Today, 11:15 AM
My opinions:
1) I don't understand why I need to care what's going on in Ukraine... I understand how we got to the point where I need to care, but my overarching goal, and I suspect the goal of most Americans, is for us to get back to a point where we don't have to care. This isn't a geopolitical issue if we don't participate. Therefore it's a national issue. And that national issue can be solved by finding the people who have put us into a position of needing to care about it, and excising them. I mean taking everything from them and destroying them publicly and watching them have to eat out of dumpsters for the remainder of their days would be nice, but at this point I'd accept paying them to fuck off into the sunset.
2) I don't understand why I need to care what's going on in Israel - as an American. Of course I care what goes on there, but I care as a Christian who knows there have been Christians living there for 2000 years, and who knows that Christians have actually owned the place on multiple occasions, and who knows that no discussion of "geopolitics" is ever going to include them. That's why I don't choose sides in the conflict: both sides are against my side.
Unfortunately I can't take the same position as I do on Ukraine... because one of those sides has infected the data stream with propaganda and also convinced everyone that if anyone ever says out loud "hey I think we should stop and think about what's going on without always resorting to screaming down counter points" then everyone needs to go full tribal and scream "ANTISEMITISM".
It naturally makes me want to take the other side, but I'm more familiar with the history the other side has with the Church over the last 1400 years and if I could choose one ideology to stamp out and remove from the Earth, it actually wouldn't be Communism, it'd be Islam.
Also, as a national issue, the entrenchment of the pro-Israel elements in our government is complete and as far as I can tell, totally irreversible, so it's not like I can dream about that happening like I can with Ukraine.
3) Regarding holy sites... yeah, nobody cares about them, least of all the Zionists. Even mainline non-Zionist protestants who visit the Holy Land don't even know about the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Roman Catholics might care if it got destroyed but they can't do anything about it, because they're having an existential crisis right now. They all thought they were safe and things were going to turn around under Benedict but have gotten a massive slap in the face wake up call from Francis. Maybe after all the boomers are dead they'll be able to start turning that ship around and get it to the point where they'd be able to do something about desecration of the holy sites but now ain't that time.
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