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Thread: Official Campaign Radio Commercial Airing in Iowa!

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Official Campaign Radio Commercial Airing in Iowa!

    As I was driving down to Fairfield last night I heard PART of the brand-new Ron Paul commercial from HQ. It was great! RP himself speaks in part of it "I'm Fed up Too" seems to be the theme. Another voice highlights a bunch of items like you see on the slim jims. Of course, the focus is Ames.

    The commercial really stood out from the rest to me because I didn't hear any background music. The message really seemed to come through very directly with no distractions - just like Ron Paul. I was pounding on the steering wheel!

    Another RP buddy heard the commercial on another station on his way down from Cedar Rapids. I don't know if someone can go find the audio for this somehow but I wanted you to know it's on the air!

    I heard that TV commercials start airing here today, too!
    IOWA - Our Liberties We Prize And Our Rights We Will Maintain

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  3. #2
    AWESOME! I'd love to hear/see these!

  4. #3
    Somebody please capture these some way and put links to them here. PLEASE.

  5. #4
    Great great great news!!!!!! WOOOOO some T.V.... Hopefully we'll make a nice stir in Iowa!

  6. #5
    LEt's here it somone pleeeeese!!!

  7. #6
    It's all coming together everyone. No more complaints about headquarter not doing anything. Now we have to make the effort to pull this off.

  8. #7
    It should be on the HQ website. If not now, then it will be pretty soon. I think there's a TV one coming out as well.

    Edited to say that the TV ad will be on YouTube.
    Last edited by Syren123; 08-06-2007 at 12:09 PM.

  9. #8

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  11. #9

    I must see/hear these NOW. I do not want to wait people. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

  12. #10
    Isn't it the one already posted on ??

  13. #11
    No. That's the one done by the grassroots.

  14. #12
    check out their schedule for this week in Iowa. They must be busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest.

    Wish someone would record the ad and play it for us.

  15. #13
    I just got back from the event in Wellsburg, IA and on the way up there I heard ANOTHER Ron Paul commercial! I'm pretty sure this was from the official campaign but it was NOT the one I heard going to Fairfield last night.

    This one talked about bin Laden and letters of marque and reprisal. It talked about the no-win war and that m&r would allow us to find terrorists without wider wars. It went on into the Christian 'just war' principle. It finished, of course, with info on Ames, the web address, and Hope for America, etc.

    No music, again, which I think makes these ads rather direct, unique, and effective.
    IOWA - Our Liberties We Prize And Our Rights We Will Maintain

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    I just got back from the event in Wellsburg, IA and on the way up there I heard ANOTHER Ron Paul commercial! I'm pretty sure this was from the official campaign but it was NOT the one I heard going to Fairfield last night.

    This one talked about bin Laden and letters of marque and reprisal. It talked about the no-win war and that m&r would allow us to find terrorists without wider wars. It went on into the Christian 'just war' principle. It finished, of course, with info on Ames, the web address, and Hope for America, etc.

    No music, again, which I think makes these ads rather direct, unique, and effective.
    Oh good. I am SO glad, he's talking about that.

  17. #15
    this is good, between HQ ads, our ads... we are covering things pretty good.. and from what I understand, he isn't talking about illegal immigration in his ads (which he should), but at least we cover that in ours....

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Xar View Post
    this is good, between HQ ads, our ads... we are covering things pretty good.. and from what I understand, he isn't talking about illegal immigration in his ads (which he should), but at least we cover that in ours....
    I heard yours two more times on the way to Wellsburg and back on WHO and WOW. Still love it. I go down the road switching between these channels looking FOR commercials - how backward is that?

    It seem like the HQ one I heard last night included the illegal immigration issue.
    IOWA - Our Liberties We Prize And Our Rights We Will Maintain

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    I heard yours two more times on the way to Wellsburg and back on WHO and WOW. Still love it. I go down the road switching between these channels looking FOR commercials - how backward is that?

    It seem like the HQ one I heard last night included the illegal immigration issue.
    really really cool...

    yeah!! WHO and WOW.... awesome..........................

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    I go down the road switching between these channels looking FOR commercials - how backward is that?
    LMAO! I'll bet no one EVER does that looking for a Rudy, Mitt or McCain commercial

  22. #19
    Anyone have audio of the HQ radio ad yet? Video of the TV ad? DYING to see and hear what Iowans are seeing and hearing!
    In your hearts, you know he's right.

  23. #20
    Dave what have the crowds been like for Ron's events so far? Obviously they're not going to be as big as the ones planned a week or two in advance, but I'm just curious as to how the reception to Ron's message has been so far?

  24. #21
    Come on, ppl! At least give us the website of a local Iowa station so we can attempt to grab it!

  25. #22
    We should purchase more radio time(grassroots) im all for it ( money of course) if someone wants to find some stations and get more air time.

  26. #23
    We could have a last week push for the Straw Poll

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Delaware View Post
    We should purchase more radio time(grassroots) im all for it ( money of course) if someone wants to find some stations and get more air time.
    WHO and WOW are the stations we advertised on, I believe. Check with Lord Xar if you're interested in funding more ads.

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Richie View Post
    Come on, ppl! At least give us the website of a local Iowa station so we can attempt to grab it!

  30. #26


    I find this ironic. Considering just how many zillions of audio and video clips are currently released by the Paul campaign and independently over the web, its strange that the OFFICIAL ads in Iowa are currently unavailable on the web.

  31. #27
    Yes! I've been waiting for the campaign to put our money to good use Glad they're on top of this!

    Remember, investments now are for the straw poll and the caucus

  32. #28
    I can get more spots..

    WHO is VERY VERY expensive this week because of the Fair.. its tier 1 pricing...
    --- like $375 per run

    We can get on WOW fm 98.3 as we have ads on there too!




    The NEWSPAPER ADS are also gonna run TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY... -- This week.. AMES, BOONE, and Story Today -- all in Ames area of iowa..

    SO, we have good coverage with the papers... and if we want to go past Wednesay (when our ads end).. then we need more donations..

  33. #29

    Arrow Still Looking!

    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    WHO and WOW are the stations we advertised on, I believe. Check with Lord Xar if you're interested in funding more ads.
    I am still looking for a National Campaign sound clip of their Radio Spot Ad.....

    Has anybody got a link?
    Has anybody/Moderator contacted HQ National to either get the clip or find out the Iowa stations they have contracted with?


    thanks ahead!

  34. #30

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