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Thread: SARAH PALIN is Smokin Hot MILF no doubt but

  1. #1

    Talking SARAH PALIN is Smokin Hot MILF no doubt but

    she is a neo-con and is being used. NEVER VOTE PALIN I repeat never vote PALIN !!

    She might be as nuts as MCLAME !

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  3. #2
    But her Playboy photo shoot will be the rave of the west!

  4. #3

  5. #4
    Sarah Palin is doing some TV work nice!

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamsie 567 View Post
    Sarah Palin is doing some TV work nice!

    that's awesome
    "I'm not just trying to win or get elected. I am trying to change the course of history" - Ron Paul

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Falseflagop View Post
    she is a neo-con and is being used. NEVER VOTE PALIN I repeat never vote PALIN !!

    She might be as nuts as MCLAME !
    Anyone who thinks Sarah Palin is "hot" either 1) lives in his Mom's basement and doesn't get out much or 2) has some sort of "I'm hot for my 8th grade history teacher" fantasy, lol.

  8. #7
    Palin is a total MILF... and yea she does remind me of a teacher i had haha

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by libertarian4321 View Post
    Anyone who thinks Sarah Palin is "hot" either 1) lives in his Mom's basement and doesn't get out much or 2) has some sort of "I'm hot for my 8th grade history teacher" fantasy, lol.
    It's because she is a politician, and attractive politicians are few and far between.
    11:02 PM [Mitt Romneys sideburns] Mormonism is like a Sean Hannity wet dream of patriotism
    4:45 PM [Kludge] No name-calling, please, Jer-Bear.
    4:49 PM [MRoCkEd] I don't support Ron Paul
    7:45 PM [stormcommander] if you want to do it at night, i will be at ccsu
    2:28 PM [Kludge] Fucking kids fucking their ****-fucking-sexuals goddam Jew fuckers....
    12:40 AM [Old Ducker] kludge and I both worship the same goddess
    12:42 AM [Old Ducker] it comes down to josh

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  11. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by libertarian4321 View Post
    Anyone who thinks Sarah Palin is "hot" 2) has some sort of "I'm hot for my 8th grade history teacher" fantasy, lol.
    Don't we all?
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

  12. #10
    At Sarah's age, I think Hillary was better looking.

  13. #11
    Absolutely no one with any respect for the Republic can vote for McCain/Palin after the Charles Gibson interviews. McCain took the unconscionable risk of putting a wind-up doll within a heartbeat of the Presidency -- all for the sake of winning at any cost. Her ignorance of the most basic facts, her rote mouthing of the GOP mantras instead of answering repeated questions from Gibson are shocking. That anyone, not even Libertarian, not even Paulista, would not laugh this person off the stage is proof that the electorate is incapable of any analysis on any issue: It's all marketing, and both campaigns know it.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Falseflagop View Post
    she is a neo-con and is being used. NEVER VOTE PALIN I repeat never vote PALIN !!

    She might be as nuts as MCLAME !
    She's hot, if you like damaged goods.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by THulsey View Post
    Absolutely no one with any respect for the Republic can vote for McCain/Palin after the Charles Gibson interviews. McCain took the unconscionable risk of putting a wind-up doll within a heartbeat of the Presidency -- all for the sake of winning at any cost. Her ignorance of the most basic facts, her rote mouthing of the GOP mantras instead of answering repeated questions from Gibson are shocking. That anyone, not even Libertarian, not even Paulista, would not laugh this person off the stage is proof that the electorate is incapable of any analysis on any issue: It's all marketing, and both campaigns know it.
    I wouldn't have risked it anyway. Too much of a calculation to expect someone with a shred of common sense and integrity (just a shred, now) like ms. Palin to have influence in the administration. McCain/Palin can go to hell for all I care.

  16. #14
    Gotta read Fred Reed on Palin, whom he calls "an angry Betty Crocker, absolutely unqualified for the presidency in case McCain goes tits up":

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by THulsey View Post
    Gotta read Fred Reed on Palin, whom he calls "an angry Betty Crocker, absolutely unqualified for the presidency in case McCain goes tits up":
    heh. He's funny.

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