02-09-2025, 10:17 AM
1. Ron Paul knows AQ attacked us and AFAIK never seriously entertained any other conspiracy theories.
2. Your video of a disgruntled employee that was fired in 1989 provides zero proof. And once again you appear to be saying nothing should be done to the terrorists that attacked and killed Americans because the CIA helped them?
3. Ron Paul voted yes on the Afghanistan war authorization, and proudly declared in 2007 debate "I voted for that war!" So you are on the wrong forum if you think AQ killing thousands of Americans is perfectly fine because punishing them is exactly what the CIA wants??? Go start a forum for Barbara Lee since she was the only one in the house of representatives that voted no on the war authorization.
4. I'm not here to excuse innocent civilian deaths in Gaza. We know Hamas hides behind innocent civilians and they are responsible not only for killing Israelis but also of dictatorship and subjugation of the people of Gaza. Regardless, they are a bloodthirsty people that continue to support Hamas and attacking Israel. If Israel and Netanyahu control Hamas, why do the people of Gaza support Hamas, why does Iran support Hamas? You are saying Iran supports Israel's terrorists LOL. The bloodshed will not end for thousands of years until there is decisive victory by one side or the other. The historical record shows, when offered peace, the Muslims reject it time after time. What is the peace plan???
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