11-08-2024, 08:48 AM
Tell white men they're colonizers, rapists, and killers and they won't vote for you.
Tell white women that crying for help when being attacked or threatened by black men is murder and racist, that they're 'Karents', that they're single-handedly responsible for the continuation of slavery, and that they deserved to be locked in vulnerable spaces with men in dresses that they cannot offend by asserting themselves, and they won't vote for you.
Tell black people that they're obligated to vote for you because of JFK even though they do nothing to earn that vote and they won't vote for you.
There's a recurring pattern here of the left burning bridges wherever they go. If you tell people they're bad because of their gender, race, sexuality, or whatever you've made up on the top of your head, guess what? They aren't going to give you their vote!
We have this problem in liberty-minded circles, too. If you constantly berate women or look down on them, they won't give us their vote.
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