09-29-2024, 07:05 PM
If you have watched any of the interviews from the work done by MuckRaker.com that went door to door to find the missing children, the people they were turned over do reported that "they just gave the child away" like they were PETS. No identification, one signature (that was probably FAKE) and they do not give a fuck if its HUMAN LIFE. So yes, the number of small children that have gone missing has gone up, by at LEAST 325,000, and likely closer to a MILLION. Thats ONE MILLION HUMAN BEINGS. Children of immigrants.
Is this what we are supposed to be REPLACED WITH? Immoral Illegal Immigrants who have literally now SACRIFICED THEIR OWN CHILDREN to our Pedo Network in order to get FREE ACCESS TO YOUR SHIT!
Thats their Wealth Redistribution, you work hard, you earn your stuff, then they FIRE YOU, give the illegal YOUR JOB, then you cant pay your mortgage on your house so they foreclose on your house and they literally give the illegal YOUR HOUSE AND YOUR JOB.
See, a Democracy might sort of work with a MORAL MAJORITY. What we have coming in does NOT REPRESENT ANY MORALITY when they are LITERALLY SACRIFICING THE LIVES OF THEIR CHILDREN. Then our society collapses under the weight of its ENTITLEMENTS and we have actual and literal CANNIBALISM.
And they seriously want us to all sit by idly while they implement their paradise? Their paradise is FUCKING HELL ON EARTH.
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