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Thread: Texas GOP platform

  1. #1

    Texas GOP platform

    According to the Texas GOP platform, Ron Paul is THE ONLY candidate who even resembles a Republican.

    The GOP in Texas wants to abolish the income tax and the IRS, repeal the Brady law, review and repeal all portions of the Patriot Act that violate our rights, repeal all executive orders, etc etc etc.

    When I read the Texas GOP platform, it almost looks like Ron Paul wrote the thing.

    So what the hell is wrong with Texas Republicans? Don't they have a clue what their own party stands for?

    It's almost like an 'in-your-face' kind of joke or something...

    How ANY Republican could even think about voting for McCain is beyond my comprehension...

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  3. #2
    Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate who resembles a conservative. Furthermore, you might be seeing our influence. Our county platform is extremely libertarian thanks to RP volunteers.

    Don't complain! And as for McCain, who cares if they throw their votes away on him? He was born in the Republic of Panama. We'll knock him over like a domino. Off to court!
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  4. #3
    This is why the ability to change platforms is worthless. Positions are ignored completely. Unless there is a way to bar those that have violated the parties platform(Mccain etc..) then what good is a platform at all?

  5. #4
    I'm glad your county has a lot of RP volunteers. My precinct has ZERO RP supporters except me and three others, the rest of the people don't have a clue and won't vote for Paul because they are afraid to 'split the vote and let Hillary win' or some other nonsensical garbage.

    I am continually amazed at how feebleminded so many people are. No wonder we are in the mess we are in.

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