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Thread: Support Murray Sabrin, Senate in NJ

  1. #1

    Support Murray Sabrin, Senate in NJ

    Another reminder that Murray Sabrin, an economics professor is running for Senate in the State of New Jersey.

    I have met him and I endorse him, he is a good man. He has been a part of the liberty movement for 30 years. He is 100% Ron Paul in his positions. Furthermore, he is a great communicator and he can win.

    I encourage you to support him if you can.

    Here is a youtube of a recent speech in Hackensack.

    His website is

    Take a look.


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  3. #2
    Last edited by specsaregood; 04-10-2012 at 08:34 AM.

  4. #3

  5. #4
    There are three people running for congress to whom I plan to donate money.

    Ron Paul
    BJ Lawson
    Murray Sabrin.

    I hope to see more "lone" votes in congress as a result.

    Free To Choose
    - The greatest video series defending capitalism in it's purest form. These videos were put out by Milton Friedman.

  6. #5

  7. #6
    Please donate to John Mitchel also. He is running for Congress in Ohio.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by apc3161 View Post
    There are three people running for congress to whom I plan to donate money.

    Ron Paul
    BJ Lawson
    Murray Sabrin.

    I hope to see more "lone" votes in congress as a result.
    I'd consider adding Brent to your list (torchbearer here on the forum).

    I think he has proven that he would be a true Ron Paul republican and sounds like he did a lot of work in helping us with the LA win.

    Quote Originally Posted by torchbearer View Post
    For the first 11 years of my political career I ran as a Libertarian knowing that I would loose... but I did that out of principle. I could have easily ran as Republican and won.
    I was tempered in Libertarian Flames, to take pride in my principles.

    I switched over to Republican to support Ron Paul in the delegate process resigning my position on the LALP central committee.
    I gave up my delegate spot for the good of the team and took an alternate spot.
    I sacrifice for the message daily, and have so for 11 years...
    receiving the Torchbearer award twice for top activist in the state.

    I don't have 20 years of voting records to back up my sincerity, but my actions should speak on my behalf.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by llepard View Post
    Another reminder that Murray Sabrin, an economics professor is running for Senate in the State of New Jersey.

    I have met him and I endorse him, he is a good man. He has been a part of the liberty movement for 30 years. He is 100% Ron Paul in his positions. Furthermore, he is a great communicator and he can win.

    I encourage you to support him if you can.

    Here is a youtube of a recent speech in Hackensack.

    His website is

    Take a look.


    Damned glad to see you back on the forums, Llepard !

    Everyone needs to get behind Murray Sabrin, I've donated & he is running for SENATE. This is huge!

    Another great ron paul supporter to get behind & donate to is BJ Lawson who is running for Congress and is also endorsed by Dr. Paul. His website is:
    Maxed out to ALL of Ron Paul's campaigns.

    Listen to Liberty Tree Radio! ::

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  11. #9
    If every Libertarian and Constitutionalist would switch to Republican, we would own the party easily.

  12. #10
    alllllrrriiight... NJ rules
    => C A M P A I G N 4 L I B E R T Y ! <=
    "He's flinty as a Founder and solid as the gold standard — not just the messenger but also the message" >esquire

  13. #11
    There is a funraiser for all these candidates @
    Alex Merced - A Champion of Freedom

    - Economics and Philosophy Discussion and Debate

    - Libertarian Community and Discussion

    Donate to Help Alex Merced promote Liberty Full Time


  14. #12
    Alex Merced - A Champion of Freedom

    - Economics and Philosophy Discussion and Debate

    - Libertarian Community and Discussion

    Donate to Help Alex Merced promote Liberty Full Time


  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by llepard View Post
    Another reminder that Murray Sabrin, an economics professor is running for Senate in the State of New Jersey.

    I have met him and I endorse him, he is a good man. He has been a part of the liberty movement for 30 years. He is 100% Ron Paul in his positions. Furthermore, he is a great communicator and he can win.

    I encourage you to support him if you can.

    Here is a youtube of a recent speech in Hackensack.

    His website is

    Take a look.


    Everyone, make sure to subscribe to his YouTube Channel as well.


  16. #14

  17. #15
    Alex Merced - A Champion of Freedom

    - Economics and Philosophy Discussion and Debate

    - Libertarian Community and Discussion

    Donate to Help Alex Merced promote Liberty Full Time


  18. #16

    Today was the deadline for filing federal campaign returns, and the landscape of New Jersey politics hasn’t altered drastically.

    In the Senate race, only Frank Lautenberg has filed with the Federal Election Commission. While the numbers have not yet appeared on the site, campaign manager Brendan Gill said that the 84-year-old Democrat has raised $931,700 during the last quarter of 2007, bringing his cash on hand total to about $4.32 million.

    The next highest fundraising total in the Senate race belongs to Republican businesswoman Anne Evans Estabrook, who put $1.6 million into her fledgling campaign and has raised a total of about $1.7 million. She has about $1.5 million cash on hand. State Senator Joe Pennacchio only entered the race in January, so he will not need to file until March, and would not divulge how much he’s raised so far.

    “We raised money, we’ve had an awful lot of commitments, so we’re right on target for where I think we should be,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Ron Paul presidential supporter Murray Sabrin kicked off his campaign through an internet campaign beginning last week, and has raised approximately $41,000, according to a campaign aide.
    Cash On Hand:

    Lautenberg -- $4.32 MILLION
    Estabrook -- $1.5 MILLION
    Sabrin -- $41k
    Pennacchio -- ???

    If Murray Sabrin is going to win this Senate seat, he's going to need a few million dollars. Time for a Money Bomb!

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  20. #17

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