConnell is not an outsider just like Rand is not an outsider.
    Last edited by Chieftain1776; 10-25-2009 at 04:58 PM.
    "We took it in the shorts with Bush-Cheney, the Iraq War, and by sacrificing fiscal responsibility to hold power.”
    ~John Boehner, GOP Minority Leader

    "Take out all this movement stuff. There is no movement.... Look, I know this probably sounds arrogant to say but I redefined the Republican Party." ~President George W. Bush to speechwriter

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Chieftain1776 View Post
    Yeah but lets not go after McConnell for Treyson's b.s. smear. McConnell is not an outsider just like Rand is not an outsider.
    Fixed it Chieftain.


    PS Please donate to our SD Liberty PAC and send as many Ron Paul delegates to Tampa from SD as possible.
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  11. #9
    We want to be very careful about being seen to attack McConnell. He's not only the Senior Senator from Kentucky, and the Republican Leader in the Senate -- he also enjoys a 74-20 favorable / unfavorable rating from Kentucky Republicans.
    Huey P. Long, "The Kingfish"
    Former Governor, Senator and leading opponent of the Big Bankers.
    Kingfish Consulting: Experience winning elections, since 1928.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by amisspelledword View Post
    excellent point

    but Rand is running against Grayson, not McConnell
    Yes. And Grayson (the guy Rand is running against) implied that anyone not born in Kentucky (such as the state's senior senator whom the voters whose support he wants regard very favorably) doesn't deserve to be their senator. It's good to point out how Grayson's ideas about what is good for Kentucky are so divergent from Kentuckians' own ideas about what's good for themselves.

  13. #11


    PS Please donate to our SD Liberty PAC and send as many Ron Paul delegates to Tampa from SD as possible.
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  14. #12
    Simple.... just say "well 'Two-Faced' Trey must think of Sen McConnell as an outsider too"
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by hueylong View Post
    We want to be very careful about being seen to attack McConnell. He's not only the Senior Senator from Kentucky, and the Republican Leader in the Senate -- he also enjoys a 74-20 favorable / unfavorable rating from Kentucky Republicans.
    I don't see this as ammo to attack McConnel, but rather Grayson. It just further demonstrates that Grayson is truly grasping at straws with his so-called 'outsider' claims. Even the Senior Senator from Kentucky is an 'outsider' under Grayson's definition; Does Trey Grayson think Senator McConnel is unfit to represent Kentucky? It seems to be what he is implying.
    tu ne cede malis

  16. #14

    I just found this blog. Apparently it's been around for awhile.
    It just picked up the same thing I did.

    "Mitch McConnell not Kentuckyian according to Trey Grayson."

    It's been around for awhile I guess. Anybody know who this belongs too? Maybe we can blog-roll each other.



    PS Please donate to our SD Liberty PAC and send as many Ron Paul delegates to Tampa from SD as possible.
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  17. #15
    does "traitortrey" sometimes slam into jack conway a tad?
    there was a point when there was a heated debate over
    WHOSE deep pockets first sought to make hay out of trey
    going from being a bill clinton backer to the mitt romney
    Republican he now is. it sorta looks like he abandoned a
    youthful Democrat idealism for a mature centrist realism,
    as he undoubtedly must be very happily cognicent of
    the speech senator mitch mcconnell recently gave at the
    the dedication of helen keller's bronze statue in D.C!!!!
    Last edited by Aratus; 10-27-2009 at 09:12 AM.

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