Today, 07:29 AM
Work on your reading comprehension. Important parts in bold:
There is no indication that Trump’s relationship with Ukraine — which is at the center of his impeachment saga and an alleged quid pro quo involving military aid in exchange for pressure on a domestic political foe — has played a role in the rise in Ukrainian refugees admitted into the United States. But the demographic shift does appear to be the byproduct of Trump administration policies that have restricted access to the U.S. refu*gee program, experts said.
Trump has repeatedly stated his desire to block Muslim refugees and to prioritize persecuted Christians from around the world. And his administration has successfully implemented a travel ban and expanded vetting scrutiny for the nationals of several predominantly Muslim nationalities — a program that officials said could expand to bar people from additional countries this year.
The impact is clear: Though Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar and Somalia drive more than two-thirds of the international refu*gee crisis, now numbering more than 26 million according to the United Nations, Ukrainians in 2019 outnumbered Syrian refu*gee arrivals in the United States 8 to 1. They outnumbered Afghans nearly 4 to 1, Sudanese 12 to 1 and Somalis 19 to 1.
“This is unprecedented, and it represents a shift away from the refu*gee program’s historical foundation, which is a needs-based, vulnerability-based program,” said Nazanin Ash, vice president of public policy and advocacy for the International Rescue Committee. “There has been a reordering of the nationalities, and not on the basis of need. The administration’s policies lock out many of the most vulnerable refu*gee populations.”
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