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Thread: Is the CFL RSS feed totally borked up for anyone else?

  1. #1

    Is the CFL RSS feed totally borked up for anyone else?

    I use Google Reader. The main CFL RSS feed is coming through with a lot of weird formatting, and posts are duplicated multiple times. Sometimes, separate posts are merged into one post. It looks similar in Firefox and IE.

    Is anyone else experiencing this?

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  3. #2

  4. #3
    I was having problems posting there. It would be perfectly formatted, even to view after publishing, then for no reason, the post would truncate and lose all formatting. I think they're tweaking and improving, and that can cause intermittent problems.
    In your hearts, you know he's right.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Scribbler de Stebbing View Post
    I was having problems posting there. It would be perfectly formatted, even to view after publishing, then for no reason, the post would truncate and lose all formatting. I think they're tweaking and improving, and that can cause intermittent problems.
    The actual CFL blog looks fine to me and always has, but if you view the blog's RSS feed using Google Reader, posts get jumbled together and contain lots of formatting problems. I've sent a bug report to the CFL web staff about this; but I'm just curious whether other people are experiencing the same problem.

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