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Thread: Senate Majority Leader on Economic Woes: 'No One Knows What to Do'

  1. #1

    Senate Majority Leader on Economic Woes: 'No One Knows What to Do'

    Senate Majority Leader on Economic Woes: 'No One Knows What to Do'

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  3. #2
    So [not] heartwarming to know that the federal reserve bailouts have no congressional oversight, and no one elected the dirty bastards.
    ‎"dancing... is a healthy exercise, elegant and very attractive..." ~ Thomas Jefferson, March 14, 1818

    They hate us for our policies, not our freedoms.

  4. #3
    What a piece of work he is.

    Buck passer!!

    I would be willing to bet that millions of people in this country saw this coming, yet Congress and those others in power have no clue.

    Give me a break. The Feds have known exactly what they are doing.

    "Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation's debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over. -Cong. Louis McFadden

  5. #4
    Ron Paul knows what to do. He's been telling everyone what to do for years now.
    "Anarchists oppose the State because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights." -Murray Rothbard

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by noxagol View Post
    Ron Paul knows what to do. He's been telling everyone what to do for years now.
    Yeah, but they all have dung in their ears.

  7. #6
    That's just it. No matter how right Ron Paul is they won't listen to him. I tried to post some Ron Paul articles on ebay blogs and most of the responses were "oh come on, why would you listen to that nut".
    End The Nanny State!

  8. #7
    Ron Paul looks like such a God now.

    The Congress will be coming to him saying "Teach us, Master...."

  9. #8
    Ron Paul is a giant.
    “I will be as harsh as truth, and uncompromising as justice... I am in earnest, I will not equivocate, I will not excuse, I will not retreat a single inch, and I will be heard.” ~ William Lloyd Garrison

    Quote Originally Posted by TGGRV View Post
    Conza, why do you even bother? lol.
    Worthy Threads:

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by anaconda View Post
    Ron Paul looks like such a God now.

    The Congress will be coming to him saying "Teach us, Master...."
    No they won't. You underestimate the ego of a politician. They will shun him further now so he doesn't make them all look like idiots to the general public now.
    "Anarchists oppose the State because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights." -Murray Rothbard

  12. #10
    Contact your congressman, let them know what you think of the fed bailouts, maybe that'll give them a clue as 'what to do'.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitt Romneys sideburns View Post
    In classic Hollywood fashion, a pregnant woman went into labor during the confusion. Paul delivered the baby, and then punched out a dozen communists.

  13. #11
    "Don't take any more of this $ hit, elect Ron Paul !"


    "No more $ hits, elect Ron Paul !"


    "Just say No to $ hits, listen to Ron Paul !"
    Last edited by FindLiberty; 09-18-2008 at 07:07 AM.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by FindLiberty View Post
    "Don't take any more of this $ hit, elect Ron Paul !"
    Remember that British article last (November?) which said that the U.S. was going to go into a complete economic meltdown and Ron Paul would be elected President?

    Maybe we should ignore the obvious fact that "Ron Paul can't be elected" and follow FindLiberty's lead and tell everyone (Again) what Ron Paul has been saying.

    Might be a time for a new chapter in the U.S.A.
    Last edited by 123tim; 09-18-2008 at 07:11 AM.

  15. #13
    Someone in the House knows what to do. Unfortunately, both major parties nominated idiot Senators.

    And, no, no one in the Senate knows what to do. Unfortunately, most of them also don't seem to care.
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

  16. #14

  17. #15
    C'mon guys & gals, the comment section needs to be Ron Pauled. Please take this opportunity to educate the (dumb)masses, even if you just say "abolish the fed".
    If God himself got off his throne, descended from the heavens, trumpetted at my door, and announced that I was wasting my time trying to get Ron Paul into the Whitehouse, I would thank him for his concern and ask him to leave me to my business. I've wasted lots of time on far less noble causes. ~RockEnds

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by RonPaulR3VOLUTION View Post
    Senate Majority Leader on Economic Woes: 'No One Knows What to Do'
    Harry Reid is an Idiot when it comes to everything except being a Politician. He has plenty of financial cronies here in NV to keep him in the Senate. A big facade and liar he is best as serving.

    He never responds to any messages/inquirings sent to him... and the only time you do here from him is when he wants money or needs your vote for the Election.

    He is a Nevadan political POS. There's so much corruption and collusion in this state.

    We are ALL embarrassed and disgusted he represents we Nevadans.
    The American Dream, Wake Up People, This is our country! <===click

    "All eyes are opened, or opening to the rights of man, let the annual return of this day(July 4th), forever refresh our recollections of these rights, and an undiminished devotion to them."
    Thomas Jefferson
    June 1826

    Rock The World!
    USAF Veteran

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by HOLLYWOOD View Post
    Harry Reid is an Idiot when it comes to everything except being a Politician. He has plenty of financial cronies here in NV to keep him in the Senate. A big facade and liar he is best as serving.

    He never responds to any messages/inquirings sent to him... and the only time you do here from him is when he wants money or needs your vote for the Election.

    He is a Nevadan political POS. There's so much corruption and collusion in this state.

    We are ALL embarrassed and disgusted he represents we Nevadans.
    As well, Nevada should be.<IMHO> After all, he IS one of YOUR Senators.

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post
    I know exactly what needs to be done Senator Reid.

    First, we need to eliminate the FED and the unlawful, and untenable fiat monetary system.

    Second, we need to arrest the members of banking cartel and the members of congress and the administration in general for committing high crimes in the form of frauds, the unlawful application of the income tax, and the violation to the sacred oath of office.

    Third, we need to muster the militia as is required by law in such grave situations; Article 1, Section 8: To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union...& Article 2 of the Bill of Rights. But then again you've already made sure that the people would have no real recourse by your unlawful elimination of the militia, and by your unlawful attacks on the Bill of Rights, particularly the Right to Keep and Bears Arms, so you could get away with raping the wealth of this nation to fill your own greedy pockets.

    Our children, our grandchildren, will be paying for your selfish and criminal acts long after we are gone, and you pretend that you have could care. How can anyone, especially a senator who has been in congress for umpteen years pretend that he does not know that every fiat monetary system has collapsed, and destroyed the working class while the wealthy walk away. This is pure feudalism.
    "Poverty of the state exchequer causes an army to be maintained by contributions from a distance. Contributing to maintain an army at a distance causes the people to be impoverished."
    Sun Tzu

    Restore The Republic.Org


  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by PatriotG View Post
    I know exactly what needs to be done Senator Reid.

    First, we need to eliminate the FED and the unlawful, and untenable fiat monetary system.

    Second, we need to arrest the members of banking cartel and the members of congress and the administration in general for committing high crimes in the form of frauds, the unlawful application of the income tax, and the violation to the sacred oath of office.

    Third, we need to muster the militia as is required by law in such grave situations; Article 1, Section 8: To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union...& Article 2 of the Bill of Rights. But then again you've already made sure that the people would have no real recourse by your unlawful elimination of the militia, and by your unlawful attacks on the Bill of Rights, particularly the Right to Keep and Bears Arms, so you could get away with raping the wealth of this nation to fill your own greedy pockets.

    Our children, our grandchildren, will be paying for your selfish and criminal acts long after we are gone, and you pretend that you have could care. How can anyone, especially a senator who has been in congress for umpteen years pretend that he does not know that every fiat monetary system has collapsed, and destroyed the working class while the wealthy walk away. This is pure feudalism.
    Sounds just about right to me.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by PatriotG View Post
    Our children, our grandchildren, will be paying for your selfish and criminal acts long after we are gone, and you pretend that you have could care.
    I've been thinking about this part quite a lot the past few days, being a mom and all.

    I have had the hardest time understanding why so many of my fellow citizens would stand aside and keep silent about the things that have been happening and the burden we are placing on our children. And then it occurred to me...

    Destroy the family and you destroy society. ~Vladimir Lennin
    The main cause that brought me around to Ron Paul was family rights. More specifically the decline of families which is encouraged by our system by 'alimony' and 'child support' awards. Hollywood does a good job shuffling this kind of money around. The devastation family court policies have had on this country are unbelievable. I should know, I have an ex-wife. (/sarcasm, it's my husband's ex-wife but since she doesn't work she might as well be mine too).

    I think this might have at least some affect on why so many parents and other family members are so silent. Too many families in this country are horribly broken and fractured.
    We have two major parties [in America], the stupid party and the evil party. Every once in a while they manage to work together and we call it "bipartisanship".
    ~Thomas Woods, Rally for the Republic

  24. #21
    that's the big joke. "No one knows what to do", "Mr Paul, you have 5 minutes"

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by noxagol
    No they won't. You underestimate the ego of a politician. They will shun him further now so he doesn't make them all look like idiots to the general public now.
    Actually, I believe you may be correct. It might be part of the Establishment's damage control to put the word out to stop the interviews with Dr. Paul that we have been seeing more and more of lately. It will be interesting to see if a media blackout suddenly and suspiciously surrounds him. I'm thinking it probably will. Maybe we need to start emailing and phoning the news outlets.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorfsmith View Post
    That's just it. No matter how right Ron Paul is they won't listen to him. I tried to post some Ron Paul articles on ebay blogs and most of the responses were "oh come on, why would you listen to that nut".
    Ah! Are you a fellow eBayer? I shall PM you !

  27. #24
    Otter Mii-kun

    Things have NOT gotten any better since the Democrats took control of Congress. In fact things have become MUCH WORSE.

    As for Congress "getting out of the way", it's the FED that needs to get out of the way! All they're doing is aggravating the situation while putting us in greater danger than ever!

    We'd still have a gigantic crash eventually even if every single investment bank, mortgage lending agent, automaker, and insurance company was bailed out.

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