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  • Working Poor's Avatar
    Today, 05:42 PM
    Fortunately I have a solar generator so I was ale to keep my fridge on and I have a good variety of solar lights. The power and internet was off for 6 days. I had to go to walmart parking lot to call my son on my cell phone which never works at my home. I live on a creek and it rose up pretty high my house sits near the top of a hill I could see the water but it remained over 100 yards away from my home. About 20 huge trees fell we could hear them falling but none hit the house. I am hoping to maybe get some of them milled to use for projects around my house. I am grateful that all we had was some inconvenience.
    4 replies | 48 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 02:37 PM
    I didn't say all Muslims, certainly not all Iranian Muslims, but it seems to be a majority of those in Gaza and a decent amount of the more extreme believers in other places.
    52 replies | 1229 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 02:32 PM
    Certainly not the people living in Israel.. I also think Mossad was involved in 9/11. But so was the CIA.. and Saudi Intelligence.. maybe even MI6, who knows. Again, that's not the people living in Israel, the Jews, the Christians, the US or even Saudi Arabia or the UK.
    52 replies | 1229 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Today, 11:26 AM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Today, 11:17 AM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Today, 11:16 AM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Today, 11:14 AM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Today, 11:13 AM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Today, 11:04 AM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Today, 08:44 AM
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  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Today, 08:22 AM
    Tariffs are a tax. Conservatives oppose tariffs.
    2 replies | 96 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 05:26 AM
    Or he just supports Israel.
    10 replies | 313 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 04:24 AM
    TheCount linked to Vance's dossier from the Trump campaign on another thread. I doubt you read the hundreds of pages, but let me quote this part for you, there is actually quite a bit in there on this topic: If you can't find that to be highly preferable to our other options, I really don't know what to say.
    10 replies | 313 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 04:06 AM
    Or did they? Where's the puke emoji?? Peter is optimistically hoping the government didn't hire almost a million new people in September, that they are just faking that number to fudge the unemployment rate with the upcoming election. However, if they legitimately hired that many people, then of course that's even WORSE!! As the zerohedge article explains, the number Peter mentions first, 785k, is the seasonally adjusted number, the second biggest seasonally adjusted month in history, only second to a COVID related month. The actual raw non-adjusted number was like 950k, which IS a record.. The way Peter explains it will blow your mind, and maybe somebody else you know who is still in the matrix. Earlier in the podcast he mentions that this is effectively the last jobs report before the election.. technically there is one more on Nov 1st, but then we have the weekend and the election is on Tuesday, so not a lot of time for the media to respond and set the narrative, this jobs report will set the main narrative going into the election. Then maybe they can keep that last one on the down low for a couple working days.
    0 replies | 61 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 01:33 AM
    Adam Dick ain't no Ron Paul.. That statement actually sounded eerily similar to what Ron Paul has said about Israel in the past. Which is that we should stop funding Israel, then it is up to them to do what they think they need to do to defend themselves. The author here took a vague statement made by Vance about supporting our allies and did some mind-reading to conclude that he meant use all of our military might and send all of our soldiers to do whatever Israel wants us to do..
    10 replies | 313 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Today, 01:24 AM
    This is the problem, you don't separate the Iranian people from the Iranian government. The fact that Netanyahu did just that means a lot, he's saying the people of Iran are good, the government is bad. The fact he is using libertarianesque/nationalist arguments toward the Iranian people (don't send your money off to fund wars and terrorism far away, keep it and make your own country better) sounds pretty good to me. I have no idea, he also said he is friends with school shooters. What are you talking about? I didn't say I'm going to go to your house with a gun and take your money and send it to Israel. I'm not even talking about sending my money to Israel. It's more like rooting for a football team, I'm going to root for the good (or at least, better) guys who aren't trying to wipe out the other side.. who aren't going in to massacre peaceful people at a music festival, etc..
    52 replies | 1229 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:27 PM
    Show me where any Muslim leaders are making statements like this about Israel... 1840740049299583355
    52 replies | 1229 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:21 PM
    Lol, pretty sure you have it backwards. The Palestinians want to completely eradicate the Jews from Israel and get "their" land "Palestine" back which they believe belongs all to them. I've had a shifting opinion on this over the years. I used to really like Ahmadinejad. I think he's right about a lot of things and wrong about a lot of things. But he is very intellectual and I feel like I could actually sit down and have a reasonable discussion about our disagreements. I have yet to see anyone else like that in their leadership. I doubt you could have an honest conversation with any of them. It wasn't long ago, a little over a year, I thought Israel needed to play nice too, but when Hamas went in and started slaughtering a bunch of hippies at a music festival, civilians, women and children, I'm done. I've seen what the kids in Palestine learn, they are infected with a virus. The majority of Palestinians are infected with this virus, and I don't know if there is a cure. Some Israelis are pretty extreme as well, but at least when they would go to bomb civilian buildings that housed Hamas military and equipment, they would flare the building, announce the bombing.. then Hamas would hold the civilians hostage inside the building to die, so they could use the deaths as propaganda to get more funding from Arab nations, whose goal is to eradicate Israel.
    52 replies | 1229 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:32 PM
    Didn't Ron Paul vote excitedly for Reagan on his first run? I think he was less excited in 1984.
    14 replies | 312 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:30 PM
    Scott Adams, who did test at genius levels on the IQ test, voted for Jimmy Carter in in 1976. Like you, he no longer votes, but for different reasons. Jimmy Carter was such a bad President, he felt somewhat responsible for choosing such a horrendous candidate and decided he wasn't fit to make those kinds of important decisions. However he does advocate for candidates, like Trump, for those who are willing to throw their hat in the ring.
    14 replies | 312 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:25 PM
    Whiskey and cigars.
    49 replies | 5155 view(s)
  • Matt Collins's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:05 PM
    My point exactly
    14 replies | 312 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:16 PM
    Certainly not if it falls under first amendment protected speech.
    49 replies | 5155 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:12 PM
    Lol, more like the "Brain Damage Report", holy shit...
    11 replies | 1353 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:35 PM
    Yes, it's ALWAYS been expected that AJ will win on appeal.. after they sell all his shit, of course.. what recourse does he have at that point? I was hoping you would continue to listen to more of the podcast I posted, Barnes goes into detail about why the families should be suing the shit out of their attorneys, and he has offered to do just that for them. They could make a lot more money if they were able to get some of the profits from the company, rather than just hock the camera equipment.. but the parents want Infowars shut down.. but the whole point of the courts being involved, as I understand it, is to maximize the amount of money the families receive, not decide whether the business should be shut down - assuming that significantly reduces the amount of money they can get.. plus there is the case in the other state, what about those families? What is their recourse if the business gets sold by the parties in the other case? Do they all split it? Apparently Media Matters is planning to offer a bid for infowars, as sort of a "trophy". However, Roger Stone and friends are putting together a plan to buy as well, and keep AJ as an employee who unfortunately makes veeeerrrryyy little money on his W-2 to garnish.
    49 replies | 5155 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:29 PM
    LOL... some attorney you are.. If it had ANY basis in the default judgement, then it is not only relevant to the decision, but telling the whole thing is bullshit. Robert Barnes was one of the advisors/attorneys for Alex Jones before the case actually went to court, the media began running smear articles against him for being involved at all. I believe it was more of an advisory role. Barnes has been a close friend of AJ forever. Barnes told AJ to GTFO out Austin a long, long time ago, he told him it would end up backfiring being in a leftwing jurisdiction. Barnes runs this organization and does a lot of pro-bono work for people who have had their rights disregarded by the likes of you..
    49 replies | 5155 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 05:42 PM
    Ya you have TDS because you can never admit that Trump did something good. Pretty sure jmdrake has. Even TDS sufferers might reluctantly admit he did something good, but then come back with "but he's a nazi and wants to destroy muh democracy!!"
    920 replies | 86713 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 03:41 PM
    Incorrect.. People with TDS can't think straight when it comes to any subject that is related to Trump. They will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to make sure they fit within the media narrative. I don't think I accused you of having TDS, did I? Maybe.. but I don't think so. You're more borderline TDS. This issue you seem to be obtuse on because you think it is something to do with race.. when a good portion of the best witnesses we have are actually african american.
    920 replies | 86713 view(s)
  • dannno's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 03:32 PM
    If 90% of the deaths were not COVID, would it still be classified as a pandemic? COVID FRAUD: Legal Challenges Claiming ~90% of COVID Deaths FAKED by Hospitals
    9 replies | 333 view(s)
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