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Thread: Email Database and The Grassroots HQ: Tick,Tock,Tick,Tock......

  1. #1

    Arrow Email Database and The Grassroots HQ: Tick,Tock,Tick,Tock......

    I watched Jennifer's effort to alert "all" meetups to her College campus blitz idea.

    It was an awsome effort by her and forum members....but was excruciating to watch.

    Things that absolutely need to happen: (Military calls it the 3 "C's")

    Every organizational/military strategy is firmly built on those 3 foundations.

    a GRASSROOTS HQ is established and supported ($$$)

    the GRASSROOTS HQ coordinates and delegates

    a 32,000+ (protected) database of email and cell #'s established with the COMMAND.

    PLAN: Declare and Establish a GRASSROOTS HQ and nominate the LEADER (Lord Xar and others have shown MUCH capability and desire) .
    Pay them.
    Setup HQ website and have all MEETUPS register to the site with emails/tele's.

    I see "frustration" posts and threads popping up (again)......
    It's getting late.....don't cha think..... WHO and WHEN is this going to happen?

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  3. #2
    I AGREE! Ive been thinking this for a long time, we NEED to centralize our efforts instead of being many split factions.
    Question though, where do we start?

  4. #3
    This should probably be done. One massive mailing list would make communication a lot easier.
    Come see my website

  5. #4
    consider this a vote in opposition.
    Dude, I'm rich! Check out this tin can! Uber wealth, ftw!

  6. #5
    I agree this needs to happen SOON. Are there any open-source programs out there that have the ability to handle this type of information? If not, we should be able to find someone to develop this. I'm willing to get some money together to run a sever capable of handling this if someone gets the database and scripts together.

  7. #6
    HQ set me an email list of 400+RP leaders I have available

  8. #7
    This needs to be a county be county movement. Contact you local gop county mechanism and start attending meetings. Find things that you have in common.
    I am working on a worksheet that will help facilitate warm conversations. It should be ready in a few days.

    Contact your state supervisor of elections and look into procuring voter lists by state. Once we have these lists, then we can contact those voters more likely to be receptive to Ron Paul's message of Liberty and Limited Government.

  9. #8
    Anyone up for being in charge of this? A website is easy to get...

    I guess something that bothers me is that theres a ronpaulforums and a ronpaulforum why do things have to be separate? Combining our recourses would help us all

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  11. #9
    I like this.

    << Villanova University (and totally ready to spread the word on my campus once school starts)


  12. #10

    Arrow Please Read: a LIBERATING post 10 days ago.

    sourced HERE

    Frustrated with RP National Headquarters?
    DONT BE!!!

    I hear a lot of frustration among board members, grassroots supporters etc that are sometimes complaining about HQ and contacting HQ and not getting emails or phone calls back etc... Most of us quip that they are super busy and just to try try again.

    Jen is the organizer for the iowa strawpoll volunteers and I found this on her blog which gives a great explanation for this.. and it all has to do with the FEC

    please read this


    On Sunday night, some of the members of the Des Moines and Ames meetups met with the national campaign HQ members to talk about the Straw poll. I must tell you that I went in there with a bit of an attitude, because I am one of those who has been questioning the chasm that I feel developing between the grassroots campaign and the national campaign. More than once, I’ve asked myself, “What are they doing?” and “Who are these people?”. To be fair, I also ask myself, “What am I doing?” and “Who the heck am I?” Equal time, you know.

    The difference between national and grassroots is evident even to the most casual observer. As I looked around the room, I had to smile at the contrast. The meetup folk were slouching on the floor in casually reclined poses; most of us, if we cut our hair, look like we use a bowl for a template. We write with pencils and bics and snort when we laugh. The national team, on the other hand, wear clothes that are so nice they have their own birth certificates. They wear their sunglasses on top of their heads, have really nice haircuts, and as they sit leaning gracefully against the wall, they toy with cool electronic gizmos that the rest of us stare at in fascination. They use words like “touches” and “charm offensive”. We use words like “borg” and “duct tape”.

    The meeting was started with a report on what the Campaign has accomplished in terms of reaching out to voters. National has started a campaign to connect with special segments of the Iowan population, and between this campaign, and the write and call Iowan programs, they expect to reach (or “touch”) over 200,000 potential voters by the end of this week.

    One of the national team said, “We want to touch as many people as we can.” and another said, “Isn’t it better to touch someone several times?” I tried not to laugh, but I couldn’t help thinking, “Doesn’t it depend on where you touch them?” <snort>

    The meeting continued at a good clip, and we covered the different areas of the Straw Poll that needed volunteer support. It was a pretty good meeting, but I still somehow was bothered by the chasm I felt between us.

    So at an inopportune moment, which is the only time I seem capable of speaking out in a group, I told them that I was sensing a chasm between national and grass roots. I said that if we weren’t careful, we would end up with two campaigns. Two campaigns that didn’t like each other. Cats and Dogs, Hatfield and McCoys, Eileen and Sandy Burger (Eileen and Sandy were my next door neighbors when I was growing up and were always fighting over their “real live Lucy” doll who refused to eat spinach or raise taxes.) You get the picture.

    I told them that the supporters for Ron Paul want to help. I said, “For example, if you’re doing a radio campaign in Iowa, why not make the ad available, and I know the supporters will run with it and play it all over Iowa! There’s so much we can do together. Can’t you just talk to us? We’re not from the government, we really are here to help!” Realizing that I was beginning to sound like a democrat <teasing!>, I trailed off with, “It’s just that we’re a little frustrated right now…”

    It was about then that I noticed that one of the national guys was turning an odd shade of red. Suddenly, he jumped up and with clenched fists exclaimed, “You think you’re frustrated?! You have no idea!” It took me a while to understand what he was talking about, but when the light finally dawned, I realized there was another side to this whole thing that I hadn’t even been aware of.

    Here’s the gist of it. The FEC (Federal Election Commission) has a code of rules and regulations that apparently makes the IRS codebook look like nursery rhymes. And, because other groups are not, shall we say, encouraging our campaign it is especially important that we follow the code to perfection. The code mostly deals with money - how it is received by the campaign, how it is used, etc. The tricky part for grassroots campaigns is that our activities must clearly be separate (in general) from the National campaign or someone is gonna end up in a little prison cell with a roommate named Bubba.

    So, they can’t give us a radio ad, because then it isn’t an independent action, but a coordinated communication, which requires filing reams of reports, may exceed the allowed donation limit, etc. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    What they explained to us is this: They hate it, but they have to live by it. They want, they need for us to do what we’re doing and do more of it. They were as encouraging as they could be, but are very skittish about doing anything that can be misconstrued as incorrect. They don’t want to hear about the projects that we’re working on, and they can’t consult with us on the best way to do them. They went into some more detail, but you can see the general scheme of things, right?

    When they were done talking about the restrictions on them, I blurted out, “Wow, I feel so free!”. And I do. Do you see what this means? It means we don’t have to wait on the national organization to make decisions. We don’t have to feel stymied because we don’t know what they want. The truth is this: they can’t tell us! It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s just that they aren’t allowed to. So, you and I can promote Dr. Paul with our best efforts. We can coordinate with each other and help each other as we have been doing. And we can do more of it. While we cannot and indeed must not depend on national, we can support them as best we can so that they can work fully within the limitations that exist, because the national campaign is also vital for success. But, we must move forward within the grassroots movement. The truth is that Dr. Paul’s message, our message, is simple and clear enough that once people hear it, it speaks to them. That’s the only direction we really need. All we have to do is let people know about him.

    In the end, there are two campaigns - national and grassroots. But now, instead of thinking of us as two little kids fighting over our “Constitution Ron” doll, I see us more as Captain Navarre and Isabeau from Ladyhawke - two lovers under the spell of an evil wizard, unable to “touch” each other, but soon to be set free and return justice to the land. The only part I can’t decide is who’s the hawk and who’s the wolf.

  13. #11
    Then, we still need grassroots leadership. I guess the meetups will have to do for now.

  14. #12
    I strongly suggest that we fight the urge to centralize the grassroots campaign. There is already one centralized campaign -- the official campaign. Let them take the lead on things that require centralized focus.

    Our strength is decentralism. Someone suggests an idea. If people like it, it gets funded and takes off. If not, it dies on the vine.

    These approaches are not in conflict -- they complement each other. Let each aspect of the campaign do what they do best.

  15. #13
    I do not want someone commanding me to do anything - if this restricts my liberty to do what I want for the good Dr. I am against it.

    It seems to me that any time something starts getting big you have people that want to control and take power - no thank you!

    I think a centralized command and control will do to us what centralized government has done to the states..

    "Live free or die" comes to mind.......

  16. #14
    Our local Meetup does quite well spreading the Ron Paul name and message without a centralized command. Centralizing an effort like this can often lead to a power struggle that can jeopardize the whole mission. I know of a large Meetup in a major U.S. city that nearly disintegrated because that went with this command and control concept. Luckily, they split and now there are two groups in this city. Both groups operate separately and are stronger because of it. The group with the least regimentation and form seems to operate the best out of the two.

    Every group needs to focus on their own local area in my opinion...kind of like open source software. I think there is much more strength with this approach.
    Last edited by mconder; 08-14-2007 at 10:01 AM.

  17. #15

    uggghhh....not again

    This ping pong argument is getting really old (sigh!)

    It is not centralization (trying to stifle ANYTHING!!!)
    it's about COORDINATION and LEADERSHIP and is need driven....
    relegating this to discussions about TYRANNY and FREEDOM is a disconnect!

    Where would we be without RP coming out and LEADING the Freedom movement?
    Does that make him a dictator over the Libertarian movement?
    His leadership and STRUCTURED organization have enabled progress like we've NOT seen for 50 years.

    Does that restrict you? HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please put down your paddle and support some leadership.

  18. #16
    that goldenequity has a lean and hungry look.
    Dude, I'm rich! Check out this tin can! Uber wealth, ftw!

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  20. #17

    ugggh not again

    not the it's not about restricting, it's about empowering (me) thing again.

    put down the paddle.
    Dude, I'm rich! Check out this tin can! Uber wealth, ftw!

  21. #18

    Here is what I think we need

    I think where we need a "command and control" is for sharing ideas. We have some great ideas on this board, but how to easily get them to 30,000 plus MeetUp groups?

    THEN let the MeetUp groups (and their 30,000 members) decide how to use the info/ideas they are sent. Just like how the federal guv does not know how to run local schools, one marketing idea that sounds great here may not be good for all parts of the country - or many people may not personally feel comfortable with doing a certain marketing idea.

    So, I DON'T think we need a grassroots command and control for giving orders or implementing ideas, but WE really do need a centralized way to deciminate all the great info and ideas we have on this board, or hear about from certain MeetUp groups, so EVERY MeetUp group can quickly get the idea/concept and then decide if and how they want to implement it. I would also suggest beefing up regional MeetUp communication, but having centralized communication would get everybody on board.

    So, no big bosses of the grassrooots (except to manage the communications process), BUT what we need is better communication and ways to share info with 30,000 (and growing daily) people FAST.

    If we were to have a nationwide idea, the way to do it is let ALL the MeetUp groups know at the same time and let it happen spontaneously. That is the key to grassroots - it has to be a groundswell of people WANTING to do something as opposed to being told to do something.
    Last edited by tmg19103; 08-14-2007 at 10:14 AM.

  22. #19
    well, perhaps we should just have a poll to vote on the "focus of the month" for meetup members nationwide - with the results posted on ALL meetup groups or here on the message board.

    Like, letters to the editor. Creative fundraisers. Seeking endorsements. Educating local public officials and party members. Concerted nationwide sign blitzes. National print, radio, or TV advertisements. College campuses. and so on.

    Of course, sign making and so on will just be considered an on-going effort, besides the "focus of the month"

    We could also set up a fundraising quota and our own countdown ticker, since people complain the official HQ doesnt have one.

    I don't think we need *too* much organization - just something we can all agree to focus our efforts on. Local efforts are good for local groups. Sign-making and waving is good for everyone. But big projects need to have a national focus.

    just my thoughts.

  23. #20
    i'm with you santana...

    but doesn't that already happen here? maybe a little more conscious effort going into the threads we start and sticky... a little heavier handed on the mod side. PM stuff in PMs that sort of thing just to keep 'em clean.

    why reinvent the wheel?
    Dude, I'm rich! Check out this tin can! Uber wealth, ftw!

  24. #21

    Smile Exactly.

    Quote Originally Posted by tmg19103 View Post
    I think where we need a "command and control" is for sharing ideas. We have some great ideas on this board, but how to easily get them to 30,000 plus MeetUp groups?

    THEN let the MeetUp groups (and their 30,000 members) decide how to use the info/ideas they are sent. Just like how the federal guv does not know how to run local schools, one marketing idea that sounds great here may not be good for all parts of the country - or many people may not personally feel comfortable with doing a certain marketing idea.

    So, I DON'T think we need a grassroots command and control for giving orders or implementing ideas, but WE really do need a centralized way to deciminate all the great info and ideas we have on this board, or hear about from certain MeetUp groups, so EVERY MeetUp group can quickly get the idea/concept and then decide if and how they want to implement it. I would also suggest beefing up regional MeetUp communication, but having centralized communication would get everybody on board.

    So, no big bosses of the grassrooots (except to manage the communications process), BUT what we need is better communication and ways to share info with 30,000 (and growing daily) people FAST.

    If we were to have a nationwide idea, the way to do it is let ALL the MeetUp groups know at the same time and let it happen spontaneously. That is the key to grassroots - it has to be a groundswell of people WANTING to do something as opposed to being told to do something.

    You said it better than I...... sorry if it seemed otherwize.

  25. #22
    Thanks Golden. I have to go get some work done, but I for one would be happy ot be part of a communications team to help get ideas out to all the MeetUps and any other grassroots. Not evreybody reads this board from the MeetUps - especially the new ones that pop-up each day.

    Let's brainstorm on what needs to be done to get info to the MeetUps FAST and at the same time.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Santana28 View Post
    well, perhaps we should just have a poll to vote on the "focus of the month" for meetup members nationwide - with the results posted on ALL meetup groups or here on the message board.

    Like, letters to the editor. Creative fundraisers. Seeking endorsements. Educating local public officials and party members. Concerted nationwide sign blitzes. National print, radio, or TV advertisements. College campuses. and so on.

    Of course, sign making and so on will just be considered an on-going effort, besides the "focus of the month"

    We could also set up a fundraising quota and our own countdown ticker, since people complain the official HQ doesnt have one.

    I don't think we need *too* much organization - just something we can all agree to focus our efforts on. Local efforts are good for local groups. Sign-making and waving is good for everyone. But big projects need to have a national focus.

    just my thoughts.
    Well put. Meetups work great for local efforts, but lines of communication need to be established for uniting meetup groups on national issues and action items. There's no reason to try to move from meetup to some big unified thing. Just build on what we already have.

    Just throwing out an idea... How about setting up a forum here just for meetup leaders? It could either be set up as private or so that only meetup leaders can post, but others can read it. Then a secondary forum could be set up for everybody else's constructive criticism and creative ideas for what the meetup leaders are planning.

    To further the open source analogy, meetups are like offshoots of a project to add features or fix specific bugs. However, open source projects always have a central place like at with a bug list, what projects are being worked on, what features are planned for the future, documentation, etc. The grassroots needs to set up a central place like this on their own, because it has to be separate from the official campaign. I don't think it needs leadership or command, it just needs some people to hold it together and keep it organized.

  27. #24
    I think centralized communications networks are good for rapidly spreading word to distributed groups, although there is the risk of communication overload.

    The most valuable part of a comprehensive comm network is the ability to solicit members of local groups for projects that have national, or at least greater than local, scope. If people then want to sign on, cool. Ultimately, there may have to be some sort of gatekeeper, or digg mechanism, etc, to keep such a network from becoming overloaded with random half baked ideas.

    You see this in, for example, in Apache, where certain ideas have to get enough traction before they become official projects.

    Perhaps there could be a forum where project ideas are posted for incubancy, if they get enough diggs/votes, etc, that promotes them to some level before they would be be transmitted to a nationwide network - it would be up to individual project constituencies to develop enough support for their idea to prove that it was worthy. Without this impedance, filtering, a nationwide network with unlimited access would just become spam, and with it, you get things that you know have some traction already.

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  29. #25
    hasn't there already been a thread about someone out there trying to bill themselves as the "official" national meetup... you know trying to tell people what projects to work on... etc...

    yea, i'm pretty sure there has been... might UTSE on this one.
    Dude, I'm rich! Check out this tin can! Uber wealth, ftw!

  30. #26
    There are two pieces to this.

    The first is just some giant mail list, or distribution mechanism, the second is a piece that moderates what would get distributed.

    For a lite weight first pass, here is a proposal:

    1) Put together a mail list of at least 1 person per meetup, or the organizer, so we can let them know what we are proposing, which is essentially asking them to post to their meetup lists things that will occasionally be transmitted globally. Explain also what is described below:

    2) Set up a topic area on this forum where people post new project ideas. Each project idea has to have as part of it, a poll. When the project reaches some threshold and/or percentage, or some additional acceptance criteria, it could then be distributed to the meetups for further solicitation either via the organizers, or direct mailing. The project sponsors would have all responsibility for getting a proposal to a point where it would qualify for national distribution/solicitation

    The idea in this is that ronpaulforums (or some other site) is an incubator. This would be really easy to set up and get running quickly, and we don't have a lot of time/resources for some huge organization to do this.


  31. #27
    How about you just make sure that all meetup groups are aware of this site. then they can come here and contribute.. if someone sees an idea they like then they add to, subtract from, etc. and then go out and do it, rather than wait for some seal of approval from some 'leader' or 'organizer.' that's the beauty part of things the way they are...

    oh yea.. and it's working, that helps.
    Dude, I'm rich! Check out this tin can! Uber wealth, ftw!

  32. #28
    I think this is a good idea. If I could, I'd like to make my radio station a part of such effort. Just think... 2 HQs!

    And here's the thing... the RP HQ can only do so much because of laws. The 'Grassroots' HQ has much more freedom and flexibility. I think it's a great idea. People like to complain about 'management', but the fact is, everything we do is managed by one thing or another. The hardest part is getting really motivated people who have enough time and energy to do something like this. This will require a team.

    My radio station could be like their media broadcast. I think that'd be fun.

    I think this should really be pursued, and I would like to be a part of it, though my radio station takes up so much time/effort that I can only contribute in a limited way.
    I'm DjLoTi =) Liveontheisland =) I live on an island =) It's my island =)

  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by constituent View Post
    How about you just make sure that all meetup groups are aware of this site. then they can come here and contribute.. if someone sees an idea they like then they add to, subtract from, etc. and then go out and do it, rather than wait for some seal of approval from some 'leader' or 'organizer.' that's the beauty part of things the way they are...

    oh yea.. and it's working, that helps.
    None of this is to say that any of the existing workings would be replaced. It would be providing an additional channel for soliciting support or communicating about projects. The only seal of approval for using such a channel is not some ego bound leader, but neutral criteria of viability so that a bigger channel doesn't get clogged with spam and thereby become irrelevant to recipients.

    The way to get most meetups informed: First, publicize it on this forum, probably most meetups have at least one member who reads this, publicize that we're setting up a grass roots comm network and looking for points of contact in local meetups that would be relay points for info.

  34. #30

    So far so good! What next?

    "Here’s the gist of it. The FEC (Federal Election Commission) has a code of rules and regulations that apparently makes the IRS codebook look like nursery rhymes. And, because other groups are not, shall we say, encouraging our campaign it is especially important that we follow the code to perfection. The code mostly deals with money - how it is received by the campaign, how it is used, etc. The tricky part for grassroots campaigns is that our activities must clearly be separate (in general) from the National campaign or someone is gonna end up in a little prison cell with a roommate named Bubba.

    What they explained to us is this: They hate it, but they have to live by it. They want, they need for us to do what we’re doing and do more of it.

    Do you see what this means? It means we don’t have to wait on the national organization to make decisions. We don’t have to feel stymied because we don’t know what they want. The truth is this: they can’t tell us! It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s just that they aren’t allowed to. So, you and I can promote Dr. Paul with our best efforts. We can coordinate with each other and help each other as we have been doing. And we can do more of it.

    That’s the only direction we really need. In the end, there are two campaigns - national and grassroots."

    cujothekitten Moderator
    "This should probably be done. One massive mailing list would make communication a lot easier."

    "Ultimately, there may have to be some sort of gatekeeper, or digg mechanism, etc, to keep such a network from becoming overloaded with random half baked ideas."

    "You see this in, for example, in Apache, where certain ideas have to get enough traction before they become official projects."

    "develop enough support for their idea to prove that it was worthy. Without this impedance, filtering, a nationwide network with unlimited access would just become spam, and with it, you get things that you know have some traction already."

    "The way to get most meetups informed: First, publicize it on this forum, probably most meetups have at least one member who reads this, publicize that we're setting up a grass roots comm network and looking for points of contact in local meetups that would be relay points for info."

    "There are two pieces to this......The first is just some giant mail list, or distribution mechanism, the second is a piece that moderates what would get distributed."

    "I for one would be happy ot be part of a communications team to help get ideas out to all the MeetUps and any other grassroots."

    "I think where we need a "command and control" is for sharing ideas. We have some great ideas on this board, but how to easily get them to 30,000 plus MeetUp groups?"

    "THEN let the MeetUp groups (and their 30,000 members) decide how to use the info/ideas they are sent. "

    "what we need is better communication and ways to share info with 30,000 (and growing daily) people FAST."

    "let ALL the MeetUp groups know at the same time and let it happen spontaneously. That is the key to grassroots - it has to be a groundswell of people WANTING to do something as opposed to being told to do something."

    "HQ set me an email list of 400+RP leaders I have available"

    "I'm willing to get some money together to run a sever capable of handling this if someone gets the database and scripts together."

    "I think this is a good idea. If I could, I'd like to make my radio station a part of such effort."

    "The 'Grassroots' HQ has much more freedom and flexibility. This will require a team."
    Last edited by goldenequity; 08-14-2007 at 12:10 PM. Reason: update

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