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Thread: What Happens to RP'S funds from PResidential Race doe sit go to CONGRESSIONAL RACE?

  1. #1

    What Happens to RP'S funds from PResidential Race doe sit go to CONGRESSIONAL RACE?

    DOes he pocket it? WHat happens to this almost 7-10 mil in $$$? TIA

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  3. #2
    It goes to his presidential campaign.

    In case you didn't notice, he hasn't dropped out. Nor suspended his campaign or anything like that.

  4. #3
    If he drops out he can use it for his Congressional race. If he does not, he can't spend it on anything but the Presidential race. Per FEC law.

  5. #4
    So why did he post this message LAST NIGHT? With Washington today he would have won hands down, he was wishy washy in that message and many people have stopped donating loook at today $11K? AWFUL!

    He needs to be LEAR about what the game plan is, I still cannot believe he would support one of 2 warmongers, McCain of Facist Huckaboo!

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