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Thread: If Ron Paul becomes President...Can the Secret Service...

  1. #1

    If Ron Paul becomes President...Can the Secret Service...

    Can the Secret Service actually protect Ron Paul know what?

    Obviously, people don't want RP in office but when the day comes, people will want him OUT one way or another, can we trust our own secret service?

    I am signing up to take a bullet for our Champion of the Constitution.
    Last edited by eleganz; 05-03-2008 at 03:02 AM.

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  3. #2
    Ron Paul has got good instincts....a Secret Service agent who has no intentions of protecting him wouldn't stand a chance of being accepted by him.

    and as you said...there are people that are so loyal to Ron Paul...they would never betray him.

  4. #3
    If RP became president, you'd have hundreds of people like myself, loyal to him, signing up immediately.

  5. #4
    You know the secret service's original duty was to stop counterfeiters. Maybe he can just send them all to the Fed.
    "One thing at a time, is my motto - and just play that thing for all it is worth, even if it's only two pair and a jack."
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    # of "undesireables" exterminated by Nazi Germany: 11,000,000. / # of Soviet citizens purged by Stalin: 40-60,000,000. / # of Chinese killed in Mao Tse-Dong's Revolutions: 70-80,000,000. / Living in Freedom: Priceless.


  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by majinkoola View Post
    If RP became president, you'd have hundreds of people like myself, loyal to him, signing up immediately.
    and thousands like myself feeling very fond and grateful to hundreds like yourself.

  7. #6

  8. #7
    You would think if the Secret Service and FBI were doing there job correctly the Bush family and a lot of there close friends would be behind bars now for treason they have committed against America. No one in those offices has the balls to say or do anything right for the USA.

    "Energy and persistence conquer all things"
    Benjamin Franklin
    The greatest sins are those who remain silent in the face of evil.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by eleganz View Post
    Can the Secret Service actually protect Ron Paul know what?

    Obviously, people don't want RP in office but when the day comes, people will want him OUT one way or another, can we trust our own secret service?

    I am signing up to take a bullet for our Champion of the Constitution.
    The Secret Service is exactly who we don't want put in charge of protecting RP. Observe...

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by qh4dotcom View Post
    Ron Paul has got good instincts....a Secret Service agent who has no intentions of protecting him wouldn't stand a chance of being accepted by him.

  12. #10
    Honestly, If I were Ron, the only expansion of government I would consider is a new security detail.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by BuddyRey View Post
    The Secret Service is exactly who we don't want put in charge of protecting RP. Observe...

    I think alot of people have been concerned for Dr. Paul's safety at one time or another. I wasn't too worried after super Tuesday because things died down a bit. BUT, now...with the way things are going with the book, state conventions, etc....That concern is creeping back in. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Truth Warrior View Post
    Getting offended has become a pathetic booming major growth industry in America.

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  14. #12
    Maybe we could seduce Chuck Norris to our side. He has done so well protecting the border.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by thuja View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by majinkoola View Post
    If RP became president, you'd have hundreds of people like myself, loyal to him, signing up immediately.
    and thousands like myself feeling very fond and grateful to hundreds like yourself.

  16. #14
    My God, I'm a New Zealander, and "I" would gladly take a bullet for him, no question, no hesitation.
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  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by CurtisLow View Post
    You would think if the Secret Service and FBI were doing there job correctly the Bush family and a lot of there close friends would be behind bars now for treason they have committed against America. No one in those offices has the balls to say or do anything right for the USA.
    It's a lot harder than you think for the Secret Service and FBI to get an actual case on the Bush Administration. I'm sure they've looked into the Bush Administration but it's not going to get passed the higher ups and there is no way in hell the Supreme Court Justice that Bush elected would pass any cases against their employer, "Mister Dubbya Jr.".

    Once Ron Paul wins the Presidency, it'll be fair game! Especially with who he elects in the Supreme Court Justice. He'll level a full investigation on the Bush Administration and find out what crimes they committed.

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