Today, 02:02 PM
Four years ago I was showing my daughter some historical presidential debates so she could see what it was supposed to be like, before we watched the shitshow that was Trump an Biden's debate.
One of them was Carter/Reagan in 1980.
It was a weird experience - knowing what I know now, and having no clue what the zeitgeist was in 1980 (I was six), going just by the debate we watched, I totally would have voted Carter.
The more I learn about him, the more I get the impression that he was a well-meaning person who was given a system that had only recently been unhinged from commodity money, at a point where it had already attracted a bunch of lampreys, and given a false mandate that he had to do something. And he did things, and he did things that some of those lampreys liked, but not enough of EXACTLY what they wanted, because he was using his judgment too.
I think he's gone down in history as being one of the worst probably only because he wasn't in synch with the parts of the deep state that were already in place. And I can't hold that against him.
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