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Thread: Heh - A Factoid About Gasoline

  1. #1

    Heh - A Factoid About Gasoline

    I was watching Jay Leno, and he had a guest on, who just made a movie about fuel.

    Here's the deal: Henry Ford's first cars were fueled by ethanol, with the absolute intent of giving the farmers a method of getting free fuel, and using easily available resources to supply the rest of us.

    Then along came prohibition, and the production of ethanol was outlawed.


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  3. #2
    Ethanol made from HEMP.

    Many parts of the original concept were to incorporate canvas, derived from hemp.

    The original diesel engine was ran and intended to operate on peanut oil.

    Screw Standard Oil Co.

  4. #3
    The Indianapolis 500 runs on methanol. They seem to get around--and around, and around--pretty quickly.

    Yeah, and we've been fighting the world for its oil ever since. Have we won the Oil Wars yet? Sawgrass and hemp could indeed save us a hell of a lot of money--in weapons systems!
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  5. #4

    Henry Ford's 'plastic hemp car' from 1941

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  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by StonewallJacksonJenkins View Post
    The original diesel engine was ran and intended to operate on peanut oil.
    So, would I be really paranoid if I pointed out the interesting timing of a major peanut-product recall threatening to bankrupt peanut farmers right as diesel prices are going higher and higher? Almost like someone decided to take preemptive action to make sure peanut oil stays more expensive than diesel? Interesting...

  7. #6
    I am not sure if this is a common law around the U.S but California doesn't let alternative fuel vehicles get away for free. Apparently a new law passed which allows drivers who run their vehicles on restaurant kitchen grease to skip most of a $300 fee previously required of anyone who hauled used vegetable oil or other grease away from an eatery. Veggie-oil users will now have to pay $75 for a license.
    Better law than before. You could always hit up some restaurant and still get the free oil.
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  8. #7
    Missouri also has a $75 alternative fuel permit fee also. They sure do think of great ways to encourage alternatives don't they.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by sparebulb View Post
    Missouri also has a $75 alternative fuel permit fee also. They sure do think of great ways to encourage alternatives don't they.
    Better than GPS and charge-by-the-mile taxation--or a tax on every gallon you pump out of the grease trap equal to the motor vehicle fuel taxes. They do have to repave the roads somehow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wendi View Post
    So, would I be really paranoid if I pointed out the interesting timing of a major peanut-product recall threatening to bankrupt peanut farmers right as diesel prices are going higher and higher? Almost like someone decided to take preemptive action to make sure peanut oil stays more expensive than diesel? Interesting...
    Now, they have to protect your diesel engine from salmonella, don't they? Well, no, maybe not. But...

    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Wendi View Post
    So, would I be really paranoid if I pointed out the interesting timing of a major peanut-product recall threatening to bankrupt peanut farmers right as diesel prices are going higher and higher? Almost like someone decided to take preemptive action to make sure peanut oil stays more expensive than diesel? Interesting...
    Only IF they're NOT plotting against you.

  12. #10
    tax my bike you mf'ers

  13. #11
    Hemp is the future, only thing stopping it is stupidity.
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