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Thread: Who was the 2:50 p.m. Special Guest at the Rally?

  1. #1

    Question Who was the 2:50 p.m. Special Guest at the Rally?

    I wasn't home during the rally, and forgot to ask.

    EDIT: Damn, can somebody move this to Grassroots, or the Rally for the Republic forum?
    "That's one thing about freedom; you have to tolerate the nonsense too." - Ron Paul

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  3. #2
    I can't think of his name but it was the JBS guy

  4. #3
    John McManus speech at the Rally for the Republic

    President of the John Birch Society

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Ron Paul Forum's Mission Statement:

    Inspired by US Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, this site is dedicated to facilitating grassroots initiatives that aim to restore a sovereign limited constitutional Republic based on the rule of law, states' rights and individual rights. We seek to enshrine the original intent of our Founders to foster respect for private property, seek justice, provide opportunity, and to secure individual liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

  5. #4
    Worth keeping his name a secret until he came on stage?
    "That's one thing about freedom; you have to tolerate the nonsense too." - Ron Paul

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Knightskye View Post
    Worth keeping his name a secret until he came on stage?
    Not in my opinion.
    "If a life could have a theme song -- and I believe every worthwhile one has -- mine is a religion, an obsession or a mania, or all of these expressed in one word: individualism. I was born with that obsession and have never seen and do not know now a cause more worthy, more misunderstood, more seemingly hopeless, and more tragically needed." -Ayn Rand

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by berrybunches View Post
    Not in my opinion.
    Yeah, I didn't get that either. Maybe they had a couple of people lined up in case one couldn't make it. But the way it was played up it seemed like it was going to be Nancy Reagan or something.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan Kovaciny View Post
    Yeah, I didn't get that either. Maybe they had a couple of people lined up in case one couldn't make it. But the way it was played up it seemed like it was going to be Nancy Reagan or something.
    I'd like to think it was that. That sounds like a smart move, but for some reason, I don't think that's what they did.
    "That's one thing about freedom; you have to tolerate the nonsense too." - Ron Paul

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