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Thread: Max Keiser: $ is the "Leper with the most fingers"

  1. #1

    Max Keiser: $ is the "Leper with the most fingers"

    He made the comment when discussing Japan's economy:
    I'm not sure when that was recorded but I like the comment. I also liked how the newscaster referred to the US bailouts as "quasi-communist". While viewing that I noticed he's getting his own show on BBC World next week:
    I'm also checking out his radio podcast for the first time:
    I'm about 10 mins in right now - too much prattle w/ the cohost at the beginning but it's starting to kick in as I'm typing this - going into the "shadow banking system"

    edit: sorry, I meant to post this in the economics section
    Last edited by emazur; 01-04-2009 at 07:20 PM.

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