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  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 07:37 PM
    :up: It would have even been funnier if Larken had mentioned "He was sent by God" :tears:
    8 replies | 5 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 07:35 PM
    I thought voting was a pointless exercise in futility? I mean, I know you hate this nation and the people in it, so I can understand you wanting to cast a vote to cause the maximum amount of pain, but again, I thought it was pointless? Why is a vote for Trump giving your tacit approval to a corrupt system, but not a vote for Kamala?
    2867 replies | 274408 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 07:30 PM
    I just might consider voting Kamala if only for this very reason, cause there ain't no way on this planet that I will ever vote for Trumptard: Elon: "Do you really think the Biden Administration is going to subsidize me?"
    2867 replies | 274408 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 07:25 PM 1844015525795700872
    2867 replies | 274408 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 07:23 PM 1844113704746615286
    3326 replies | 343593 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 07:16 PM
    I don't want to be the only one getting shot in the head. But if there were say, 2% of the people who would actually do that, sign me up!!! Except, the ones voting for Trump would never even consider that, due to they are still voting him even knowing how much he spent the last time. So why would they not want to pay taxes? Maybe Anti Federalist can take the OP Video challenge?
    8 replies | 5 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 07:14 PM
    It has been a while since there's been any kind of organized tax protest. Whiskey Rebellion the most recent one? Hmm.
    8 replies | 5 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 07:11 PM
    :up: Can you imagine though, if even just 1/10 of the Trump-Humpers actually did that? That would be a test in itself to see how much the Trump-Humpers really do want less government = 0.
    8 replies | 5 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 07:07 PM
    Reporting Larken by the way for encouraging others to not file taxes
    8 replies | 5 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 07:07 PM
    I would never begin to imagine Trump is fighting for freedom. Trump fights for his own ego. Any extent that Trump's fight for his own ego ends up aligning with the fight for freedom, is a superficial coincidence at best.
    8 replies | 5 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 07:06 PM
    Check this out, it's a really great question :tears: :
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 07:03 PM
    Didn't say you was a liar. Not even saying CC's a liar, but his statement is not an accurate representation of the truth. I've never advocated for anyone's liberty be stripped.
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 06:59 PM
    Sure, but don't call me a liar, because I despise liars, and I'm not one. :tears: In all fairness, I have what some would consider a photographic memory which is why I can pull things out of a hat so fast ;):tears:
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 06:57 PM
    Can't take a joke? =P
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 06:56 PM
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 06:51 PM
    You're +rep'ing a lie. I've never advocated anyone's liberty be stripped. Blame someone else for your slavery.
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 06:49 PM
    Was he? Damn. Good for him, was not aware. Yea, I would have assumed I would have seen a thread or something on this here.
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 06:48 PM
    At 2:40 to cut to the chase:
    8 replies | 5 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 06:14 PM
    Larken Rose actually stood up to the system to the point that he was imprisoned. Unfortunately, on this RPF, there are few to none who even care to acknowledge him. + REP
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 05:31 PM
    Don't sweat it, AF, your guy definitely has it wrapped up. A few more weeks from now you can crack open the beer cans, pop the champagne bottles and tell everybody "WE WON!!!". "Bait and Switch" Agenda 47 combined with Agenda 2030 will finally be realized! And you and your offspring will get to pay for it all while being rolled out :up::) No worries, just like OWS, they'll blame the democrats for that too ;)
    6 replies | 133 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 05:25 PM
    I ain't got no magic left. Nobody wants to listen to a word I got to say about anything. Maybe Danke can do something.
    6 replies | 133 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 05:18 PM
    What can I say? Then vote for Trump! Don't forget that sticker :up: Plus, who else will subsidize Elon if not Trump? :up: :seenoevil::hearnoevil::speaknoevil:
    6 replies | 133 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 04:38 PM
    I would also add that I have never advocated for any Liberty to be stripped. You have accused me of that but it's simply not true. There is nothing "liberty stripping" about closing off free trade. You interpret it to be that way because you are locked in a mindset of the status quo where we are all slaves. But in a theoretical world which does not exist and probably will never exist*, there is the possibility to have voluntary societies that choose to voluntarily close themselves off from trade. That - and only that - is what I have ever advocated for. I have always - always - supported the right to secede. At every level. Whatever policy choices I prefer - free trade or otherwise - I always support your right to take your ball and go home. So don't give me this shit about me advocating for liberty to be stripped. (* And it never will exist, because as pointed above, we are all cowards)
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 04:31 PM
    There is no difference at all. We can either address the root issue - which we refuse to do - or we can keep applying sub-standard patch fixes to try keep our slavery running as smoothly as possible. If you're not willing to do what needs to be done, you have no right to accuse others of wanting to apply patch fixes that don't address the root issue. If patch fixes keep us comfortable, I'll keep doing that. Regardless of whatever high horse morals you claim to hold.
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 04:31 PM
    We really have to do something about Wisconsin! Encourage everybody, donate more, get out that vote! We need TO ELIMINATE more "efficient government"! Elon: "If Trump Loses, This Is the Last Election! Do you really think the Biden Administration is going to subsidize me?" Trump says Elon Musk has agreed to lead proposed government efficiency commission as ex-president unveils new economic plans January 2024 - Elon Musk’s Neuralink Has Implanted Its First Chip in a Human Brain. What’s Next?
    6 replies | 133 view(s)
  • CCTelander's Avatar
    Today, 04:26 PM
    There is a VAST difference between giving in to one’s self-preservation instincts and grudgingly complying with SOME of the bullshit so as not to wind up dead or in prison, which you are correct in saying all of us do to one extent or another, and publicly advocating that more of those “essential Libert” be stripped away for the sake of your own temporary safety, which is what you’ve been doing. If you can’t see that difference, well, then I feel sorry for you. Carry on.
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 04:14 PM
    GA 49.3 47.8 Trump +1.5 NC 49.0 48.4 Trump +0.6 PA 48.3 48.1 Trump +0.2 AZ 49.0 47.6 Trump +1.4 WI 48.2 48.7 Harris +0.5 MI 48.5 48.0 Trump +0.5
    6 replies | 133 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 04:12 PM
    I would also add, it's pretty hard for anyone on this forum to try to act like they deserve to even play this high horse card. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU ARE COWARDS WHO GIVE UP THEIR ESSENTIAL LIBERTY EVERY DAY IN ORDER TO PURCHASE A LITTLE TEMPORARY SAFETY. EVERY DAY. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. At least I can admit it.
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 04:04 PM 1843759138997973233 Also, he gets cramping and a menstrual cycle. 1843761283579216345
    0 replies | 39 view(s)
  • TheTexan's Avatar
    Today, 03:54 PM
    If we assume that these are the only two outcomes possible, the first is definitely more preferable: 1) A full-on fascist regional government 2) A full-on fascist one world government It is what it is. Play your high horse cards all you want, but it doesn't change the answer to the above question. You can call it a false dichotomy if you want - and it certainly is. It absolutely is. But that's not the point. Between those 2 options, the preferred answer should be obvious.
    111 replies | 2462 view(s)
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    Wasn't Brigham Young a supporter of slavery on account of the whole curse of Ham shtick? Just saying.
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    I know you mean well, but I'd appreciate it if you would avoid engaging people like Sola in this thread who are clearly only there to be rude and derail. Perhaps take it to PMs or another thread. Thanks! ~hugs~
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