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Thread: New Cabinet Under Obama Administration

  1. #1

    New Cabinet Under Obama Administration

    A New Cabinet Level Department Under Obama Administration
    Posted by Kim Priestap
    Published: October 24, 2008 - 6:30 PM

    The Corner points us to HR 808, the Department of Peace & Non-Violence. It's a new cabinet level the Democrats are proposing. I'm not kidding. This is going to be huge. And expensive. And oppressive. Take a look at some of the offices:

    * Office of Peace Education and Training

    * Office of Domestic Peace Activities

    * Office of International Peace Activities

    * Office of Technology for Peace

    * Office of Arms Control and Disarmament

    * Office of Peaceful Coexistence and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution

    * Office of Human Rights and Economic Rights

    Was this pulled from a George Orwell novel? Perhaps this is pulled from the class list at Bill Ayers' Peace School (ironic coming from an unrepentant terrorist), the curriculum of which, as CNN reported earlier this month, centered on a United Nations theme.

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  3. #2

    * Office of Arms Control and Disarmament

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotin View Post

    * Office of Arms Control and Disarmament

    "lose" your guns, and sharpen you knives!
    Reality is independent of Popularity.

  5. #4
    no department of plubbing? :]

  6. #5
    If you show your support, I, Craig Thompson, will be a member of that cabinet.

    Vote Craig Thompson!

  7. #6
    Well...I told ya'll better be clinging to your 'guns and religion" because the Komrade will get rid of both. Tones

  8. #7
    * Office of Peace Education and Training

    If that were Re-education and Re-training, I'd be more likely to believe it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by tonesforjonesbones View Post
    Well...I told ya'll better be clinging to your 'guns and religion" because the Komrade will get rid of both. Tones
    There are plenty of reasons to fear either McShame or McBama winning. Don't forget to make provisions for both.
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

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  11. #9
    I don't think we will ever be able to recover from an Obama presidency.

  12. #10
    Don't they mean the "Ministry of Love?"

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Mini-Me View Post
    Don't they mean the "Ministry of Love?"
    Exactly. Replace "Office" with "Ministry" and we're there.

    "* Office of Domestic Peace Activities" will be thugs squelching dissent.

  14. #12
    * Office of Peace Education and Training

    * Office of Domestic Peace Activities

    * Office of International Peace Activities

    * Office of Technology for Peace

    * Office of Arms Control and Disarmament

    * Office of Peaceful Coexistence and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution

    * Office of Human Rights and Economic Rights
    Full of doublethink newspeak.

  15. #13
    And how much will this cost?

  16. #14
    the second amendment, more civil liberties, homeschooling, the list could go on and on..

  17. #15
    No I do not believe we will ever recover if The Komrade wins and it appears he will. Hitler mesmerized crowds with his charisma also. Look what they got. TOnes

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by tonesforjonesbones View Post
    No I do not believe we will ever recover if The Komrade wins and it appears he will. Hitler mesmerized crowds with his charisma also. Look what they got. TOnes
    reagan mesmerized crowds with his charisma too

    so did kennedy

    would you compare them to hitler?

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  20. #17
    I do not recall anyone ever referring to Reagan or Kennedy as the Messiah or saying they were more popular than Jesus. i do not recall little children being made to sing songs and do hypnotic chants in bdu's about reagan or kennedy either. ToNeS

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Monolithic View Post
    reagan mesmerized crowds with his charisma too

    so did kennedy

    would you compare them to hitler?
    Mesmerizing crowds with charisma can be a good thing in the right hands. In the wrong hands it's downright dangerous. It's not the charisma that makes Obama "like Hitler" it's the agenda. Although I'd argue he's more like Stalin.

  22. #19
    A New Cabinet Level Department Under Obama Administration
    Posted by Kim Priestap
    Published: October 24, 2008 - 6:30 PM

    The Corner points us to HR 808, the Department of Peace & Non-Violence. It's a new cabinet level the Democrats are proposing. I'm not kidding. This is going to be huge. And expensive. And oppressive. Take a look at some of the offices:

    * Office of Peace Education and Training

    * Office of Domestic Peace Activities

    * Office of International Peace Activities

    * Office of Technology for Peace

    * Office of Arms Control and Disarmament

    * Office of Peaceful Coexistence and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution

    * Office of Human Rights and Economic Rights

    Was this pulled from a George Orwell novel? Perhaps this is pulled from the class list at Bill Ayers' Peace School (ironic coming from an unrepentant terrorist), the curriculum of which, as CNN reported earlier this month, centered on a United Nations theme.
    Why is it everytime I see the word "peace" I feel like I should go get a gun?

  23. #20
    I did some more reading and discovered that this is a pet project of our friend and fellow Constitution lover Dennis Kucinich. You think he can get Ron Paul to co-sponsor? They are friends after all.

  24. #21
    * Office of Human Rights and Economic Rights
    I'm particularly interested in what the $#@! is meant by that.

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