08-13-2024, 11:51 AM
A billion people heard DJT and Elon Musk discuss eliminating the department of education and returning it to the states.
When is the last time Rand talked about that or promoted it? Failure!
Rand could have courted Elon Musk and had a 2 hour liberty discussion viewed by hundreds of millions. Failure!
Rand could have ran in the presidential primary or promoted a liberty candidate alternative, yet he did nothing. Failure!
Rand could have attended the Republican National Convention and promoted liberty ideas and goals, and influence the next administration, yet he did nothing. Failure!
If you don't like Trump, thats fine. But if you won't even hold the people you do like accountable for their inaction, ineptitude, and incompetence, that rain cloud is over YOUR head, not mine.
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