11-29-2024, 07:20 PM
The thing is if a white person wants to live around others of his kind or prefers diversity, I don't care either way. But the woke people crying wolf and calling everything racist to kill genuine discussion is why we are where we are. Discuss the merits of ones opinions, but knock of the labeling. And I hope everyone finds peace where they live.
I'm not a cheerleader. Them's fightin' words lol. It's probably the main reason why I'm responding to you, but I wasn't going to acknowledge Invisy making that dumbass remark. I like discussing the merits or lack of merits in an argument. We know your beliefs, and I don't care. I respect honesty. I respected Juleswin having the balls to use Che Guevara for an avatar on this forum. I would have had respect for Zippy if he had a Hillary avatar rather than pretending to be a freedom fighter. We don't need to name call. I don't bring up Invisible's sect of Christianity everytime he posts. I don't care. What difference does a label mean? A label's sole purpose is to end a discussion. And that's why things are so F---ed right now. No one speaks their mind these days. I find that behavior especially disgusting on this forum.
I respect that you're friends. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but for me personally, when a person misrepresents what another man says and believes, continually and tactically rather than an occasional slip in a passionate argument, I can't help but wonder what else they are purposefully misrepresenting.
That all said, on a personal front, I am kicking an addiction. Nothing serious, but the check valve on my sarcasm has been out the window in the last week or so since I quit. Unfortunately, I am having way too much fun being a complete jackass right now. Usually, I like to point out an inconsistency and leave it at that rather than jumping in. Although I am staying within the rules of the forum, I have blown through my own personal set of rules for etiquette. After tonight, I'm going to step away from the internet for a while. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving weekend.
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