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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 10:35 AM
    And I say the egg came long before the chicken.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • PAF's Avatar
    Today, 09:23 AM
    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jmdrake again." I have no problem with "open borders" not an "open" border, but rather a closed one, where they are forced to become "legal/documented" subjects/slaves of the state]. What I am against is the government using tax payer money to give them free transportation/other.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:19 AM
    Could have been a mod split. They do that from time to time when the topic becomes the Distraction de Jure. They generally only add to the title when it's people misbehaving.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:16 AM
    21 replies | 353 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 09:15 AM
    FWIW, I honestly don't recall starting this thread. I posted the screenshot in the OP in another thread, but I do not recall starting this one. And I agree, Harris's support of late term abortion is repugnant, I don't think that gets "traction" because it's, among the people here anyway, pretty much an assumed opinion. Want engagement? Post about that to a bunch of leftist white women.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 09:06 AM
    Shhh. Haven't you heard? By His own Actions thou shalt not judge Trump. That's some genuine White Woman Logic right there.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 09:02 AM
    Pay no mind to the cats, just eat your dirt. 1834041376457068701
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 09:01 AM
    When have I ever said that Trump was my "savior? Where have I done anything more than mildly support him, based on five specific policy items I hope he will accomplish?
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 08:59 AM
    Swordsmyth agrees with you. He's happy to declare Miss Lindsay Graham "an unamerican" and deport it, while declaring Lily the Chinawoman to be as wholesome as apple pie and generously letting her stay because she's more committed to America's founding principles than he is. He just has three problems that keep him from truly being based. He trusts Trump to pick the right person to separate the wheat from the chaff. He actually seems to think he's the right person to play god, and Trump could do worse than pick him. And he doesn't see or doesn't care that government would still retain that power long after Trump's dead. But in the meantime he will settle for what he thinks he can get, and if that means just those born elsewhere, he figures that'll save him the inconvenience of teaching them the American way of life.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 08:57 AM
    I can and I will even of the one's I know personally,
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 08:42 AM 1835690257242562580
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  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 08:27 AM
    Yes, we are. We've got a bunch of McClellan's who should be fired and replaced with Grants and Shermans. We're killing with drugs and suicide and genocide by replacement, the people that are needed to build the bombers and the bombs to take out the Panzer factory. Hiring a bunch of invaders to work your stamp presses is not going to solve the problem, as they have no loyalty to this nation or the proposition that is supposed to support it. Other than a quick buck, they have no dog in this hunt.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 08:12 AM
    Meh. One might as well say the same about expensive full service gas stations. If it's a service people are willing to pay for, it isn't the same as breaking windows to make work for glazers. When retailers start thinking carts left in the lot are "broken", they've lost sight of the point, and public service becomes a quaint memory. Want food prices down? Fight the Fed, not some random grocery buyer.
    21 replies | 353 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 08:03 AM
    "We can't bomb the factory where Panzer tanks are built because we're too busy fighting Panzers." Then we're piss poor generals determined to lose this war. And that's why we have to go directly after them, even if it means not shooting at their human shields to conserve ammo. Only a fool lets his enemy define the battle. You're more interested in the busy-work our enemy is assigning us to do than the real enemy, and Swordsmyth just wants to be appointed as a god so he can sift the population like flour. Hard pass on both plans.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
    Today, 07:50 AM
    Yes, these men are dangerous lunatics and must be dealt with. We, meaning whites and allies who oppose them, can not do so if we must fight a daily guerilla war on the streets and be inundated by an unwholesome flood of sub 70 IQ invaders being airdropped as biological weapons into our communities. That is the reason that every single one of those men you mentioned support and fund open border immigrant invasion. Because that invading force protects and provides cover for them.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:44 AM
    It's good to live in Flyover Country. Not every fad that people on the coasts get their panties in a knot over survives long enough to make it this far inland.
    21 replies | 353 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:22 AM
    The perfect is the enemy of the good, jmdrake. And this self-styled perfect person, who can't even reconcile how RFKJr can simultaneously be a CIA plant and proof Trump loves us and wants us to be healthy, is perfectly willing to get rid of everything that makes both Christianity and the USA civil, merciful and good in order to perfect them both. Gotta pass unconstitutional executive orders to get them overturned. Never mind that you don't need them overturned if you don't pass them. Herd Mentality: The justification of hypocrisy. Please!! Won't somebody think of the kittens!?! I was looking for the famous Bill Cosby routine about his dad, who used to carry his cart because carts have "woogity woogity wheels". Wanted to post that to the cartnapper thread, but can't find that classic comedy because Cosby got "unpersoned" by the Cadre of Shitlibs. And what do I find in this thread? A Shitcon who wants to do the exact same shit in the name of the other herd.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • fisharmor's Avatar
    Today, 07:13 AM
    The best place, of course, is the "reserved for law enforcement" spots. I never return my cart and I can't tell if you're kidding but I'm not.
    21 replies | 353 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:13 AM
    If all 330,000,000 of us move out and leave you the mainland all to yourself, do you promise to turn all the lights off and let all the cats out before you die?
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • TheCount's Avatar
    Today, 07:10 AM
    This is what tribalism does to a person
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  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 07:08 AM
    And here again we have the cultist logic that because I can't deny that Lindsay Graham was born in the U.S. and is therefore (by any rational definition of the adjective) American I must love the guy. He's a celebrity so I either have to love him or call him a cotton pickin' black North Korean sharecropper. Nothing is about reality any more, everything one utters must clearly identify which herd you run with. And we complain about leftists changing the meaning of words. This guy's not only using the adjective "unamerican" as a noun, he's applying it to the native born. And we can't make heaven on earth because none of us are God. You are arguing that somebody -- Trump, maybe, or more likely you yourself -- should be allowed to play God. Gee, I can't understand why you're running into so much resistance.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:48 AM
    Yes, I know. You're just like both the Trump and Biden regime, trying to charge Assange with treason against a country where he isn't even a citizen. You are so power mad you want to be Minister of the No True Scotsman Fallacy, and sole arbiter of who is, and who isn't, American. Which alt-MSM outlet is it that recently taught you to use "unamerican" as a noun? And, of course, you have to be uncivilized to maintain civilization, right? Are you trying to tell us civilization is built on hypocrisy?
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:42 AM
    And of course we need more tyranny in order to defeat tyranny. Those who worship tyrants think that goes without saying. They'll call you mad for showing signs of confusion on that point.
    69 replies | 3584 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:33 AM
    Lindsey Graham was born in South Carolina. Collectivist say what?
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:30 AM
    Haven't you heard? If you admit that the broken clock is, right this one minute, correct, you're a broken clock. Sometimes you just have to deny reality for a minute and lie "for the team". No wonder humanity is being dragged into WWIII against our will. Half or more of humanity is willing to deny reality "for the team", for fear of being mistaken for someone from the wrong herd.
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:23 AM
    Bunk? Which part is bunk? He says Asians cause less trouble, yet you don't want to see them coming, and you say, "Bunk. They cause less trouble, but they still degrade western civilization." Okay. Now. You just confirmed everything he said. Where's the bunk?
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • acptulsa's Avatar
    Today, 06:14 AM
    Meh. This is just another example of how the Right is being led around by the nose just like the Left is. Journalists are being quietly arrested while Musk is getting his platform banned in one South American country and Tim Pool is driving his ratings up talking about SWAT by means if audio/video equipment they did not seize. Not only does this stuff give these guys "street cred", it creates a whole mass of people who are underestimating what people like Assange, Snowden and Durov are going through. "Well, it's a bad thing, but nobody's getting arrested or killed, right?" Don't ask me, ask a Boeing whistleblower, or a pedo investigator like Anne Heche. Yeah, we forgot that name, didn't we? I'll trade a thousand hound dogs for a few dead pedo investigators brought back to life. They've made a science of redirecting important conversations down back alleys which are relatively harmless to them. We got caught arresting Durov? Tell Pool it's SWAT time again! People figured out we're giving Bibi weapons enough to wipe out Palestinian Christians right along with the Muslims? Somebody's eating cats! Cats!! American cats!!
    304 replies | 5903 view(s)
  • Anti Federalist's Avatar
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    Wasn't Brigham Young a supporter of slavery on account of the whole curse of Ham shtick? Just saying.
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    I know you mean well, but I'd appreciate it if you would avoid engaging people like Sola in this thread who are clearly only there to be rude and derail. Perhaps take it to PMs or another thread. Thanks! ~hugs~
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