There are neo-conservatives on the Democratic Party's side too, and they aren't doing anything of the sort.
Bob Barr ISN'T a very good LP candidate. He supports a "national sales tax" in place of the IRS, which is only a gimmick. Taxes are taxes, no matter which way you look at it! He doesn't explicitly state on his website anything about his positions on the War on Drugs either, which is a very important position to me and any libertarian concerned about freedom. Ron Paul is more libertarian than Bob Barr is, especially considering the fact that Bob Barr was one of the bad guys until only a couple of years ago. This makes me very uneasy, because we have people like RP who have had the same positions since they first entered the political game.
At least Wayne Allen Root ended up losing out - thank goodness. EDIT: Oh shoot - Root ended up getting VP. We truly have the worst ticket that we could have possibly conceived of this year.
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