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  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:05 PM
    Yes, that's another aspect of being pro-life. Trump believed all the lies that the vaccines were safety-tested, that they were 100% effective against COVID-19, and, most egregiously, that he was responsible for the success of getting the vaccines out through "Operation Warp Speed." He gambled with the lives of desperate Americans, and like you've said, to this day, he prides himself in getting the vaccines pushed through.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:03 PM
    And it's not just about war. He financed the jab and has never renounced it. I don't care if it's politically expedient or not. They're still pushing that jab in television commercials you and I are paying for. Anyone who can't stand up against it I have no use for.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:02 PM
    Yes, I know that Trump has done way more public engagement than Kamala. My point is Trump was outsmarted by a really stupid candidate because he allowed his own ego to get the best of him and fell into her traps. And it's his ego which will be his undoing, just as his ego kept him from being judged by Republican Primary voters in his refusal to participate in those debates.
    28 replies | 717 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:46 PM
    It's a single issue which is connected to a network of other positions. That single issue is pro-life. To be pro-life means that you care for the preservation of innocent life both inside and outside of the womb, and that incorporates the prohibition of conflicts and wars which will lead to the unnecessary, if not, unethical, termination of civilians who have nothing to do with posing a national threat. It has been shown countless times that the nation-state of Israel is using certain events to justify a campaign of genocide towards an ethnic/national group of people who are not terrorists. As a Christian, I'm against any candidate who will support another nation killing my people (that is, Palestinian Christians) for political and religious reasons. Trump's unadulterated support of Israel offsets his commitment to end the conflict over in Ukraine and Russia, even if he claims, "I just want the dying to stop." He wants to stop the killing of Ukrainian and Russian lives, but he's okay with Palestinians (and even Israelis) being killed because "Israel needs to be feared by her enemies again." Therefore, as a "sInGlE-iSsUe VoTeR," I feel justified in not supporting Trump at all, and I'm sick and tired of people like you trying to justify "voting for the lesser of two evils."
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:26 PM
    Four. Don't forget New York kicking a Kennedy off the ballot for trying to honor the very state.
    334 replies | 22179 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:28 PM
    I'm sure no one is surprised by evidence that they intend to steal it again.
    334 replies | 22179 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:14 PM
    And that's why we can't have nice things. I'm not saying I'm right and you two are wrong. What I'm saying is, that's why the human race can't have nice things. Like Republicans, we'd rather preserve hell and our place in it than take a leap. Don't have evidence. Do have this: It's a strange psyop that convinces anyone that Trump is such a Guard, given his record.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:57 PM
    Absolutely. It would've been worse than January 6, which was worse than 9/11.
    150 replies | 7436 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:37 AM
    It's you people who have to have somebody in charge, or have to have that somebody in charge from a familiar structure, or feel too old to start over, or just can't give it up who see "all successful politicians in this system are corrupt psychopaths" as a black pill. But we see a white pill just the other side of the crash. Either we're not making people see it, or they just can't believe it can come out so well... It would only take a couple of years of freedom to build paradise, if we as humans can possibly be careful of who we listen to. Unfortunately, convincing Swordsmyth and his ilk that things will improve after his Trumpy Bear falls (and the whole corrupt system with him) is about as easy as convincing that one friend to leave the meth-addicted nymphomaniac he fell for.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:04 AM
    We just have to trust him? No. That's the major problem. When the time comes to secede, I don't want to hear, oh we can't leave until we see what Big Brother Donnie has planned! We had better leave before then, people. There is such a thing as too late.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:55 AM
    I wonder if this is true. It would explain a lot.
    180 replies | 4215 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 09:04 PM
    There is no reward for voting in a presidential election. None. This "reward" of which you speak is exactly like a "budget cut". The amount of money in that bureau's budget never goes down. They're just reducing the projected increase, and blowing smoke up your ass about it being a "cut". And you're blowing smoke up our asses about this alleged "reward". There is no reward in voting with a gaggle of morons who are brainwashed into thinking that the "Two Party System" exists outside their Stockholm Syndrome. There is only the faint hope that things won't get quite as much worse quite as quickly. That's all. Zero risk, unless you're such a bad driver you're likely to try to fell a phone pole on the way. Zero reward unless it's down-ballot.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 07:56 PM
    It's a bigger asset in your profession. Especially if you work for the state. Trump has no natural advantage over Harris in lying ability.
    180 replies | 4215 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 05:50 PM
    Call it "poetic justice." Trump dodged all of the Republican Primary debates, because he was so proud that he had a commanding lead with Republican voters (in the polls and in the eyes of the mainstream media), and he felt that Republican voters didn't need to hear his positions challenged and scrutinized with the other candidates. Now he lost what is probably his last debate to a candidate who, like him, dodged the public, flying high on the polls and favor of the mainstream media and would-be voters. Trump is an arrogant person whose ego got the best of him against a woman who memorized her script and played him by leading him into all the traps that Trump's persona couldn't help.
    28 replies | 717 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 05:31 PM
    I'm against Zionism, not Israel because, theologically speaking, the Church is Israel (those who are covenantally united to Christ by faith and through baptism). So I am pro-Israel, in the Biblical sense of the word, not in the nation-state sense of a country which is Atheistic in its entire ethics, civics, etc.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • A. Havnes's Avatar
    180 replies | 4215 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 09:45 AM
    Compared to Trump? We're grading on a curve now? Her track record of lying is long enough for anyone who isn't a stooge. And Politifact after the fact is kind of like pissing on the rubble of that house which burned down last week. Way too little, way too late.
    180 replies | 4215 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 09:20 AM
    People do. But people are outnumbered by frogs.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 07:14 AM
    Nice. And you still have no idea how we all figured out that you love you some totalitarianism?
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 07:12 AM
    I don't prove it's a fact. You do.
    15 replies | 764 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 06:08 AM
    They've carefully eliminated every other possibility except this proven loser and the only person on Earth who engages in even more inappropriate cackling than you do. The CIA has guaranteed your tin god the popular vote. Why are your panties still in a knot? Do you just want to die of a stroke?
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 06:04 AM
    So you admit this guy is (still) a Democrat?
    15 replies | 764 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 05:25 AM
    No, you're not. That's not exactly news, slowpoke. And it really doesn't matter anyway. The "undecideds" you're talking about are just people who decided to hold their noses and vote for evil because the psyop carefully eliminated any alternative to these two proven losers. Hardly anything to brag about, unless you're just desperate for something nice to say about your Cult Daddy.
    334 replies | 22179 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 05:21 AM
    That's what you'd say if he went out on Fifth Ave. and started randomly murdering people.
    15 replies | 764 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 05:20 AM
    Like when he abrogated our treaty with the country? You know. The one Israel wasn't overly fond of. Come on, man. Trump made "anything Israel wants" a campaign promise. When did you stop believing those? Those aren't the kind of "facts" a sycophant is supposed to ignore.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 05:13 AM
    That's nonsense, if it was true we would have gone to war with Iran. Dubya was a staunch supporter of all of Israel's peccadilloes, but hard as he and Cheney tried, they couldn't get people interested enough in a war with Iran to get it kicked off. So how do you figure that's evidence of, well, anything whatsoever? Just because something doesn't make sense to you surely does not mean it's nonsensical. They both are. Satan is an EOE. Just because you think there can be only one does not mean that either Obama or McCain wasn't "the" satanist candidate, that either Dubya's Daddy or Clinton wasn't "the" satanist candidate...
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-12-2024, 04:45 AM
    This is an Alex Jones/Roger Stone video. Where are the libertarians?
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • Theocrat's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 08:39 PM
    If you're voting for Trump, then don't complain about the conflicts in the Middle East and Israel's campaign to wipe out an entire demographic due to their ethnicity. Trump is a staunch supporter of aiding Israel in all of her military campaigns.
    89 replies | 2288 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 08:24 PM 1833842044256780393
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    09-11-2024, 08:17 PM
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    Aw, thank you! : ) Very kind of you to say that.
  2. Dammit Pete, I'd do you in a heartbeat.
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    Yeah he was upset he didn't get a chance to see you. You're a good guy, Pete, don't let this keep you down.
  5. I have a really good book on the subject if you should ever want any additional info, I really should scan the whole thing but sending e-copies, well--you know.
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    Your inbox is full, so I'm leaving my message here:
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    In Liberty,
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    i don't troll politcal forums, i'm not andrew breitbart
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    Hey, Pete, here's the link where I picked up the Holder story:

    lots of info there

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    nvm. found it. was "Cuddy"!! last name of the author. duh.
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    howdy... i'm trying to find one of the links you posted awhile back... has "cuddlynwo" or some such in the addy. can't find it. can you send it to me, pretty please??? enlightening a new Ron Paul supporter who asked to be enlightened.
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