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Thread: Mitch McConnell is a bastard

  1. #1

    Mitch McConnell is a bastard

    This creap had his phone taken off the hook today. I tried calling but could not get through.

    After work I went to a local Democratic HQ and got a Ditch Mitch sign. I also picked up one for a friend of mine.

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  3. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by spotics View Post
    This creap had his phone taken off the hook today. I tried calling but could not get through.

    After work I went to a local Democratic HQ and got a Ditch Mitch sign. I also picked up one for a friend of mine.
    Confirmed by someone else that told me the same thing. He's going to be target number one to lose their seat since he's the senate republican leader.

  4. #3
    After these votes are over we need to come up with lists of who voted yes and who is up for re-election. I will spend the whole month of October fighting to throw these jerks out.
    End The Nanny State!

  5. #4
    I missed it... How many if any came out against this thing today?

  6. #5
    They're still talking. I've only seen a few against it, and the majority "reluctantly" or "100%" are voting for the bill. Nelson, Sessions, and a couple more are against it, at least publicly, although Nelson is against it for the wrong reasons, methinks.
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  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by spotics View Post
    This creap had his phone taken off the hook today. I tried calling but could not get through.

    After work I went to a local Democratic HQ and got a Ditch Mitch sign. I also picked up one for a friend of mine.
    I think that Lamar Alexander had his field office phone off the hook, but I sure can't prove it.
    When all else fails,
    there's always

  8. #7
    I've been calling his office since last week, it was always busy, I just thought he was getting hammered with calls. So I called Bunning's office to suggest he go put a leash on McConnell.
    Last edited by SWATH; 10-01-2008 at 07:11 PM.
    Has Gun Will Revolt

  9. #8
    Bunning is opposing.

    Mitch Mcconnell is the biggest damn neo-con.

    I need to get a ditch mitch sign for my yard.

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  11. #9
    Ditch Mitch, what an idiot that man is

    he must be defeated

  12. #10
    Mitch isn't an idiot. He knows how to play the game. I read he gets more donations from special intersts than anyone else on Capitol Hill.

    That said he needs to go badly.

  13. #11
    McConnell voted in favor of the bailout, burn him
    Has Gun Will Revolt

  14. #12
    Feinstein (I heard on the news tonight) got 91,000 phone calls...85,000 were AGAINST THE BILL...she signed it anyway..said "the people don't understand it". smh tones

  15. #13
    "the people don't understand it"
    Oh the arrogance! The elitism! The nerve!

    These cretins don't represent us at all. All of 'em need to be thrown out of office.

    And btw, feindstein, yes, plain 'ol people DO understand it.
    If God himself got off his throne, descended from the heavens, trumpetted at my door, and announced that I was wasting my time trying to get Ron Paul into the Whitehouse, I would thank him for his concern and ask him to leave me to my business. I've wasted lots of time on far less noble causes. ~RockEnds

  16. #14
    Think voinovich had his off the hook today too. Tried 30 times, could never get through.

    As for McConnell, he should become prime target number one. We might not be able to shove our foot up the senate's arse (only 1/3rd are up for election this cycle), but he is, and it's a close race. (Recent polling shows 1% lead for McConnell) Certainly we can focus on him, destroy that lead and show the senate that even their highest leaders aren't safe when they try to f with America.

  17. #15
    Agreed, for the first time in my life, I will be voting for a Democrat to send to Washington (in order to toss out McConnell).

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jabrownie View Post
    Think voinovich had his off the hook today too. Tried 30 times, could never get through.

    As for McConnell, he should become prime target number one. We might not be able to shove our foot up the senate's arse (only 1/3rd are up for election this cycle), but he is, and it's a close race. (Recent polling shows 1% lead for McConnell) Certainly we can focus on him, destroy that lead and show the senate that even their highest leaders aren't safe when they try to f with America.
    McConnell is the Republican Senate Leader. It will send a message.

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  20. #17

  21. #18
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