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  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-27-2024, 04:08 PM
    Homeschool FTW. “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” — Harry Truman And it starts with Public Education where children are taught with careful hands that theres no such thing as two genders, 1 + 1 = 11, CO2 is bad, and to worship the ground that govt stands upon. Public Education DIVIDES FAMILIES by teaching children that the STATE is their family, not their mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters.
    50 replies | 4667 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-27-2024, 04:00 PM
    Return? Choice of words from King Propaganda NYT implies nukes came FROM Ukraine. No. Biden is the one that WANTS TO START NUCLEAR WAR. Look, World War 3 is now OFFICIAL. We are in it. Just pray it DOES NOT go NUCLEAR. These insane mother fuckers will DESTROY THE WORLD before they willingly surrender CONTROL OF THE WHITE HOUSE.
    30 replies | 4598 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-27-2024, 03:58 PM
    Hope like hell this one isnt another idiot Vaxtermination Shot Pushing Lockdown Maskwearing Demanding Censoring Asshat dipshit.
    25 replies | 494 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-20-2024, 12:19 PM Wont be long until NUKES are launched. I think Putin may be leaning on HOPE that we get Biden OUT ASAP to end this. The Biden (Obama) regime is CLINICALLY INSANE AND WANT WWIII so they can keep Trump out of office and keep what little power we they have left, or to look at getting nuked as a "good thing" because it destroys evidence of their crimes. We need to remove BIDEN ASAP. He can not authorize ACT OF WAR. Only CONGRESS declares war. WORLD WAR 3 IS ANOTHER FALSE FLAG.
    3 replies | 259 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-17-2024, 10:21 PM
    68 replies | 2291 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-17-2024, 07:56 PM
    The Dems expect that they have to BLACKMAIL everyone or achieve their unpopular goals by COERCION. They have lost their ability to leverage. And they are brain dead enough that they think if they cant leverage something, it can not be achieved. They know they are unpopular, mostly because it benefits them disproportionately. They think the only way to get what they want is to threaten people with INJUSTICE, in the mean while, if we survive (nuclear war at this very moment is a very strong possibility) they will be brought to JUSTICE. REAL JUSTICE.
    21 replies | 989 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-17-2024, 04:30 PM
    WWIII Alert: Biden Officially Greenlights The Bombing of Russia With Long-Range Missiles By NATO — This Is A Transparent Attempt To Escalate The Ukraine War Before Trump Takes Office They would rather destroy the entire world than to be sentenced for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
    68 replies | 2291 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-17-2024, 12:57 AM
    Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. This is a mistake. Dont interrupt them. The DEEP STATE is exposing itself. Now we know exactly who to arrest and charge with TREASON AND SEDITION.
    21 replies | 989 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-17-2024, 12:48 AM
    DamianTV replied to a thread An apology in U.S. Political News
    Guns and Money have serial numbers. Yet it they want to PROHIBIT serial numbers for MAIL IN BALLOTS. Evidence of INTENT TO COMMIT FRAUD.
    219 replies | 17611 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-16-2024, 10:45 PM
    INFOWARS IS BACK So what happened is the Judge blocked the sale that was masquerading as an auction. Auction Fraud, felony offense. --- EDIT: Additional note, The Onion is also in bankruptcy and has been sold several times over the last few years. It is also apparently illegal to take a bankruptcy settlement and use that in an auction for another bankruptcy.
    5 replies | 338 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-16-2024, 07:41 PM
    This is exactly why the people are so pissed. We do not answer to them. The people that will be on this cabinet will demand that we answer to them. We will be reminding them soon that its shit like this THEY ANSWER TO US.
    21 replies | 989 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-16-2024, 11:12 AM
    Bill Maher, sponsored by PFizer. Pretty much says it all.
    31 replies | 3680 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-15-2024, 11:43 AM
    More Lawfare. Infowars is not just a website. It IS Alex Jones and the now 100 million daily viewers audience. Getting rid of the website does not do anything to "cancel the people".
    5 replies | 338 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-14-2024, 10:39 PM is now OFFLINE. They are STILL broadcasting. Here is the FULL SHOW of SHUTDOWN as it happens. For those of you that dont think this is serious, Alex Jones is right. He is the canary in the coalmine. First InfoWars goes down. Then then come after YOU. I still maintain that Demoncrats will not surrender the White House without last minute last ditch efforts so they dont go to jail. They dont care if it kills people for them to stay in power. Democrats I honestly believe will do ANYTHING INCLUDING NUCLEAR WAR.
    5 replies | 338 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-11-2024, 10:46 PM
    Rand just isnt Ron. They have been bringing in Ron Paul tho for advice, so almost seems like he is as active as he can be again!
    14 replies | 1243 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-11-2024, 10:11 PM
    Im at the point that I would bet money they wont. Pretty sure they will accuse Russia of installing Trump, refuse to certify and turn around and certify Kamel-toe instead. I seriously do not think we will get them out of the office WITHOUT VIOLENCE. I really really hope like hell I am wrong. Bear in mind they are now going to have to CHEAT LIKE THEIR LIVES DEPEND ON IT, BECAUSE THEY DO, and thats why they wont.
    2 replies | 610 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-11-2024, 09:27 PM
    Im willing to bet NO. Why? Might as well shoot themselves. They know damn good and well that they are GOING TO PRISON FOR FRAUD. Or they will find their heads on the end of pig poles. Now, with that out of the way, WHAT DO WE DO WHEN THEY REFUSE TO CERTIFY?
    2 replies | 610 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-11-2024, 09:21 PM
    DamianTV replied to a thread It's Trump. in U.S. Political News
    Im good! Hope everyone else here except the trolls are doing good too! Just been busy with life... How are things here?
    60 replies | 5132 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 11:27 PM
    They just played that video on InfoWars. Alex did not say anything about it being a deep fake. I am pretty confident this is real. For what its worth, ten bucks says YOUTUBE WILL CENSOR THAT VIDEO.
    31 replies | 3653 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 10:36 PM
    Thats exactly why LEOs should KNOW to look for. If they see Aqua Tofana and have no idea what it means, Psycho Fucktard Karen could very well get away with murder. Just like "cheese pizza" is a term that does not set off anyones radar until we were made aware that CP = Cheese Pizza and "Child Porn".
    15 replies | 1577 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 10:00 PM
    Just posted this video on Aqua Tofana in Off Topic thread...
    15 replies | 1577 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 09:04 PM
    RJB - Your inbox is full! If anyone else finds someone elses inbox is full, feel free to post here!
    3 replies | 425 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 08:54 PM Just watch the video, its less than 2 minutes. Plainly said Giulia Tofana is responsible for the deaths of over 600 abusive husbands in 17th century Italy. She crafted poison from belladonna flowers and other toxins and would sell her product by work of mouth to women in "need". Her poison was called Aqua Tofana. The doctors of the day were unable to determine cause of death. Why is this relevant today? Because we have a bunch of DIPSHIT KARENS in the world who think themselves abused and are so mentally unstable they may very well start trying to poison men based on the ideas of Giulia Tofana. Any LEOs that read this that are aware of suspicious deaths with no clear cause of death, start looking for types of poisons used by Psycho Karens in Modern Aqua Tofana toxin recipes.
    1 replies | 325 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 08:38 PM
    Last post with that updated map I think is more accurate than my initial post. Theres a few states that read as "ID Required" and "Non Photo ID Required". The majority however do indicate a very strong trend of "NO ID" and Klamydia winning.
    31 replies | 3936 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 08:34 PM
    What was that? Oh is someone on my IGNORE LIST for being a MARXIST TROLL? I will NEVER CONFORM TO YOUR DEMANDS THAT I SILENCE MYSELF BECAUSE YOU FUCKING SAID SO OR TRY TO QUESTION. Dont go acting like you are the AUTHORITY of what is PERMITTED TO BE SPOKEN. I do not take marching orders from you nor any other TROLL. I will continue to post WHAT EVER THE FUCK I WANT WHEN EVER THE FUCK I WANT TO. Now, I may be communicating in a FONT that is beyond his cognitive abilities. Do we have a CRAYON font that I can make this more clear for trolls to read?
    31 replies | 3936 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-10-2024, 06:40 PM
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  • DamianTV's Avatar
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  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-08-2024, 11:43 PM
    Still trying to imply white people have white privilege. No we fucking dont. (in regards to LA Times article)
    33 replies | 2867 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-08-2024, 10:58 PM
    DamianTV replied to a thread An apology in U.S. Political News
    Lets explain this with pictures... Yes, they PRINTED 10 MILLION FRAUDULENT VOTES for Biden.
    219 replies | 17611 view(s)
  • DamianTV's Avatar
    11-08-2024, 10:07 AM
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Is a Future Revolution Possible Without Privacy?

by DamianTV on 03-11-2013 at 02:16 PM
(This was a post that I slightly edited to make sense by itself. The original post is here.)

Very few people are looking toward the Future when Privacy is Impossible. But if Privacy is completely gone, will a Revolution even be possible?

Google GlASS might be able to record what you do right now as a video, but this will only be the first in a long series of progressively privacy invading advancements. One of them inevitably will be Google Contact Lenses. However,

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