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Thread: NC Delegates Info Needed

  1. #1

    Smile NC Delegates Info Needed


    If you are an elected delegate to your District and State Conventions I need to hear from you. Please email me ASAP at:

    I need the following information.
    Last Name:
    First Name:
    Home Phone:
    Cell Phone:

    By way of background, I was on the PCC staff and worked in Iowa, NH, and SC. After 5 weeks I was released and have been working to organize NC since January 23rd. Jim Fox and I have been in constant contact and many other leaders throughout the state know me well. I serve as a volunteer State Coordinator, one of three and service mainly the Central NC area. I welcome any questions or phone calls: 704-560-1776 from our R3volution forces and as a result of our efforts was even recruited by the Mecklenburg County Chairman to run for the NC House, District #107. So I will be on the ballot this November.
    The information needed above is in preparation for the upcoming District Conventions in April. Advanced planning is essential for maximum effectiveness going forward.
    God Bless you all and thanks for your continued activism!
    Gary Hardee
    Charlotte, NC

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  3. #2

    Please help Gary out with this

    He has been working hard on this effort.

    A fellow meetup member of his

    (he has my info already....)

  4. #3
    Gary has worked very hard in Mecklenburg and other counties to help us unite and work together to become delegates. His enthusiasm and devotion to the RP campaign is outstanding. I spoke with Gary on the phone yesterday and encouraged him to get back on the forums and make contact with other NC supporters. Also gave him my delegate info.

    PLEASE... all NC delegates, get your information to Gary. He's a great person who is also running for House Representative district 107! He needs our cooperation and support!!!

  5. #4
    Feedback Gary???

    Anyone helping out??

  6. #5
    i forwarded this to my meetup.

    Gary is doing alot of work for his Congressional run and for Congressman Paul's run also.

    Please support Gary in the mecklenburg county area Congressional election.
    Ron Paul Phone-Calls from Home - call people the campaign have on lists that might vote for Dr Paul.

  7. #6
    Ive been in touch with Gary pursuant to an email from him. Im still tracking down a couple names, but have 3/4 of ours on paper.

  8. #7
    16 years later... Yes! I got nice help. Thanks for your support, always!
    Gary Hardee
    Charlotte, NC

  9. #8
    And still fighting for liberty!
    Gary Hardee
    Charlotte, NC

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  11. #9

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