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Thread: US Missile Defence System is a Magic Pudding

  1. #1

    US Missile Defence System is a Magic Pudding

    Published on Tuesday, August 19, 2008 by The Guardian/UK
    The US Missile Defence System Is the Magic Pudding That Will Never Run Out
    Poland is just the latest fall guy for an American foreign policy dictated by military industrial lobbyists in Washington
    by George Monbiot

    It's a novel way to take your own life. Just as Russia demonstrates what happens to former minions that annoy it, Poland agrees to host a US missile defence base. The Russians, as Poland expected, respond to this proposal by offering to turn the country into a parking lot. This proves that the missile defence system is necessary after all: it will stop the missiles Russia will now aim at Poland, the Czech Republic and the UK in response to, er, their involvement in the missile defence system.

    The American government insists that the interceptors, which will be stationed on the Baltic coast, have nothing to do with Russia: their purpose is to defend Europe and the US against the intercontinental ballistic missiles Iran and North Korea don't possess. This is why they are being placed in Poland, which, as every geography student in Texas knows, shares a border with both rogue states.

    They permit us to look forward to a glowing future, in which missile defence, according to the Pentagon, will "protect our homeland ... and our friends and allies from ballistic missile attack"; as long as the Russians wait until it's working before they nuke us. The good news is that, at the present rate of progress, reliable missile defence is only 50 years away. The bad news is that it has been 50 years away for the past six decades.
    The world does not consist of a throng of geniuses. WilliamBanzai7

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  3. #2
    "It's a novel way to take your own life. Just as Russia demonstrates what happens to former minions that annoy it, Poland agrees to host a US missile defence base. The Russians, as Poland expected, respond to this proposal by offering to turn the country into a parking lot. This proves that the missile defence system is necessary after all: it will stop the missiles Russia will now aim at Poland, the Czech Republic and the UK in response to, er, their involvement in the missile defence system." a sick sort of way. Oh the irony!!!

  4. #3
    Now that's freaking funny!!

    Until you think about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

  5. #4
    "Hey kids, now you can be the first on your block to be the last on your block.

    So order your own personal fallout shelter NOW while you're still young, and you know everything!

    ..and so you don't forget, be sure to order before midnight tomorrow."

  6. #5
    How would U.S. citizens feel if Russia stated the same agenda, with Missiles in Cuba, Canada, Jamaica, and Mexico?

    Isn't this missile defence system another arrow directed towards the American taxpayer, and another bonanza for the Halliburtons of the world?


    China laughs.

  7. #6
    They permit us to look forward to a glowing future

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