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Thread: John Birch Society's response to the MIAC terrorist report

  1. #1

    John Birch Society's response to the MIAC terrorist report

    Missouri Information Analysis Center report demonstrates need for local control of police departments

    The John Birch Society's "Support Your Local Police" campaign helped free local police departments from federal control

    John Birch Society
    20 March 2009


    APPLETON, WIS. — March 20, 2009 — In an action The John Birch Society classifies as asinine, the Missouri Information Analysis Center released a strategic report on February 20, 2009, called “The Modern Militia Movement.” In it, the center equates supporters of the U.S. Constitution and third party candidates and those against abortion and illegal immigration with white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, so-called “rightwing extremists” and domestic terrorists. This poorly written report was released to those law enforcement officers and agencies, intelligence agencies and Department of Defense organizations operating in Missouri.

    The 8-page report briefly describes the unsavory and immoral actions of violence-embracing militia groups pre and post 9/11/01. It does not, however, provide detailed or even accurate accounts of federal intervention at Ruby Ridge, Waco or Oklahoma City, merely broad brushing the examples as reasons why militia membership flourished.

    Its repeated use of the phrase “rightwing extremists” is never fully defined, but readers are led to believe it is anyone who opposes gun control, abortion, taxes, illegal immigration, a Constitutional Convention, the North American Union, the New World Order, forced conscription, and citizen radio frequency identification as well as those who want to lobby government officials and confront corruption. This illogically puts law enforcement on one side and responsible, law-abiding folks who support the Constitution on the other.

    The report recommends profiling by stating that “it is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty or Libertarian material.” It continues, “Militia members commonly display picture, cartoons, bumper stickers that contain anti-government rhetoric. Most of this material will depict the FRS, IRS, FBI, ATF, CIA, UN, Law Enforcement, and ‘The New World Order’ in a derogatory manor (sic).”

    In an interview with the “Columbia Daily Tribune,” Lt. John Hotz of the Missouri State Highway Patrol suggests that the “report is being misinterpreted.” “All this [report] is an educational thing. Troopers have been shot by members of groups, so it’s our job to let law enforcement officers know what the trends are in the modern militia movement.”

    But James Fitzgerald, National Director of Field Activities for The John Birch Society and former police officer, points out that the report is misleading at best and potentially highly dangerous. “Police officers are trained to anticipate the worst in situations, so they are prepared to effectively do their job and go home safely. They rely on intelligence information to keep them apprised of threats in their areas. Unfortunately this report is totally irresponsible. It places an unworthy veil of suspicion over responsible citizens that respect the rule of law.”

    Missouri State Rep. James Guest has a meeting next week with officials at MIAC. He wants them to retract their report and apologize for their overstepping. He commented, “It is profiling to the highest degree to identify citizens of this country who display bumper stickers or other labels as being part of a modern militia movement. I thought anybody who spoke out was protected by the First Amendment.”

    Guest wrote in an editorial, “I and others will not be intimidated by this threat to our freedom but I believe it will energize Missourians to stand up for their constitutional protected rights. This assault on Americans by profiling us as militant instead of profiling those who are here illegally, or terrorists, amazes me.”

    In 1963, The John Birch Society began its “Support Your Local Police” campaign with a goal of keeping police departments under local control and not being merged into a national police force. For decades, JBS members formed partnerships with local police departments, which proved very beneficial to certain communities in the late 1960s during the era of civil rights riots. Members met with local police chiefs and then went door-to-door to create awareness, sparing some of those communities from violent riots.

    Fitzgerald explains that what is needed is a better relationship between citizens and their local police. “By getting to know those in your community and opening up those communication lines, you know where the real threats lie. You begin to understand who you can count on. This was standard operating procedure when I was on the Vice Squad in New Jersey.”
    What this report does bring to light is how this “intelligence” is gathered and distributed. The Missouri Information Analysis Center is part of a network of Department of Homeland Security “Fusion Centers,” which demonstrates that the information in this report was probably sent to many more states than Missouri.

    The John Birch Society is urging members and all constitutionalists to work on bettering relationships with local police as well as the DHS Fusion Centers. It also is urging law enforcement to place the report exactly where it belongs … in the trash.

    Founded in 1958 and headquartered in Appleton, Wisconsin, The John Birch Society is dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the U.S. Constitution. Members come from all walks of life and are active throughout the 50 states on local, regional and national issues. United by a strong belief in personal freedom and limited government, plus a sense of duty, members have played a continuous and pivotal role in halting legislation and federal policies that threaten the independence of our country and the freedom of American citizens. Visit for more information.


    Last edited by FrankRep; 03-22-2009 at 02:58 PM.

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

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  3. #2
    I'm glad they addressed it, but I think the response was a bit bland.
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
    Ron Paul 2004

    Registered Ron Paul supporter # 2202
    It's all about Freedom

  4. #3

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by pcosmar View Post
    I'm glad they addressed it, but I think the response was a bit bland.
    Really? I like it. It addresses the law enforcement angle. I haven't seen any response go so far in that direction. It also gave a way for those of us who are upset about this to try to build a positive relationship with the police and gave examples of it working. I like it. I give it an A.

  6. #5

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post
    I don't have pdf power, care to summarize your link?

  8. #7
    HERE is a perfect example of working with the local police
    So they will be on our side If and When everything goes to hell

    Keene, PD Ride Along (1/5) - Open Carry part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

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  11. #9
    good job JBS
    Thanks liberty Eagle
    I am a mid-west farmer, I make a livin' off the land,
    I ride a John Deere tractor, I'm a liberated man.
    But the rain it hasn't fallen, since the middle of July,
    And if it don't come soon my crops will die.
    The bank man says he likes me, but there's nothin' he can do
    He tells me that he's comin' but the clouds are comin' too.
    He ain't my friend:
    And I'll ride again

    Veteran of the Bloody battle of NPR

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLightShining View Post
    Really? I like it. It addresses the law enforcement angle. I haven't seen any response go so far in that direction. It also gave a way for those of us who are upset about this to try to build a positive relationship with the police and gave examples of it working. I like it. I give it an A.
    I guess because their final line,
    The John Birch Society is urging members and all constitutionalists to work on bettering relationships with local police as well as the DHS Fusion Centers. It also is urging law enforcement to place the report exactly where it belongs … in the trash.
    I don't want it thrown in the trash and forgotten. I want to see the Police repudiate it.
    It is obvious that the Police need retraining.
    DHS Fusion Centers??? Why would I want a relationship? They should be dismantled.

    I am glad they responded to it, but think they could have gone a lot farther.
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
    Ron Paul 2004

    Registered Ron Paul supporter # 2202
    It's all about Freedom

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by pcosmar View Post
    I am glad they responded to it, but think they could have gone a lot farther.
    They handled it very professionally and effectively.

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  14. #12
    Remember though, we need to build a positive relationship with police officers.

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankRep View Post
    Remember though, we need to build a positive relationship with police officers.
    Does that mean to just turn ourselves in voluntarily, in your opinion?

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankRep View Post
    Remember though, we need to build a positive relationship with police officers.
    That is not entirely correct. Police Officers need to learn their place and start showing proper respect for the people and the Constitution.
    There are very few "good" cops. There was apparently one in Missouri, but I don't see a lot of others speaking out in condemnation of the MIAC Report.
    At this point I see little more than Armed Enforcers of the Corrupt Government.
    If they want to change that it is on them.
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
    Ron Paul 2004

    Registered Ron Paul supporter # 2202
    It's all about Freedom

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post
    Does that mean to just turn ourselves in voluntarily, in your opinion?
    No, there are plenty of Police Officers against the New World Order you know. We need *some* police officers on the side of liberty.

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankRep View Post
    No, there are plenty of Police Officers against the New World Order you know. We need *some* police officers on the side of liberty.
    Won't their bosses be on the lookout for them too?

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post
    Won't their bosses be on the lookout for them too?
    I know you like Alex Jones. Even Alex Jones says we need to build positive relationships with the police so they realize the propaganda they are being fed. Police officers are individuals too and many really do want to protect and serve.

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankRep View Post
    I know you like Alex Jones. Even Alex Jones says we need to build positive relationships with the police so they realize the propaganda they are being fed. Police officers are individuals too and many really do want to protect and serve.
    No I don't. I've never listened to Alex. Bad assumption. That's NOT their job. Their job IS law-enforcement.
    Last edited by Truth Warrior; 03-23-2009 at 05:29 PM.

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post
    No I don't. I've never listened to Alex. Bad assumption. That's NOT their job. Their job IS law-enforcement.
    How do you think the report leaked out in the first place? There are good police officers.

    Oath Keepers is an association of currently serving military, veterans, and peace officers who will fulfill the oath we swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God.
    Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians (or the banksters!), and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus unlawful) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the American people or to place them under martial law and deprive them of their ancient right to jury trial. We Oath Keepers have drawn a line in the sand. We will not just follow orders."

    Our motto is Not on our watch!

    Guardians of the Republic. Honor Your Oath. Join Us!
    If you, the American people, are forced to once again fight for your liberty in another American Revolution, you will not be alone. We will stand with you.
    Some mistakenly believe they must follow any order the President issues. But you can rest assured that many others in the military do understand that their loyalty is to the Constitution, and understand what that means.

    The mission of Oath Keepers is to vastly increase their numbers. We are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our own troops. To win that battle, Oath Keepers will use written and video testimony of active duty military, veterans (especially combat vets), and peace officers to reach, teach, and inspire our brothers in arms in the military and police to fulfill their oaths and stand as guardians of the Republic.

    If you are currently in the military, are a veteran, or are a peace officer, please submit you written and/or video testimony on your oath, so you can help us win that battle for hearts and minds. Your submission may be anonymous.

    Oath Keepers...Guardians of the Republic

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post
    No I don't. I've never listened to Alex. Bad assumption. That's NOT their job. Their job IS law-enforcement.
    How do you think the report leaked out in the first place? There are good police officers.

    Oath Keepers

    Oath Keepers is an association of currently serving military, veterans, and peace officers who will fulfill the oath we swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God.

    Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians (or the banksters!), and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus unlawful) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the American people or to place them under martial law and deprive them of their ancient right to jury trial. We Oath Keepers have drawn a line in the sand. We will not just follow orders."

    Our motto is Not on our watch!

    Guardians of the Republic. Honor Your Oath. Join Us!
    If you, the American people, are forced to once again fight for your liberty in another American Revolution, you will not be alone. We will stand with you.
    Some mistakenly believe they must follow any order the President issues. But you can rest assured that many others in the military do understand that their loyalty is to the Constitution, and understand what that means.

    The mission of Oath Keepers is to vastly increase their numbers. We are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our own troops. To win that battle, Oath Keepers will use written and video testimony of active duty military, veterans (especially combat vets), and peace officers to reach, teach, and inspire our brothers in arms in the military and police to fulfill their oaths and stand as guardians of the Republic.

    If you are currently in the military, are a veteran, or are a peace officer, please submit you written and/or video testimony on your oath, so you can help us win that battle for hearts and minds. Your submission may be anonymous.

    Oath Keepers...Guardians of the Republic

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankRep View Post
    How do you think the report leaked out in the first place? There are good police officers.

    Oath Keepers

    Oath Keepers is an association of currently serving military, veterans, and peace officers who will fulfill the oath we swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God.

    Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians (or the banksters!), and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thus unlawful) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the American people or to place them under martial law and deprive them of their ancient right to jury trial. We Oath Keepers have drawn a line in the sand. We will not just follow orders."

    Our motto is Not on our watch!

    Guardians of the Republic. Honor Your Oath. Join Us!
    If you, the American people, are forced to once again fight for your liberty in another American Revolution, you will not be alone. We will stand with you.
    Some mistakenly believe they must follow any order the President issues. But you can rest assured that many others in the military do understand that their loyalty is to the Constitution, and understand what that means.

    The mission of Oath Keepers is to vastly increase their numbers. We are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our own troops. To win that battle, Oath Keepers will use written and video testimony of active duty military, veterans (especially combat vets), and peace officers to reach, teach, and inspire our brothers in arms in the military and police to fulfill their oaths and stand as guardians of the Republic.

    If you are currently in the military, are a veteran, or are a peace officer, please submit you written and/or video testimony on your oath, so you can help us win that battle for hearts and minds. Your submission may be anonymous.

    Oath Keepers...Guardians of the Republic
    That's not my claim nor the point. Their JOB is LAW-ENFORCEMENT.

    Yep, folks take OATHS about a lot of stuff. And most of it is just crap.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post
    That's not my claim nor the point. Their JOB is LAW-ENFORCEMENT.

    Yep, folks take OATHS about a lot of stuff. And most of it is just crap.
    Oath Keepers

    This organization gives me hope in our military and police.

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankRep View Post
    Oath Keepers

    This organization gives me hope in our military and police.
    That's what it is SUPPOSED to do.

    The Military Lies by Roger Young

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