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Thread: Russia test-fired three long-range missiles from submarine distance 7,145 miles

  1. #1

    Russia test-fired three long-range missiles from submarine distance 7,145 miles

    Russia test-fired three long-range missiles on Sunday and pronounced its nuclear deterrent strong in a show of force that experts said had not been seen since the days of the Cold War.

    Two of the missiles were fired from nuclear submarines in the Asian and European extremes of the sprawling country while a third was watched by President Dmitry Medvedev on land in northwest Russia, news agencies reported.

    It was the second Russian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in as many days and the latest in a series of high-profile military exercises of conventional land, sea and air forces as well as strategic nuclear units.

    "This shows that our deterrent is in order," Medvedev was quoted by RIA Novosti news agency as saying after Sunday's missile launches.

    "We will of course be introducing new types of forces and means into the military," he added, without elaborating.

    Independent military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer said the exercises reflected Russia's determination to prepare for major military conflict.

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  3. #2
    The US Trident submarine launched balistic missiles have a range of about 4,600 miles but then again, a submarine can park itself right off your coast and launch from there. They do not have to send one 7,000 miles. The Trident is capable of carrying multiple warheads and the model Trident II D5 was reportedly tested earlier this year. Tests are conducted all the time and do not mean any action is coming.

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